
Why can't I have surgery for advanced lung cancer? 3 reasons to accept, don't ignore it

author:Talk about bones

Why can't I have surgery for advanced lung cancer? 3 reasons to accept, don't ignore it

Uncle Li is 68 years old this year, his body has always been tough, and his only hobby is to go to the park every morning to practice Tai Chi. Recently, however, he has been feeling chest tightness, coughing, and sometimes even coughing up blood. At the insistence of his family, he went to the hospital for a detailed examination, and the result was like a bolt from the blue - advanced lung cancer. The family's first thought was to surgically remove the tumor, hoping to buy more time for Uncle Li. However, when the doctor suggested that the surgery should be forfeited and other treatment options should be chosen, the family fell into deep confusion and confusion.

So, why can't lung cancer be operated on directly at an advanced stage? In fact, there are three important reasons for this, which have to be accepted and cannot be ignored. This is not only for the safety of patients, but also for their quality of life. In the following, we will explore these three key reasons in detail, hoping to help more patients and families understand the doctor's professional judgment and make the most health-friendly decision.

Why can't I have surgery for advanced lung cancer? 3 reasons to accept, don't ignore it

1. The relentless reality of tumor spread

A distinctive feature of advanced lung cancer is that the tumour has spread to other organs, and this spread is called metastasis. Tumour cells travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and eventually grow far from the primary site. Common sites of metastases include the liver, bones, and brain.

Mechanisms of diffusion

Tumour cells are aggressive and break through the surrounding normal tissues into the blood and lymphatic system. They travel through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body, settling in new locations and forming new tumors. This process makes the tumor more difficult to control and treat.

Data support

Studies have shown that more than 50% of patients with advanced lung cancer have distant metastases at the time of diagnosis. Specific data may vary from individual to individual, but the overall trend is consistent: patients with advanced lung cancer have an extremely high proportion of metastases. According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, about 70% of lung cancer patients have local or distant spread at the time of diagnosis.

Practical information

Why can't I have surgery for advanced lung cancer? 3 reasons to accept, don't ignore it

In this case, it is difficult to completely remove all the cancer cells. Even if the primary tumor is successfully removed, cancer cells from the metastatic site remain, potentially leading to an extremely high risk of recurrence after surgery. Therefore, surgery is not the best option for patients with lung cancer that has metastasized extensively.

2. Serious challenges to overall health

The overall health of patients with advanced lung cancer is often already severely affected. The presence and spread of tumors not only directly disrupt lung function, but also cause systemic health problems.

Assessment of general condition

Patients with advanced lung cancer often have other health problems, such as physical weakness, malnutrition, and comorbidities of chronic diseases. For example, many patients also suffer from cardiovascular disease, abnormal glucose metabolism or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These complications significantly increase the risk of surgery.

Data support

Data show that more than 60% of patients with advanced lung cancer have at least one comorbidity. These comorbidities not only increase the complexity of the procedure, but may also lead to a significant increase in complication rates after surgery. Studies have shown that lung cancer patients with other chronic diseases have a higher rate of complications during the recovery period after surgery, which can be life-threatening.

Practical information

For frail patients, the trauma of surgery can be difficult to recover from. Complications that may be faced after surgery include infection, poor wound healing, and further decline in lung function. For these patients, non-surgical treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy, may be more appropriate. These methods can control the development of tumors to a certain extent and improve the quality of life of patients.

Through the explanation of the above two parts, we can see that the spread of tumors and the deterioration of the overall health of patients are the main reasons why patients with advanced lung cancer cannot be operated directly. These reasons are not only supported by data, but also based on the best interests of the patient. Understanding these factors can help patients and their families make more rational and scientific treatment decisions.

3. Limited surgical effect: Why surgery for advanced lung cancer has little effect

The role of surgery in advanced lung cancer is often overestimated. When lung cancer progresses to an advanced stage, surgery is often very effective and may even present more risks and problems.

1. Surgery cannot completely remove the cancer cells

In people with advanced lung cancer, the tumor often has spread to other organs. Even if the primary tumor is surgically removed, the metastatic cancer cells continue to develop. Clinical data show that the proportion of tumor metastasis in patients with advanced lung cancer is as high as more than 60%. Surgery does not reach all metastatic lesions, the likelihood of cure is extremely low, and the risk of recurrence after surgery is extremely high.

2. Survival was not significantly prolonged

Studies have shown that surgery for advanced lung cancer has a limited effect on prolonging patient survival. Compared with patients with advanced lung cancer who did not undergo surgery, patients who underwent surgery survived only a few months longer. At this point, the surgery is not only traumatic, but also increases the risk of postoperative complications, making the overall treatment outcome of the patient unsatisfactory.

3. Quality of life may be reduced

The physical burden of surgery and the postoperative recovery process often lead to a decrease in the quality of life of patients. Pain after surgery, the risk of infection, and the need for long-term care can make patients suffer more during their limited survival. In contrast, non-surgical therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or targeted therapy can help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

Why can't I have surgery for advanced lung cancer? 3 reasons to accept, don't ignore it

Alternative treatment options are more appropriate

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the mainstays of treatment for advanced lung cancer. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells, while radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to precisely attack the tumor. The combination of the two can effectively control cancer progression, alleviate symptoms, and prolong survival.

Targeted therapy and immunotherapy

Targeted therapy uses drugs to interfere with specific molecular pathways of cancer cells, stopping them from growing and spreading. Immunotherapy attacks cancer cells by boosting the patient's own immune system. These emerging therapies have shown remarkable results in the treatment of advanced lung cancer, both to control the disease and to maintain a high quality of life.

The effect of direct surgery in patients with advanced lung cancer is limited, surgery cannot completely remove cancer cells, survival is not significantly prolonged, and the quality of life may be reduced. Alternative therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy are more suitable for patients with advanced disease, which can effectively control the disease and improve quality of life. Patients and their families should actively communicate with their doctors to choose the most suitable treatment plan and strive for the best treatment results.