
The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing

author:The wind that is always running

Recently, the behavior of a deputy mayor of Lantian County has caused heated discussions in the society. According to reports, the deputy mayor ordered his wife to accompany him to sing in the middle of the night, and even went to the woman's door himself.

The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing

It is understood that the incident happened late at night on May 13. The deputy mayor called the woman at around 11 a.m. and asked her to leave the house immediately to sing with him. However, because the woman had a sick child at home, she refused the deputy mayor's request. Unexpectedly, at half past 12 in the morning, the deputy mayor came to the woman's door in person, claiming that he was here to care about the child's condition and whether he needed help.

The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing

Even more shocking is that the deputy mayor is accompanied by a woman who he claims is his girlfriend. Moreover, when the deputy mayor was at the door of the woman's house, he also said that the other party came to visit the child.

The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing

As soon as this incident was exposed, it immediately aroused widespread concern and condemnation from society. Netizens have said that the deputy mayor's behavior is not only morally unbearable, but also constitutes a serious interference and violation of other people's family lives. In this regard, they called on the relevant departments to intervene in the investigation as soon as possible and severely punish those involved in accordance with the law.

The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing

We are deeply shocked and outraged by such acts. As a public official, the deputy mayor's behavior not only violates professional ethics, but also seriously tramples on social morality and family values. We hope that the relevant authorities will be able to find out the truth as soon as possible and give the victims a fair result.

The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing

Here, we also call on the general public to maintain the awe and protection of the moral bottom line at all times, and jointly maintain the normal order of society and the harmony and happiness of the family.

The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing
The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing
The deputy mayor of Lantian forced to sing late at night, and the woman was harassed after refusing