
A woman, if she is smart, will not post 4 things in the circle of friends

author:Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Text: Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Moments is not just a simple social tool, it is more like a public diary, recording our moods and trivial things in life.

Every news, every photo, is showing our personality and attitude to life.

While Moments can be shared and communicated, not all content is suitable for public.

Some things, which are too private or sensitive, often cause unnecessary trouble and even have a negative impact on life when exposed to the circle of friends.

A woman, if she is smart, will not post 4 things in the circle of friends.


Don't bask in negative emotions

In life, each of us will encounter things that do not go well, and it is normal to have negative emotions.

However, smart women, they know how to regulate their emotions, and not dump them in the circle of friends.

A woman, if she is smart, will not post 4 things in the circle of friends

Because they know that excessive negative emotions will not only affect their mood, but also worry people who care about them, and even make unfamiliar people have a bad impression.

As Bi Shumin said: "Happiness is not synchronized with wealth, status, prestige, and marriage, it is just the feeling of your heart." ”

Smart women, they will choose to find the right way to vent and regulate their emotions.

For example, write a diary, do exercise, or talk to friends, instead of using the circle of friends as an emotional "trash can".


No material enjoyment

A wise woman understands that material superiority does not mean anything. They pay more attention to inner cultivation and spiritual enrichment.

Therefore, they will not show off their material life excessively in the circle of friends, such as brand-name bags, high-end cosmetics and so on.

They knew that it would serve no purpose but to satisfy a little vanity. On the contrary, it will cause disgust and jealousy of others, and even bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

Albert Einstein once said, "I have never regarded comfort and pleasure as the ends of life in itself." ”

A wise woman understands that true happiness comes from inner peace and contentment, not from external material accumulation.

They are more willing to share their small fortunes in life, reading experiences, or travel experiences in their circle of friends.

These contents can not only show their attitude to life, but also not make people feel too show-off.


Do not expose conflicts with others

In the interaction between people, there will inevitably be contradictions and conflicts, but a smart woman will never expose these disputes to the circle of friends.

A woman, if she is smart, will not post 4 things in the circle of friends

They know that doing so will not only hurt the face of others, but also put themselves in an even more embarrassing situation. It may cause a series of reactions and create more contradictions.

After all, the Circle of Friends is an open place. Overexposing personal grievances can easily lead to unnecessary rights and wrongs.

Victor Hugo once said: "The widest in the world is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the human mind." ”

Smart women, they will choose, more mature and rational ways to deal with conflicts, such as direct communication, asking friends for help, etc.

They understand that solving problems instead of venting their emotions in the circle of friends will cause more problems.


Don't take too many selfies

Although selfies and body exposure are very common in the circle of friends, smart women, they will be moderately controlled, and they will not post too much such content.

Because they know that excessive selfies and showing off their bodies can easily cause aesthetic fatigue, and even cause others to be disgusted and jealous.

Moreover, it is easy for people to ignore your qualities and abilities and treat you as an "embroidered pillow".

Oscar Wilde once said, "Only superficial people do not judge people by their appearance." ”

Wise women, they pay more attention to inner cultivation and talent.

A woman, if she is smart, will not post 4 things in the circle of friends

For example, they will share their experiences, experiences, or some interesting content in their circle of friends.

This kind of thing can not only show their unique charm, but also not make people feel too superficial.

A smart woman, they will never post these four things mentioned above in the circle of friends.

Even if they are dry, they are also posting something more personalized and tasteful, which is a really high-end approach.

So, take care to manage your circle of friends and make it the best side of you, not the object of ridicule.