
A sign that becomes more and more crazy the longer it is suppressed

author:Hall of Astrology folk tales

Some people seem to be able to cope with life's challenges with ease, while others may choose to bury their emotions deep in their hearts until they are suppressed to the limit. Today, we're going to explore the signs that become more and more crazy the longer they are depressed, and see how they build up strength in silence and eventually explode.

A sign that becomes more and more crazy the longer it is suppressed

1. Scorpio: A silent volcano that will eventually erupt

Scorpios are known for being deep and reserved, they are good at hiding their true emotions and do not easily reveal their inner thoughts to others. This trait makes them more inclined to keep their emotions down when faced with stress and challenges. However, just as a volcano gathers strength in silence, a Scorpio can also accumulate strong emotions in the depths of his heart.

When Scorpios feel they can't handle any more stress, they choose to release it in an extreme way. This release can be anger, revenge, or mad pursuit and attachment. Either way, it's enough to see the truest and strongest side of a Scorpio's heart. Their madness is not untargeted, but stems from an extreme desire for emotions and the pursuit of self-worth.

A sign that becomes more and more crazy the longer it is suppressed

2. Leo: The dignity of the king is inviolable

Leos have a natural sense of kingship, and they crave to be the center of attention and enjoy the feeling of being praised and adored. However, this strong sense of self-esteem and honor also makes them more vulnerable in the face of setbacks and failures. When a Leo suffers a blow, they may choose to keep their emotions suppressed in their hearts and mask their inner vulnerability with superficial strength.

However, Leos do not give up their dignity and status easily. When the repression reaches a certain level, they will choose to prove their worth in a shocking way. This shock can be an astonishing achievement, a frenzied pursuit, or it can be a severe punishment for the betrayer. Leo's madness is not vexatious, but stems from the defense of dignity and the affirmation of self-worth.

A sign that becomes more and more crazy the longer it is suppressed

3. Pisces: The interweaving of fantasy and reality will eventually collapse

Pisces people are born with a dreamlike temperament, they like to immerse themselves in their own fantasy world, pursuing a kind of beauty that is beyond reality. However, reality is often brutal, and it can bring all kinds of blows and setbacks to Pisces. When Pisces people face the pressures and challenges of reality, they may choose to escape from reality and bury their emotions deep in their hearts.

However, escaping will not solve the problem, it will only make it worse. When repression reaches a certain level, Pisces people will choose to face reality in a drastic way. They may become emotional, sensitive, or even crazy, expressing their emotions and thoughts without reservation. This madness, while shocking, also allows people to see the truest and deepest feelings in the heart of Pisces. Their madness is not vexatious, but stems from the helplessness of reality and the redemption of self.

A sign that becomes more and more crazy the longer it is suppressed

4. Virgo: The crazy pursuit of perfectionists

Virgos are born with a perfectionist mindset and they have extremely high expectations of themselves and those around them. However, in real life, perfection is often difficult to achieve, and this pursuit of perfection mentality can make Virgos feel anxious and depressed. They will constantly push themselves hard, trying to reach an unattainable standard.

When this repression reaches a certain level, the Virgo will choose to pursue perfection in a crazy way. They may become extremely critical, demanding, or even irritable, demanding higher demands of themselves and those around them. This madness, while incomprehensible, also reflects the Virgo's obsessive pursuit of perfection and affirmation of self-worth. Their madness is not vexatious, but stems from the desire for perfection and the pursuit of self-improvement.

A sign that becomes more and more crazy the longer it is suppressed


There is a sky inside everyone, sometimes it is clear and cloudless, sometimes it is cloudy. When we face stress and challenges, we may as well learn to release our emotions and thoughts and find a healthy way to cope with them and challenges. And for those zodiac signs who are easy to suppress their emotions, they should learn to release their inner repression and restraint, let themselves accumulate strength in silence, and finally release it in a healthier and more positive way. Remember, repression is not the solution to the problem, and only by bravely facing your emotions and thoughts can you truly find your own happiness and success.

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