
Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

author:Water cup entertainment
Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

Text: Water Cup Entertainment

Edit: Water Cup Entertainment


Xiaomi, have you ever heard of this brand? Oh yes, it's the brand that's known for its value for money and innovation.

It's not just about making mobile phones, it's also playing with cars, which sounds cool, right? However, there has been a big incident recently, which has made Xiaomi's reputation shaky.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

Have you heard of the Xiaomi SU7? Hey, don't think it's a new phone, it's actually a Xiaomi car, but it's not an ordinary car, and it also carries Xiaomi's usual "cost performance" and "innovation" labels.

However, there is a video that makes it very embarrassing.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

In the video, a Xiaomi SU7 owner actually found an amazing problem: the airbag on the side of the seat can be easily opened!

As soon as this news was exposed, the entire network was boiling, and the comment area exploded! Netizens have expressed their opinions.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

Some people sneered, saying that Xiaomi is really "on fire" now, but because there is a "bomb" in the car; Some people also question what happened to Xiaomi's quality control, and how can such loopholes allow them to pass the test?

Imagine that you are driving a Xiaomi SU7 car, and suddenly you accidentally touch the airbag on the side of the seat, only to find that it can be easily picked off, how would you feel? It might feel a little creepy.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

It's like you think it's a safe and reliable car, but when you check it and find that there is still such a problem hidden inside, you must be a little panicked.

Xiaomi has always called itself a "technology company", and has always attracted everyone's attention with the "cost performance" and "innovation" of its products.

However, if something like this happened this time, it is no wonder that it caused such a big sensation.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

After all, cars are no joke, and safety issues have to be taken seriously.

Therefore, Xiaomi is really making a lot of trouble this time.

It will take a lot of effort to restore consumer confidence.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

I hope that Xiaomi can solve this problem in a timely manner and not let consumers completely lose their trust in it.

After all, the credibility of an enterprise is won by sincerity and quality, which is a wrong step, a wrong rhythm, be careful, Xiaomi!

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

Xiaomi's justification and the blogger's questioning

Xiaomi is really a fiery eye! As soon as the video came out, they quickly sent a spokesman to respond, claiming that the side of the seat was not closed for safety reasons, and there was no quality problem at all.

They threw the responsibility far away, and said that the video was fake, what a story of twists and turns!

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

They are quite confident that the seats of Xiaomi cars are equipped with various safety facilities as standard, which are fully in line with industry standards.

Look, no, they also deliberately emphasized that all indicators have passed strict quality control.

Sounds quite confident, as if they really don't have any problems.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

However, just when Xiaomi was proud, there was a group of bloggers pointing fingers at the side, saying that this design was not reliable at all.

They are not vegetarians, and they bluntly said that other brands of seats are not so easy to open! They also used the vernacular of "unreliable" to describe it, and it seems that they don't buy Xiaomi's statement.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

If you imagine that Xiaomi is so tough on the side, and bloggers are so unconvinced, it's really a tough battle.

However, at this time, you have to see what the truth is, and don't be blinded by words.

After all, security is not a matter of course, and it has to be treated with caution.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

Xiaomi is really unlucky this time, I originally wanted to make a car out, but I didn't expect it to cause such a big storm.

I hope they can reflect well, solve the problem well, and don't let consumers lose confidence in their products.

After all, the most important thing to do business is integrity and quality, which can't be faked!

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

The heated discussion of netizens and Xiaomi's response

Hey, this time Xiaomi's incident really made netizens gossip! Some people say that Xiaomi is really playing big this time, and the safety hazards can still be justified?

This design is a joke, how can people trust their products? After all, the safety of cars must be treated with caution and not in the slightest.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

Do you know? Some people are really on Xiaomi's side! That's the case, although Xiaomi's car has such a big problem, but some people think that maybe the manufacturer designed it out of safety considerations.

They said that as a manufacturer, they must want their products to be as safe as possible and avoid accidents as much as possible.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

So, maybe Xiaomi really took safety into account when designing the seat, so there will be a situation where the side of the seat is not closed.

Sounds like a bit of a point, right?

These people are on Xiaomi's side.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

They may feel that Xiaomi definitely doesn't want to have problems, maybe this design is really to make the airbags on the side of the seat easier to function and protect passengers faster.

But, of course, there are some people who don't buy it.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

They may feel that security issues are not just said to be counted, but have to be tested in practice.

After all, if something does happen, these so-called safety considerations will be empty talk.

However, some people saw Xiaomi's sincere attitude and felt that their attitude towards this matter was quite good.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

After all, they answered the doubts of netizens one by one, and their attitude was quite sincere, which must be certain.

It's a pity that the original blogger has deleted the video, which makes some netizens feel a little regretful.

They hope that Xiaomi can give an explanation, don't just forget it.

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable

After all, it's a matter of consumer safety and trust, and it can't be done so easily.

Now Xiaomi has suffered a lot, a small design problem, and they have been all over the city.

I hope they can take this as a warning, take the opinions and suggestions of consumers seriously, and make the products more safe and reliable.

After all, the reputation of a company is more important than anything else!

Xiaomi responded to why the airbags on the side of the seat can be opened, and the safety considerations are reasonable


Whether it's Xiaomi or bloggers, everyone wants cars to be safer and more reliable.

Although this controversy has stirred up everyone's questions, it may also be a reminder of car safety.

In this noisy online world, what we need more is objectivity and rationality, rather than blind malicious hype and accusations.

After all, car safety is a major matter related to the safety of each of our lives.

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