
Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

author:Witty Flower Cat I04

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

My name is Chen Yang and I am an ordinary office worker. I once had a love affair with a flight attendant and it was an unforgettable experience in my life. However, I also deeply felt the troubles and challenges brought about by the profession of flight attendant.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

The first time I met Xiaoli was at a friend's party. She wears a beautiful flight attendant uniform, elegant and confident. Her smile was warm and charming, and I couldn't resist it. We quickly fell in love and our lives were full of romance and sweetness.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

However, as time went on, I found that Xiaoli's career caused me a lot of trouble. First of all, her working hours are very erratic and she often needs to work night shifts and fly. It made me feel lonely and uneasy, and I was often unable to be there for her.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

"Chen Yang, I'm sorry, I'm going to fly again. This time it flew farther and it may take a few days to come back. Xiaoli said apologetically on the phone.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

I felt a wave of loss, and I couldn't accept the fact that she left me so often. I complained, "Xiaoli, can you not always fly around?" The distance between us is getting farther and farther apart. ”

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

Xiaoli was silent for a while, and then said softly, "Chen Yang, I know you're sad. However, this is my job and I have to accept it. I hope you understand me. ”

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

I felt a pang of helplessness, and I knew she had a point. Still, I couldn't accept the problems her work had caused her.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

Secondly, I found that Xiaoli's profession made her very independent and strong. She was always able to cope with all kinds of difficulties and challenges, while I seemed a little weak and helpless. This made me feel inferior and incompetent, and I began to doubt my own worth.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

"Chen Yang, why are you so timid? It's just a little thing, why can't you just fix it yourself? Xiaoli said reproachfully on the phone.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

I felt a wave of anger and I couldn't accept the accusations she was giving me. I complained, "Xiaoli, can you not always be so independent?" We need to support and rely on each other. ”

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

Xiaoli was silent for a while, and then said softly, "Chen Yang, I know you're sad. However, this is my character and I have to accept it. I hope you understand me. ”

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

I felt a pang of helplessness, and I knew she had a point. However, I still can't accept the trouble her personality has caused her.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

In the end, I found that Xiaoli's profession made her very sociable and interpersonal. She was always able to get along with all kinds of people easily, while I seemed a bit clumsy and incompetent. This made me feel inferior and incompetent, and I began to doubt my own worth.

Why don't you look for a flight attendant? Netizen: The routine is too deep, not ordinary people can handle it

"Chen Yang, why are you so stupid? It's just a little thing, why can't you just fix it yourself? Xiaoli said reproachfully on the phone.

I felt a wave of anger and I couldn't accept the accusations she was giving me. I complained, "Xiaoli, can you not always be so sociable?" We need to support and rely on each other. ”

Xiaoli was silent for a while, and then said softly, "Chen Yang, I know you're sad. However, this is my character and I have to accept it. I hope you understand me. ”

I felt a pang of helplessness, and I knew she had a point. However, I still can't accept the trouble her personality has caused her.

This experience made me deeply aware of the troubles and challenges that the profession of flight attendant has brought to her. I couldn't accept the trouble her work, personality and relationships. I decided, I'm going to end the relationship, I'm going to find a partner who is more suitable for me.

This story tells us not to look for flight attendants. The troubles and challenges that come with the profession of flight attendant can make your life difficult and unstable. You will feel lonely and restless, you will feel inferior and incompetent, you will feel tired and helpless. Only by finding a partner who is truly suitable for you can you be truly happy and harmonious.

Don't look for a flight attendant as a partner, find someone who can really accompany you, really care about you, and really understand you. Only in this way can you be truly happy and harmonious.