
"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

author:Aru talks about popular science
"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

Text丨Aru talks about popular science

Editor丨Aru talks about popular science


In traditional Chinese culture, the proverb is broad and profound, containing a wealth of life philosophy and wisdom.

"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

There is a saying that says: "If there are three empty families, children and grandchildren will be poor", although this sentence is short, but it tells many profound truths.

So, what exactly does the "three emptiness" refer to here? Will it really affect the fate of children and grandchildren? Let's dive in.

"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

Materially "emptiness"

The "three emptiness" mentioned in the article must first refer to the material "emptiness". In ancient societies, people's living standards were relatively low, and many families faced the problem of food and clothing, which was a major challenge.

Therefore, the material conditions of the family are very important, if the family lacks the materials needed for food, clothing, housing and transportation for a long time, then it is difficult to ensure the normal life and development of the family.

In today's society, material "emptiness" is not actually material scarcity, but more spiritual emptiness. With the rapid development of modern society and the pressure of competition, many parents ignore the importance of accompanying their children to grow up in order to pursue the abundance of material life, resulting in indifferent family relationships and children's mental harm, which is also a kind of "material emptiness".

"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

Spiritual "emptiness"

In addition to the material "emptiness", we should also pay attention to the other two "emptiness" in family education, and the second is the spiritual "emptiness". As a person, the inner spiritual world is crucial, both in the process of growing up and later in life.

If there is a lack of comprehensive cultivation of children in family education, such as ignoring moral cultivation, cultural edification, hobbies, etc., it is easy for children to have a sense of "emptiness" and "lack" in their hearts.

Mental emptiness may also lead to problems such as distorted personalities and behavioral deviations, and even affect their interpersonal relationships and future development.

Therefore, parents must give their children enough care and education in the process of growing up, help them establish a sound personality and values, so as to have a rich "food" spiritually.

"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

The "emptiness" of knowledge

The last "emptiness" is naturally the intellectual "emptiness". It can be said that knowledge is the best nourishment for enriching the mind, and it is also an important foundation for improving one's inner cultivation and external competitiveness.

If a family does not pay enough attention to their children's learning, or cannot give their children a good learning environment and resources for various reasons, then the children are facing "emptiness" and "lack of knowledge".

In modern society, the speed of knowledge update is very fast, and only by constantly learning and enriching oneself can we keep up with the development trend of society and have more choices and development opportunities.

Therefore, knowledge education in family education is indispensable, and parents can use various ways to create a good learning atmosphere for their children, guide them to establish a correct learning concept, stimulate their love for knowledge, and let them explore and grow in the ocean of knowledge.

"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?

A family, whether ancient or modern, can only achieve comprehensive fulfillment and happiness when the "three emptiness" of material, spiritual, and intellectual are properly filled.

For every family, we should pay attention to the significance of the "three emptiness" in family education, give children all-round care and training, so that they can thrive in a warm family, have rich life experience and a fulfilling inner world!

"There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor", which three emptiness refer to? Does it make any sense?