
How can you tell if a man's semen quality is passing? Let's see if you meet these indicators!

author:Po talks about health

Semen quality is an important indicator that cannot be ignored when discussing male reproductive health. It is not only related to the health of men themselves, but also directly affects the possibility of childbearing. Here are 8 key indicators to assess semen quality to help men understand their fertility status.

How can you tell if a man's semen quality is passing? Let's see if you meet these indicators!

1. Semen volume

The normal semen volume should be between 1.5 and 6 ml. Too little semen volume can mean that there is a problem with the reproductive system, while too much can affect the concentration of sperm.

2. Color

Healthy semen is usually milky white or slightly yellow in color. If the semen appears yellow, it may be due to infection or inflammation; Red or brown may be a sign of hematospermia and require prompt medical attention.

3. Sperm concentration

Sperm concentration refers to the number of sperm per milliliter of semen. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard, the normal sperm concentration should be greater than 15 million/mL.

4. Sperm vitality

Motility refers to the motility of sperm. The more sperm that are active, the more likely it is to have children. Normally, the proportion of active spermatozoa should be more than 58%.

How can you tell if a man's semen quality is passing? Let's see if you meet these indicators!

5. Sperm morphology

The morphology of the sperm is crucial to its successful fertilization. The proportion of spermatozoa with normal morphology should be more than 4%, which indicates that the sperm is structurally intact and functioning normally.

6. Semen pH

The pH of semen is usually between 7.2 and 8.0. An abnormal pH may indicate an infection or other reproductive problems.

7. Semen viscosity

Normal semen will gel after ejaculation and then liquefy within 20 minutes. If semen does not liquefy for a long time, it may affect the motility of sperm.

8. White blood cell count

The number of white blood cells in the semen can reflect the health of the reproductive system. Too many white blood cells can indicate the presence of an infection.

How can you tell if a man's semen quality is passing? Let's see if you meet these indicators!

How to improve semen quality

Knowing these indicators, there are a few things men can do to improve semen quality:

  • Eat a healthy diet: Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help improve sperm quality.
  • Maintain an appropriate weight: Obesity may affect the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoke: Both smoking and drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • Reduced stress: Long-term stress may affect the secretion of reproductive hormones, which can affect sperm production.
  • Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise can improve overall health, but excessive exercise may adversely affect sperm quality.
  • Avoid hot environments: Prolonged exposure to hot environments, such as saunas or hot tubs, may temporarily reduce sperm production.

The assessment of semen quality is an important part of male reproductive health. Understanding these key indicators and taking appropriate steps can help men improve their fertility while also helping to maintain overall health. If you have any doubts about the quality of your semen, it is advisable to consult a medical professional for evaluation and guidance.

How can you tell if a man's semen quality is passing? Let's see if you meet these indicators!