
As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

author:A collection of daily anecdotes
As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

Text: A collection of daily anecdotes

Edited by a collection of daily anecdotes

When it comes to the recent high-tech competition between China and the United States, everyone's first reaction may be various sanctions and counter-sanctions. But this time, China's "black technology" quantum communication technology once again caught the United States off guard. The United States is really not covered, it has been targeting our high-tech companies since 2019, and this year it has increased to 37. But there's more to come.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

On May 9 this year, a new round of US sanctions lists was released, this time targeting Chinese high-tech companies, especially those related to the "stray balloon" incident. However, there are some new faces on the "blacklist" this time, that is, companies in the field of quantum communication. While the United States is in full swing to release the sanctions list, it has found that China has made a major breakthrough in the field of quantum communication, which is really impressive: the United States has done it in vain.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

The breakthrough of the University of Science and Technology of China in the field of quantum communication is definitely a highlight of this year's science and technology circle. To put it simply, quantum communication technology is the "black technology" in the communication industry, which not only has high work efficiency, but also allows calls to be encrypted. The Chinese research team has already made a lot of achievements in quantum secure communication and quantum communication network technology, and this time it has successfully applied the quantum Hall effect to practice, which means that China has taken another big step forward in the commercialization of quantum communication.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

Speaking of which, some people may ask, how good is quantum communication technology? Let's put it this way, traditional communication technology is a "primary school student" in the face of quantum communication. Quantum communication technology is not only efficient, but also safe enough to make you doubt your life. Take encrypted calls as an example, the encryption strength of quantum communication is basically impossible for other peers to crack. China's technological breakthrough is not only good news, but also a big shock.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

In addition to China, only the United States and the United Kingdom are the only ones who are researching quantum communication technology. The British government is also quite shrewd, directly dedicating 2.5 billion pounds to support local companies to do research. Not far behind, investors hurried to throw in £1 billion. Obviously, everyone is optimistic about the prospects of this technology and thinks that it will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

Looking at the United States, they also made a breakthrough in quantum technology last year, observing fractional quantum anomalous Hall states, which is an important step in the commercialization of quantum communication. Although China's research started late, its achievements in recent years have been no less than those of the United States. From 2013 to 2023, every step in the field of quantum communication has been a solid effort to narrow the gap between China and the United States.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

By the way, China's quantum secure communication technology is quite mature, and now this technology is still being promoted throughout the country. Moreover, China's investment in the quantum field has reached 15 billion US dollars, which is half of the global total, which is really impressive. Looking at the products launched in recent years, such as "Quantum Secret Talk" and "National Shield Secret Language Headset", you can know how attentive China is in this field.

In the face of China's rapid advance, the United States, of course, cannot sit still. While tightening sanctions, we are watching China go further and further in the field of quantum communications. The computing speed of quantum communication computers can even make the world's top computers unreachable, and if this technology is commercialized, which country will master it first, which country will be able to occupy an absolute advantage in the future scientific and technological competition.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

As we all know, no matter how secret traditional communication technology is, there is always a risk of being cracked. But quantum communication is different, for example, it is like a super safe, your communication information is locked tightly inside, and no one can open it. Hasn't the United States always looked down on our high-tech companies? This time, they were even more panicked, and while sanctioning, they kept an eye on the progress of our quantum communication. But our technology has advanced, which caught them off guard.

The U.S. side was busy with sanctions, and it turned out that China's quantum communication technology was not only mature, but also began to be commercialized. Now the United States is really panicking. You think, once a new technology is put into the market, the economic benefits and strategic advantages it brings are no joke. China's research teams don't just sit in the lab doing research, their goal is to make quantum communication truly beneficial to people. This is the real science and technology for the people.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

The mainland's quantum communication network covers important regions such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao, and Chengdu-Chongqing. This is not an ordinary project, and the technical difficulty and investment behind connecting these places into a quantum communication network are not small.

The products launched such as "Quantum Secret Words" and "National Shield Secret Earphones" sound a bit sci-fi, but in fact, these are real high-tech products. The biggest feature of these products is that they are safe and easy to use. You know, information security is now a top priority, and with these high-tech products, the risk of information leakage is greatly reduced.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

Let's talk about quantum communication computers, which are the killer features of future technological competition. Today's top-of-the-line computers, using them to do some complex calculations, may take years or even tens of thousands of years, but quantum communication computers only take a few hours. Do you think this efficiency can be compared? Whichever country masters this technology first will have the first opportunity in the future scientific and technological competition. That's why the U.S. is so nervous about China's progress in quantum communications.

In addition to the aforementioned quantum secure communication and quantum communication networks, China is also actively researching other related technologies to strive for a comprehensive leadership in this field. The United States is naturally not willing to lag behind, but their sanctions have not stopped China's technological progress, but have strengthened our determination to innovate independently in the high-tech field.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

Can the U.S. sanctions on mainland enterprises really stop our scientific and technological progress? Apparently not. On the contrary, these sanctions will only make us more united and work harder. China's scientific and technological personnel, with their wisdom and sweat, have broken the technological blockade again and again and created one scientific and technological miracle after another. Quantum communication technology is just one of them, and we will make breakthroughs in many more fields in the future.

This is not something that can be stopped by external suppression. There is reason to believe that with the passage of time, China's science and technology will become stronger and stronger, and more and more "black technology" will enter people's lives and bring more surprises to the world.

As soon as the breakthrough was made, the United States immediately sanctioned it, and China's black technology added another item

The power of science and technology cannot be underestimated, and China's quantum communication technology is a vivid embodiment of this power. In the future, we will witness more miracles, the pace of science and technology will not stop, and the passion for innovation will always burn.

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