
CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

author:Xiao Wei tea party

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CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Editor: Xiao Wei Tea Party

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In the vast sea of TV dramas, there is occasionally such a work, which is enough to make time stand still and make hundreds of millions of viewers fascinated. And this is the wonderful experience that "Celebrating More Than Years 2" brings us. After five years, this highly anticipated masterpiece meets us again, and every character and story of it seems to be a surprise of friends reunited after a long absence.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

It's not just a story of intrigue and adventure, it's about something deeper. "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is not just a drama, it is a symbol of an era, a product of the interweaving of history and reality, and a collision of culture and art. When we are immersed in the battle of wits between Fan Xian and Emperor Qing, we may also need to stop and think about what this represents. On the surface, the story of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" revolves around the adventures of the protagonist Fan Xian, but digging deeper, it is not difficult to find that it is actually still telling a story about friendship, family, loyalty and betrayal. The deep friendship between Fan Xian and Li Yugang is not only moving, but also memorable. The process of supporting each other and growing together undoubtedly left a deep impression on the audience.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The real attraction of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is not only the intricacy of the plot, but also the fact that it gives us a glimpse of the struggle and brilliance in the depths of human nature through lifelike characters. As the saying goes, "The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable", every character in the play sails in the sea of human nature, some follow the light, some fall into the darkness, and Fan Xian seems to always be on the edge of the gloom and the light to carry on the future. Fan Xian's journey is like a meandering river, with both calm water and turbulent waves. Every challenge, every battle of wit, let us see a different side of him. His bravery and intelligence, melancholy and resilience are unforgettable. As if to warn us, "Courage does not mean being fearless, but taking a step forward even when we are afraid." ”

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The layout of the story is clever, and the advancement of the plot is interlocking. Every detail of the design seems to herald the arrival of the next turning point. This design reminds people of Agatha Christie's famous saying, "Every superfluous clue may be the path to the truth." It is this kind of meticulous laying out that makes every episode we watch as if we are piecing together a small piece of a puzzle of the truth of the plot. And just when we are rejoicing in Fan Xian's defeat of the strong enemy and the resolution of the crisis, the plot will suddenly turn, showing the protagonist's deep vulnerability and helplessness. This deliberate shift of perspective undoubtedly deepens the level of the plot and increases the richness of emotions. As the saying goes, "Heroes also have weaknesses, and everyone has an unknown side." These performances that make people feel down-to-earth and credible have shortened the distance between the audience and the characters, making us involuntarily cheer for them and feel sorry for them.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The world of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is a world full of variables. Just like us in life, we will always stumble on the unknown road. But it also tells us that no matter how fate plays tricks on us, we should never give up hope. Because as Fan Xian demonstrates, "As long as there is light in the heart, hope will light the way forward in the darkest times." Such a plot is reminiscent of the ups and downs of real life, and everyone may be able to find the shadow of their own life in the choices and experiences of the characters in the play. Although we are not Fan Xian, we cannot influence the rivers and lakes and affect the government, but we are also operating our own small rivers and lakes in our own small world, resisting small challenges and enjoying small successes. This work is like a mirror, reflecting our own story and inspiring us to keep going.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

People, from ancient times to the present, have had a dream, that is, to live a good life. Whether you are an emperor or a general, or a commoner, this dream is in the same vein. "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is a mirror, reflecting our constant pursuit. Fan Xian in the play may be the embodiment of many people's dreams in their hearts, his story tells us that even if there are many obstacles, we must move forward bravely, after all, "the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband". Times are changing, people's hearts are also changing, but one thing has never changed, and that is the yearning for a happy life. "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is very much like the life of each of us: there is love and hate, happiness and pain, fantasy and disappointment, struggle and abandonment. Episode by episode, just like our life is going by day by day, every day is full of possibilities, and every day has new challenges, isn't this feeling a portrayal of our ordinary day?

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Fan Xian's words in the play still echoed in his ears, "What I want is just an opportunity for fair competition." This sentence hit the hearts of many people. In this rapidly developing society, everyone hopes to have a stage to show themselves, and everyone is eager to succeed. Our love for Fan Xian is actually our love for our own ideals, and our persistence and pursuit of life ideals. "Celebrating More Than Years 2" does not ignore the cruelty of reality, and the play reveals a profound philosophy of life. Life is like a play, full of uncertainties, and there are always various paths in front of us. As Romain Rolland said, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." Fan Xian is dancing his own dance on this stage, his stage is the unpredictable rivers and lakes, and his dance steps are the power struggles again and again.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Success and defeat, love and betrayal in the play, are actually not far from us. Anyone can experience success in the scorching sun, or they can encounter loneliness and fear in the middle of the night. But all this, as Fan Xian faced, was just a part of life, just some stops in that long journey. The important thing is that no matter what comes our way, we can't give up, as the famous saying goes, "Not every effort pays off, but every harvest must be worked on." "On such a brightly lit screen stage, being able to have such an elite team is really the key to the success of "Celebrating More Than Years 2". As Duncan said on the basketball court, "Team is everything." "Without the tacit cooperation and talent of each actor, such a work cannot be presented in front of the audience.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

