
ST Aokang's latest claim news, receiving the administrative penalty decision, and the claim is being collected

author:Fujian Zhengwei Law Firm
ST Aokang's latest claim news, receiving the administrative penalty decision, and the claim is being collected

ST AuCom Latest Claim News:

On May 16, 2024, Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co., Ltd. received the Administrative Penalty Decision ([2024] No. 17) issued by the Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. After investigation, the parties have the following illegal facts:

From 2021 to 2022, under the organization and arrangement of Wang Zhentao, Aokang Co., Ltd. transferred the company's funds to Ouhai South White Elephant Rufei Shoes and Clothing Store in Wenzhou City and Aoguang Shoe Store in Yongjia County controlled by Wang Zhentao through a third party, which constituted the occupation of non-operating funds by the actual controller and its affiliates. Among them, the cumulative amount incurred in 2021 was 166,999,815.93 yuan, and the outstanding balance of the period was 41,539,628.07 yuan, accounting for 4.82% and 1.20% of the company's current net assets respectively; The cumulative amount incurred in 2022 is 95,000,000.00 yuan, and the closing balance is 26,030,050.00 yuan, accounting for 3.23% and 0.88% of the company's current net assets respectively. As of March 28, 2024, the occupied funds and interest have been returned. The company's 2022 annual report disclosed for the first time that the cumulative amount of capital occupation in 2022 was 91,999,920.60 yuan; On June 10, 2023, in response to the inquiry letter of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company corrected and disclosed that the cumulative amount of capital occupation in 2022 was 95,000,000.00 yuan.

From 2021 to April 2023, Wang Zhentao used the influence of the listed company to negotiate with the dealer, and the dealer remitted the payment to the bank account of the Ouhai South White Elephant Rufei Shoes and Clothing Store in Wenzhou City and the Aoguang Shoe Store in Yongjia County controlled by Wang Zhentao, resulting in a delay in the time for the dealer to collect the money from the listed company. The aforesaid acts are the transfer of resources or obligations between the listed company and related parties, and constitute related party transactions. Among them, the cumulative amount incurred in 2021 is 500,915,926.22 yuan, accounting for 14.45% of the company's current net assets; The cumulative amount incurred in 2022 will be 364,314,595.60 yuan, accounting for 12.37% of the company's current net assets; The cumulative amount incurred in the first half of 2023 is 102,597,655.23 yuan, accounting for 3.46% of the company's current net assets. As of April 14, 2023, the above-mentioned related party transactions have ceased to be carried out.

The SFC decides:

1. Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co., Ltd. was ordered to make corrections, given a warning, and fined 3 million yuan;

2. Give Wang Zhentao a warning and impose a fine of 3 million yuan, of which 1 million yuan as the directly responsible person in charge and 2 million yuan as the actual controller;

3. Give Wang Jinquan a warning and impose a fine of 800,000 yuan;

4. Weng Heng was given a warning and fined 800,000 yuan.

According to the Securities Law and the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Trial of Civil Compensation Cases Arising from False Statements in the Securities Market, listed companies shall be liable for civil compensation if their rights and interests are damaged due to illegal information disclosure and misrepresentation, and the injured investors have the right to claim compensation for losses.

ST Aokang's latest claim news, receiving the administrative penalty decision, and the claim is being collected

The terms and conditions for ST AuCom claim are as follows:

Claims can be made if one of the following applies:

1. Those who bought 603001 Aokang International between January 1, 2022 and April 25, 2023, and sold or continued to hold it after April 26, 2023 (inclusive);

2. Those who bought 603001 Aokang International between April 26, 2022 and March 15, 2024, and sold or continued to hold it after March 16, 2024 (inclusive).

3. Those who bought 603001 Aokang International before March 15, 2024, and sold or continued to hold it after March 16, 2024 (inclusive).

The above claim registration conditions only represent the views of Xie Baoping's lawyer team, and are not used as any securities investment decisions and trading suggestions, and are subject to the final determination of the court.

ST AuCom violated the following criteria:

On March 15, 2024, Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co., Ltd. and Mr. Wang Zhentao, the actual controller and chairman of the company, respectively received the Notice of Case Filing (Zheng Jian Case No. 01120240008 and Zheng Jian Case No. 01120240009) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

ST Aokang's latest claim news, receiving the administrative penalty decision, and the claim is being collected