
1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

author:Brother Zhang said entertainment

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On the vast stage of the NBA, every team is like a bright star, shining its own light, and the Celtics are undoubtedly one of the brightest existences.

The Celtics, a team with an illustrious history, have consistently shown strong dominance in the East. In recent years, they have been surprisingly consistent. In the past five years, he has successfully reached the Eastern Conference Finals four times, and in 2022, he was the runner-up in the Finals. Such a result is beyond the reach of other teams, and it also fills the hearts of Celtic fans with pride and pride.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

And Jayson Tatum, as the core figure of the team, his statistical performance is also eye-catching. Surprisingly, however, despite the full bloom of his data, he has been questioned from all sides. Some say he's not bold enough in key moments, others say he's a little less ready to lead the team. But it is undeniable that Tatum's core position in the Celtics is unshakable, and every offense and defense he has a crucial impact on the team.

At the same time, the Knicks, a traditional giant, are also quietly rising. They went 3-2 in the series against the Pacers and showed great competitiveness and raised expectations for their meeting with the Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals. This will be a pinnacle matchup between traditional giants, and it is destined to attract the attention of countless fans, whether the Celtics continue to defend their glory, or the Knicks can achieve a counterattack, everything is full of suspense.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

The Cavaliers, on the other hand, suffered a Waterloo this season. Injuries to key players haunted them like a nightmare, and the absence of Mitchell and Allen has taken a toll on the team. This not only affected the team's performance on the field, but also caused infighting within the team. The players have expressed dissatisfaction with the manager's tactical arrangements and have complained about the performance of their teammates, and this discordant atmosphere has spread through the team, making the future of the Cavaliers uncertain.

Allen's injury is undoubtedly a big problem for the Cavaliers. His importance cannot be overstated, and his absence has left the team's interior defense with a huge hole. And Allen, in the face of injury, made the decision to refuse to play closed. The decision has caused widespread controversy, with some arguing that he is responsible for his own career, after all, the closure could have more serious consequences; But there are also doubts about his lack of spirit to fight for the team. Historically, there have been many cases of players whose careers have been affected by injury decisions. For example, the former Maddie, his choice in the face of injuries made his career gradually go downhill; Ibaka played behind closed doors for the team, but he also paid a heavy price for it; Griffin is also plagued by injuries and is not as good as before.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

Now, what does the future hold for the Cavaliers? If the problem of team infighting is not properly resolved, it will have a profound impact on the development of the team. And the possibility of Mitchell's contract extension has also become the focus of fans' attention, and there are rumors that the Lakers are eyeing him and there is a possibility of a potential trade. All of this makes the future of the Cavaliers controversial.

Is it the Celtics who continue to dominate the East? Or is it the rise of the Knicks? Or will the Cavaliers be able to get out of the woods? On the NBA stage, every decision, every game, can change the fate of a team. And we, the audience, will continue to witness this wonderful basketball feast with excitement. But no matter what the result is, we should respect the hard work and dedication of every player, because they are the brightest stars on this stage. However, is it really reasonable to question Tatum? Can the Knicks really become the new hegemon in the East? Will the Cavaliers be able to resolve their internal conflicts and get back on track? These questions will become a topic of debate among fans, so let's wait and see!

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

Let's take a look at the comments of netizens: A seriously injured player, if he plays closed for the sake of temporary gains and losses, he will basically be scrapped in the second half of his life, so it is correct for the player not to play.

This comment from netizens does have its merits. For a player with a serious injury, playing behind closed doors is undoubtedly an extremely difficult decision.

Although playing closed may allow players to return to the field of play in the short term and strive for temporary gains and losses, the potential risks are indeed huge. This kind of forcible fighting with injuries is likely to cause more serious injuries to the body, and even, as netizens said, it will lead to the basic scrapping of the second half of life. Physical damage can be irreversible and can have a serious impact on a player's subsequent athletic career and quality of life.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

The player's choice not to play closed is a kind of protection and responsibility for his own future. They need to think about the long term, not just one game or one season. Not being closed gives them more time for thorough treatment and recovery, giving them hope for their future careers.

This does not mean that playing closed is necessarily the wrong choice. In some special situations, such as a crucial game or a moment of great significance to the team, players may choose to take risks out of a sense of responsibility to the team and a desire to win. This is equally worthy of respect, and they are willing to make huge sacrifices for the good of the team.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

When faced with the decision of whether to play closed, there is no absolute right or wrong. Players need to consider a variety of factors and weigh the pros and cons. No matter what choice they make, we should understand and respect it, because they are all working hard for the basketball they love.

Personally, I think: don't use your physical health to block tomorrow, people don't kill for themselves. What's more, professional footballers' health always comes first

Indeed, "don't put your health on the fence for tomorrow", this sentence profoundly expresses the importance of health. For professional footballers, there is no doubt about this.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

Health is the foundation of everything, and without health, all dreams and pursuits may come to naught. Professional players rely on their bodies to fight on the field, and once the body collapses, everything they have can disappear in an instant. Their careers may be cut short as a result, and their former glory may be a thing of the past.

"People do not destroy for themselves" is not a selfish expression in this context, but emphasizes responsibility for oneself. Professional footballers are responsible for their own health, not only for their own future, but also for their families, fans and the team as a whole. Only by staying healthy can they continue to bring wonderful performances to everyone and continue to create value in their own fields.

1-4 elimination! The starting core refused to play in a closed game and was isolated by his teammates! The NBA also has moral kidnapping

Therefore, it is absolutely the right choice to always put health first. It's a form of wisdom and a form of respect for oneself and others. No matter what temptations and pressures you face, you should stick to this principle and plan for your long-term life.

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