For example, Zhang Ruoyun's investment and interpretation in the role of Fan Xian simply interpreted "living color" to the extreme. His eyes, his smile, and even every seemingly unintentional small action brought Fan Xian's inner drama to life. As Audrey Hepburn said, "True beauty comes from the harmony of body and soul." Zhang Ruoyun's Fan Xian is such an embodiment, he makes the character alive and makes the story more profound.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

And Chen Daoming plays Emperor Qing in the play, with that calm and sharp temperament, every appearance makes people palpitate. His Emperor Qing is not an image of an emperor in the conventional sense, but a more layered and realistic character. All great works can be vividly portrayed in character, as Leo Tolstoy said: "The greatest artists are those who most truly show life as it is." Chen Daoming's Emperor Qing undoubtedly added a lot of artistic weight to this drama.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

As for Wang Qinian, the character played by Tian Yu, the character of wit and loyalty makes people feel pity and love for it. His performance is nuanced and nuanced, making people feel the sourness behind the characters in laughter, bringing the audience a experience that is both relaxing and heavy. As the saying goes, "drama is like life, life is like drama", isn't every choice made by Wang Qinian a microcosm of each of us' lives? Similarly, in the play, the other actors also give full play to their own light and heat, no matter how big the characters are, each character reflects their own distinct personality in the details. It's like everyone in our lives, everyone has their own light, just shining in different places and in different ways. As Steve Jobs said, "Everyone is a great artist, but they are good at different stages." ”

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

I have to say that the success of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is inseparable from this group of talented actors, who play the roles flesh and blood, making the story vivid. Their interpretation is like a feast for the eyes and souls, allowing the audience to enjoy the wonderful story while also getting a spiritual shock again and again. Watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is like going back and forth in a time tunnel, shuttling between ancient and modern, giving people all kinds of inspiration. It's not just a drama, it's more like an open history book, and every chapter is dizzying. The depiction of those details in the play, such as the reproduction of ancient social etiquette, the accurate delineation of court costumes, and the display of those vivid traditional customs and beliefs, all make us modern people seem to have passed through the long river of history and witnessed the style of that era.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

As Confucius said, "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand." "Celebrating More Than Years 2" teaches the audience to be courteous, righteous and honest from one side, although we live in modern society, we cannot forget the essence of traditional culture. The etiquette in those scenes and the wisdom in those dialogues are our precious cultural heritage, the roots of our Chinese nation, and deeply rooted in our hearts. At the same time, the portrayal of the social structure in the play also reflects the struggle between power and class at that time. Isn't this exactly the drama we keep playing out in reality? Each character is fighting for his own status and future, and the desire for power and the pursuit of ideals infect every audience through the screen. It tells us that "power itself does not corrupt, it is the hearts of people that corrupt". In the turbulent world, we must maintain our original intention and never forget our true nature.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

While exploring the culture, the storyline in the series is further rooted in the hearts of the people, and Fan Xian and his companions, their experience is a process of culture shock and integration. Through their eyes, we see a living world of ancient cultures, in which we see our own shadow and feel the resonance. What is shown in the play is not only the superficial glory and glory, but also the deep cultural connotation and historical wisdom. As the saying goes, "knowing the past can learn from the present", isn't watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" a perfect dialogue between ancient and modern? In our busy daily lives, it can be difficult to have the opportunity to gain insight into our own culture. Through such episodes, we can get a glimpse of those cultural treasures that have been hidden by time, as if in those scenes that have been carved with ingenuity, we hear the echoes of history.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Finally, it may be worth reflecting on those behind-the-scenes stories. Behind every turn, there is a profound analysis of power, desire, and human nature. "Celebrating More Than Years 2" shows us a complex and changeable world through Fan Xian's perspective, which makes us wonder: In the game of thrones, can we maintain our original intention and go out of our own way? With the in-depth broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", I believe there will be more exciting stories and unforgettable characters. Let's look forward to it, explore together, witness this grand historical tour together, and experience a wonderful journey of time travel. In this journey, perhaps we can find more answers about life, about humanity, about ourselves.

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