
In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

author:Yuzu is going to talk about it
In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

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Gu Qian, his acting skills are like a unique landscape, and in many classic movies, he has successfully created various characters with different personalities.

Whether it is a brave warrior or a cunning and treacherous traitor, or a kind and simple farmer or an elegant and noble gentleman.

Every role is vividly and memorably played by him.

However, it is a pity that due to his ordinary appearance, under the brilliance of those radiant stars, his name has always been forgotten in the corner, which is undoubtedly the greatest injustice to this old artist who has dedicated his life to acting.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

In the 1963 classic "Sunny Day", he successfully portrayed the vivid image of Ma Xiaobraid, a reactionary landlord, with a gritted tooth expression and hateful eyes, vividly showing the ugliness and ignorance in the heart of this character.

Every time they reminisce about this scene, the audience seems to be able to feel Mr. Gu Qian's deep understanding and interpretation of the character.

However, this acclaimed work eventually became the masterpiece of Zhang Lianwen and other leading actors, and Gu Qian, a talented actor, is rarely known, which is really a sigh.

In order to have a deeper understanding of Mr. Gu Qian's artistic life, I decided to explore his journey on the path of art.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

It turned out that as early as 1944, at the age of 20, he had already joined the folk drama group and began his performance journey.

After years of stage training, he has gradually accumulated a deep foundation and rich experience.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, in 1950, accompanied by his classmates and friends Pang Xueqin, Liu Shilong, Zhang Yuan and others, the 26-year-old Gu Qian was finally admitted to the performance major of the Central Academy of Drama as he wished, and since then he has officially embarked on the journey of professional learning.

With an endless love for acting, he will definitely go all out during his time in school and practice his basic skills hard.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

Since graduation, Mr. Gu Qian and many of his best friends have gone to Changchun Film Studio, the stage of light and shadow, to embark on a long and glorious film journey.

Although they are among the first batch of students, Pang Xueqin, Liu Shilong and other colleagues have become famous for their starring roles, however, Gu Qian is willing to contribute silently and chooses to sweat hard behind the scenes.

However, the reserved and humble actor was not discouraged by this, and instead poured all his heart and soul into the construction of the character.

As a veteran performing artist, Mr. Gu Qian has created countless roles on the screen, and each of his works is wonderful!

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

In 1957, in the classic film "Flowers and Full Moon", Mr. Gu Qian successfully played the role of the iron abacus.

Despite being fashionable and only 34 years old, his gnashing teeth, torch-like gaze, and imminent madness brought this eerie character to life and left a lasting impression on the audience.

In "Sunny Day" released in 1963, the role of Ma Xiaobraid he created pushed his superb acting skills to the peak. When the audience saw his gloomy and terrifying eyes poking out from behind the tombstone, they couldn't help but be shocked and creepy.

And those ruthless lines of "I want to regain the right to rule Dongshanwu" and "surnamed Xiao, I want to fight you to the death" show the extremely ugly character of Ma Xiaobraid to the fullest, which makes people frightened.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

Since then, whether he has played the evil landlord in the remake of "Guerrillas of the Plains" or the smiling coach in "Sisters on Ice", Mr. Gu Qian has always been able to show extraordinary shaping power in limited shots.

Even if it is a small role in a flash, he can capture the charm of the character and depict it vividly, which can be called an all-round actor.

Although Mr. Gu Qian's acting skills have been widely praised by industry peers and film critics, due to his ordinary appearance, he has never been able to create a sky of his own in the film industry.

In his long acting career, most of the time he can only play a role or a small supporting role, and he has been active behind the scenes for a long time, providing a leafy foil for those bright and dazzling stars.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

I had the privilege of witnessing a shocking and thought-provoking image: a film about war was being filmed, and the famous actor Mr. Gu Qian played a villain and died at the climax of the story.

Because the importance of this role is not prominent, coupled with Mr. Gu Qian's familiarity with flash, all stunt safety measures were ignored when filming the final death scene.

When the camera began to record, the gunshots suddenly rang out, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air, and when the smoke dissipated, we were surprised to find that Mr. Gu Qian was only a few meters away from the muzzle, and he was lying quietly in a pool of blood!

It was originally just an insignificant shot, but it almost turned into a tragedy.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

Everyone present was frightened, and stepped forward to help him up and nervously examine his injuries. The scene was in chaos, and someone had already quickly called the emergency services.

Faced with this scene, my tears flowed like a spring. As a veteran actor, Mr. Gu Qian's love and dedication to acting career make people respect, but his life has always been silently behind the scenes, and has never received the attention and recognition he deserves.

Although he may have become accustomed to such a low profile and being forgotten, as a big fan of his, I still deeply admire and regret what happened to him.

Today, Mr. Gu Qian has entered the old age, but he is still in good spirits and full of vitality. Even in 1993, when he was 69 years old, this veteran actor was still dedicating his strength to the Chinese film industry.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

Every time I re-watch his works, I am struck by the enthusiasm in his eyes, which have gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Let's rewind the time to the days when Mr. Gu Qian's life was coming to an end. Perhaps because of his age, he often sat alone in the courtyard, quietly gazing at the sky, as if thinking about something.

I once crept up to him and tried to get to the bottom of the artist's inner secrets.

One day, he seemed to sense my presence. He turned his head slowly, tears glistening in his eyes, but a faint smile on his lips. I knew that at this moment, he must be looking back on his long and legendary life journey.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

As the years pass away, reminiscing about the past can't help but make people feel emotional.

In the past, Mr. Gu Qian, with endless love and yearning for the film industry, once devoted himself to the art field he loved with enthusiasm... He has worked hard behind the scenes and is unknown.

However, it is this silent dedication that allows him to devote himself to each role and interpret it vividly.

Mr. Gu's eyes flashed with a shining light again, which was the incomparable dedication and love for the cause! Although time flies and the years are merciless, his spirit has always maintained his youthful vitality.

In the past, the long-acting actor was ugly but good at acting, and he played tricks all his life, and the thousand-faced old drama bones with superb acting skills should not be forgotten

However, such an outstanding performing artist can't escape the tricks of fate after all.