
China Coal 2024 Spring School Recruitment is in full swing! What is the China Coal Written Exam? Past papers are attached

author:Job question bank

➡️ China Coal 2024 Spring Campus Recruitment is in full swing!

➡️ What is the China Coal Written Exam? How to prepare for the exam effectively?

The editor has compiled my lessons learned in the process of preparing for the exam and shared them with you!

I hope it will be helpful to all of you!

1. What is the recruitment process of China Coal?

China Coal 2024 Spring School Recruitment is in full swing! What is the China Coal Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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2. What about the welfare of China Coal?

Good salary: a competitive salary level in the industry

There are many subsidies: meal subsidies, transportation subsidies, communication subsidies, housing subsidies, night shift subsidies, business trip subsidies, heatstroke prevention and cooling subsidies, and heating subsidies

Adequate protection: five insurances and one housing fund, supplementary medical insurance, accident insurance, enterprise annuity

Good welfare: staff apartments, staff canteens, commuter shuttles, comprehensive sports venues, annual physical examinations, paid recuperation, college student friendships, labor protection supplies, holiday condolences

3. What is the written test of China Coal?

The content of the written examination of China Coal Group mainly includes line test, case analysis and writing

(1) Line test

There are more than 80 questions in the line test, including quantitative relationship, graphical reasoning, logical reasoning and data analysis.

☆ Quantitative relationship

Main test: The candidate's ability to understand and grasp the quantitative relationship between things and solve the problem of quantitative relationship, mainly involves the analysis, reasoning, judgment and operation of data relationship.

China Coal 2024 Spring School Recruitment is in full swing! What is the China Coal Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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Learning strategy: The difficulty coefficient of each question type in the quantitative relationship is different, and the quantitative relationship actually pays more attention to skills, such as itinerary problems, permutations and combinations, geometric problems, cattle grazing, solution problems, and overall planning problems, all of which have corresponding answering methods, and many of them can be made quickly after applying formulas.

☆ Graphical reasoning

Main test: The candidate's ability to analyze and reason about the relationship between various things, mainly involves the understanding, comparison, combination, deduction and induction of graphics.

China Coal 2024 Spring School Recruitment is in full swing! What is the China Coal Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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Learning strategy: There are many graphical reasoning tests, and this type of question requires a lot of accumulation to internalize, and at the same time, this type of question type also has routines, such as quantitative classes, which are divided into points, lines, angles, surfaces, and elements.

☆ Logical reasoning

Main examination: the candidate's ability to use language and writing to think and communicate, and to quickly and accurately understand and grasp the connotation of written materials. Each question is given a passage of language, and candidates are required to select the answer that best meets the requirements based on their understanding of the text or the use of certain knowledge of language and writing.

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For this part, vocabulary accumulation and reading ability are the foundation.

☆ Data analysis

The main test is the candidate's ability to comprehensively understand and analyze various forms of text, charts and other materials, which are usually composed of statistical charts, figures and text materials.

China Coal 2024 Spring School Recruitment is in full swing! What is the China Coal Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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Learning Strategy: The review of data analysis is actually the most important! The ideal rhythm for data analysis is that a data analysis, 5 questions, 6 minutes to complete is just right

(2) Case analysis

This section is similar to a structured interview, with no word limit. Propose your own solutions or opinions on one or several problems.

The assessment elements mainly include comprehensive analysis ability, language expression ability, adaptability, planning, organization and coordination ability, interpersonal awareness and skills, self-emotional control, job search motivation and the matching of the proposed position, demeanor and professional ability.

(3) Writing (800 words)

Subjective questions, which mainly test the candidate's verbal expression and writing ability. This writing is very skillful, so you must practice more.

The stem of the essay is the key point, first find out the key words and then sort out the logical relationship, see whether it is parallel or progressive, you can roughly understand the writing idea of the article.

The idea also needs to be combined with the material, according to the guidance of the question stem, back to the source of the material, and then combined with the beginning and end of the material, the source paragraph of the leader's speech, and review the previous objective questions, you can fully grasp the topic of the article, and will not deviate from the topic.

4. How to prepare for the China Coal Written Exam?

For students who already have experience in preparing for the provincial and national examinations, there is no need to prepare for the vocational test, but they should pay attention to special question types, such as numerical reasoning and mathematical operations. Verbal comprehension and logical judgment are still the key to widening the gap by brushing the questions every day, maintaining accumulation and feel, and trying to improve the speed and accuracy of data analysis.

For students who have no experience in preparing for the exam at all, it is necessary to allocate the review time for the test and composition in June Fourth, use 15 days to quickly understand the solution methods and rules of each question type, and quickly brush the questions in the remaining 15 days, ensuring more than 100 questions per day, maintaining the sense of questions, and brushing in modules.

At the same time, the composition of the big head can not be lost, every day after brushing the questions to look at the essay template and the past year's real questions, before the exam to write at least three to four tobacco essays, if there is a condition to find a teacher to correct the effect will be better.

5. Where can I find the China Coal Written Examination Question Bank?

Students, look here!

We have included the real questions of the written test such as China Coal, and provided you with answer analysis.

The editor has also sorted out the [relevant information] of China Coal, just tell me if you need it!

Finally, I wish all family members a smooth landing! Ashore! Ashore!

China Coal 2024 Spring School Recruitment is in full swing! What is the China Coal Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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