
China FAW 2024 spring school recruitment is in full swing! What is the China FAW Written Exam? Past papers are attached

author:Job question bank

➡️ China FAW 2024 Spring Campus Recruitment is in full swing!

➡️ What is the China FAW Written Exam? How to prepare for the exam effectively?

The editor has compiled my lessons learned in the process of preparing for the exam and shared them with you!

I hope it will be helpful to all of you!

1. What is the recruitment process of China FAW?

China FAW 2024 spring school recruitment is in full swing! What is the China FAW Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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2. What is the written test of China FAW?

China FAW's recruitment written test evaluation basically adopts a multi-module approach, generally with 9 modules, of which 2 modules are scoring questions, mainly to test knowledge; The 7 modules are unscored, including patriotism test, personality test, cognitive test, etc.

(1) Line test

The question types of the China FAW Line Test are mainly in the form of multiple-choice questions. Mainly judgmental reasoning and verbal comprehension.

● Judgmental reasoning

Main test: The candidate's ability to analyze and reason about the relationship between various things, mainly involving the comprehension, comparison, combination, deduction and induction of graphics, word concepts, things and written materials.

Common question types: graphical reasoning, definition judgment, analogical reasoning, logical judgment, etc.

China FAW 2024 spring school recruitment is in full swing! What is the China FAW Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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● Verbal comprehension

Main examination: the candidate's ability to use language and writing to think and communicate, and to quickly and accurately understand and grasp the connotation of written materials. Each question is given a passage of language, and candidates are required to select the answer that best meets the requirements based on their understanding of the text or the use of certain knowledge of language and writing.

Common question types: reading comprehension, logical fill-in-the-blank, sentence expression, etc.

For this part, vocabulary accumulation and reading ability are the foundation.

China FAW 2024 spring school recruitment is in full swing! What is the China FAW Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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(2) Other tests

China FAW will have about 7 modules of unscored questions, testing whether to love the motherland, personality test, behavior test, basic cognitive test, etc., no score, but there will be two results: "pass" and "fail". You don't need to review it specifically, and ordinary people can pass the normal answer.

China FAW 2024 spring school recruitment is in full swing! What is the China FAW Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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3. How to prepare for the China FAW written test?

1. Understand the exam situation and prepare for the exam in advance

The content of the written test of Bank of China is mainly divided into four parts: EPI, professional knowledge, personality test, and English. Judging from previous years, it is recommended that candidates must prepare for the exam in advance, and try to start making a preparation plan from now on to start preparing for the exam. One month before the written test, you will enter the training stage of the sea of questions, and improve the speed and accuracy of your own questions by doing a large number of questions.

2. Set the right mentality and clarify the goal

Many candidates do not have a clear employment goal yet, and some candidates look for a job to see fate, even if they work hard, they may not find a good job; Some candidates want to find a job, mainly depending on whether the unit wants it, and their efforts in advance will not change the result; There are also candidates who have the mentality of indifference, and they can have a unit by themselves. As everyone knows, the above mentality is the biggest obstacle for everyone to enter the industry smoothly. Because having the above mentality will make you unable to do your best in any part of the application, and in the end you will only be left with regrets. Therefore, when choosing a goal, you must be clear about your goals for preparing for the exam and do your best to prepare for the exam.

4. Where to find the China FAW written test question bank?

Students, look here!

We have included the real questions of the written test of China FAW, and provided answer analysis for all students.

Xiaobian also sorted out the [relevant information] of China FAW, just tell me if you need it!

Finally, I wish all family members a smooth landing! Ashore! Ashore!

China FAW 2024 spring school recruitment is in full swing! What is the China FAW Written Exam? Past papers are attached

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