
Don't wash these 3 parts of the body every day, it's not good if it's too clean, it's too important, it's practical

author:Zou Yihan
Don't wash these 3 parts of the body every day, it's not good if it's too clean, it's too important, it's practical

Title: Don't wash these 3 parts of the body every day, it's not good if it's too clean, it's too important, it's practical



Everyone wants to keep their body clean and thinks that frequent bathing and cleaning will keep them healthy. However, sometimes "too clean" is not necessarily the best choice. In daily life, there are some areas that should not be washed every day, because excessive cleaning may destroy the body's self-protection mechanism. Next, let's take a look at these important parts that are "not suitable for washing every day" and explore the mysteries.

Part I: Hair

"Hair is a woman's second face", although a bit cliché, also reflects the importance of hair in appearance. However, frequent shampooing is not necessarily good for the health of your hair. Overshampooing can remove oil from your scalp, leaving your hair dry, frizzy, and even triggering dandruff problems. The oil of the scalp is actually a natural protective substance, which can keep the scalp moist and resist the aggression of the external environment.

Don't wash these 3 parts of the body every day, it's not good if it's too clean, it's too important, it's practical

For example, I have a friend who used to have dry, frizzy and even dandruff due to frequent shampooing. Later, she took measures such as reducing the number of shampoos and choosing gentle shampoos, and her hair's health improved significantly.

Part II: Face

The face is one of the most sensitive parts of our body and is also the most exposed to the outside world. Therefore, many people have a habit of washing their faces every day in the hope of keeping their faces clean. However, over-cleansing of the face may disrupt the skin's protective barrier, leading to dry, sensitive, and even problematic skin.

For example, a colleague of mine used to be a "cleanser" and washed her face several times a day, and as a result, her skin became drier and drier, and she became red, swollen, and itchy. Later, she listened to the advice of her dermatologist, appropriately reduced the number of times she washed her face, and chose a gentle cleanser, and her skin condition gradually improved.

Part III: Ears

The ear is one of the important organs of the human body, which is not only responsible for hearing function, but also closely related to the balance function of the human body. However, many people neglect to take care of their ears in their daily lives, or even over-clean their ears, which may have an impact on their ears.

For example, one of my family members once over-cleaned their ears, which caused earwax to not pass properly, which eventually caused a blockage in the ear canal, which seriously affected the hearing. Later, after the doctor's treatment, he realized the importance of cleaning his ears correctly and changed the method of cleaning his ears to avoid the recurrence of similar problems.


In daily life, we need to keep our body clean, but not all parts need to be washed every day. For areas such as hair, face, and ears, reduce the number of washes and choose gentle cleansing products to help keep these areas healthy. At the same time, we must also learn to listen to the sound of the body and adjust our cleaning habits in time to better protect our health.

Don't wash these 3 parts of the body every day, it's not good if it's too clean, it's too important, it's practical