
Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

author:Dr. Zhao, Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine
Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things
Aunt Wang is a well-known "tea fan" in the community, and she must brew a pot of strong tea every morning and enjoy the quiet time when the fragrance of tea is overflowing. However, the results of a recent medical examination have hit her bottom in the mood. The doctor told her that her blood sugar was high and that she needed to pay attention to her diet and lifestyle habits. When Aunt Wang heard that tea was not good for diabetics, she immediately fell into contradiction and confusion.

After listening carefully to Aunt Wang's situation, the doctor said: "Tea itself is not a 'poison' for diabetics, the key is how to drink and match. ”

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Diabetic can't drink tea?

In fact, tea contains a variety of beneficial components such as catechins, tea polyphenols, and caffeine, among others, which have many health benefits.

Catechins have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipid-lowering effects, and have a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases;

Tea polyphenols help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Studies have shown that moderate tea consumption can improve sugar metabolism and help with weight control, which can play a positive role in the management of diabetes.

The key is "the right amount" and "matching". The doctor reminded Aunt Wang that although tea is beneficial, excessive consumption or improper pairing with certain foods can be counterproductive.

Excessive consumption of strong tea can lead to excessive caffeine intake in the body, affecting sleep quality and increasing the burden on the heart.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Some people like to add sugar, creamer or various desserts to their tea, so that the otherwise healthy tea becomes a "sweet bomb" with high sugar and fat.

There are three types of foods:

First, high-sugar foods. These foods include a variety of desserts, sweets, and sugary drinks. Diabetic patients have impaired insulin function and are unable to effectively convert blood sugar into energy, and consuming too much sugar can directly lead to a spike in blood sugar, which can aggravate the condition.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Second, high-fat foods. Examples include fried foods, fatty meats, and high-fat dairy products. Not only do these foods increase body weight, but they can also lead to elevated blood lipids, further increasing the risk of diabetes complications.

Third, high-salt foods. Such as pickles, pickles, and various condiments. A high-salt diet can cause an increase in blood pressure, and people with diabetes are already prone to high blood pressure, further increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

After returning home, Aunt Wang readjusted her diet plan. She decided to stick to drinking green tea in moderation every day, but no longer add sugar to tea, and try to avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods. Aunt Wang also decided to eat more fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and try to control her blood sugar in conjunction with the exercise plan recommended by her doctor.

A few months later, Aunt Wang's physical examination results showed that her blood sugar levels had improved significantly.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Through Aunt Wang's story, it is not difficult to see that tea is not a "poison" for diabetics, the key lies in the correct way of drinking and a reasonable diet. Diabetic patients should learn more about the nutrients of food in their daily life, arrange their diet reasonably, and maintain a moderate amount of exercise in order to better control their blood sugar and enjoy a healthy life.

Despite the many health benefits of tea, any food and drink intake needs to be moderate and scientific.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Pay attention to these points when drinking tea:

And the health effects of tea are also affected by other factors, such as the temperature of the water in which the tea is brewed, the time of use, the type and source of the tea, etc. Diabetics are generally advised to choose unprocessed pure tea leaves and avoid instant tea drinks with sugar and additives. The water temperature when brewing tea should not be too high, about 80 degrees is appropriate, and the steeping time is controlled at 3-5 minutes.

All in all, tea is not a "taboo" for diabetics, the key is to drink it in moderation and with the right combination.

When diabetic patients drink tea, they should choose pure tea leaves, control the amount of drinking, avoid adding sugar and creamer, and pair them with low-sugar, low-fat, and high-fiber foods.

Is tea the "poison" of blood sugar? Diabetic can't drink tea? Doctor: Don't be greedy for these three things

Diabetic patients should learn more about the nutrients of food in their daily life, arrange their diet reasonably, and maintain a moderate amount of exercise, so as to better control their blood sugar and enjoy a healthy life!

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