
Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

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"Bang!" The sound of basketball smashing on the floor seems to be a heavy echo of the Chinese men's basketball team's achievements in recent years. The Chinese men's basketball team, once the pride of the Chinese people, is now in a deep predicament.

Let's go back to the recent international competition, on the stage of the Men's Basketball World Cup, the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team can be described as embarrassing. Against the Philippines, we swallowed the bitter pill of defeat and lost our qualification for the Olympic qualifiers, which was undoubtedly like a hammer to the hearts of the fans. At the Hangzhou Asian Games, the reversal and defeat in the semifinals made people's mood fall to the bottom. These successive defeats, like a storm, caused an uproar among the media and fans, sparking widespread attention and heated discussions. "What happened to the Chinese men's basketball team?" "Why do you lose again and again?" Such doubts are endless.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

When Yao Ming was interviewed by Wu Xiaoli, the scene reached a new climax. Yao Ming, who is the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, was slightly tired when sitting in front of the camera. When asked the reason for the poor performance of the men's basketball team, he was silent and said, "We lack the opportunity to communicate with the world", and nodded slightly to confirm. But Wu Xiaoli bluntly pointed out, "You hesitated, you didn't really answer", which made Yao Ming instantly embarrassed, and he covered his face with his hands and sighed. This scene provoked a lot of thinking, Yao Ming's answer and reaction became the focus, and also allowed people to have a more in-depth discussion of the current situation and future of the men's basketball team, and Yao Ming's embarrassment contrasted sharply with Wu Xiaoli's bluntness, which was impressive.

This scene sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens bluntly said: "Yao Ming is making excuses, and the lack of international exchanges is not the root cause." Others think: "The level of the CBA league is not high enough, and the players do not get enough training." Someone else pointed out: "There is a problem with the player development mechanism, and there are too few excellent talents." Some people even questioned the basketball style of the Chinese men's basketball team. Everyone expressed their opinions and argued endlessly.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

Delving into the reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of the Chinese men's basketball team, it is not difficult to find that the quality of the CBA league does need to be improved. In some competitions, the intensity of confrontation was not enough, and the technical and tactical level failed to reach the international first-class. There are also some drawbacks in the player development mechanism, which focuses too much on the cultivation of physical fitness and ignores the improvement of skills and awareness. In the choice of basketball style, whether to continue to adhere to the traditional style or bold innovation is also a difficult problem in front of us.

But the future is not all dark. We can strengthen international exchanges, so that more players have the opportunity to train and improve themselves in high-level leagues. Reform the league system to increase the intensity and spectacle of the game, so as to improve the competitive level of the players. Optimize player training, focus on all-round development, and cultivate more excellent players with both physical fitness and skill and awareness.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

There is controversy about Yao Ming's answer and the future of the Chinese men's basketball team. Some people think that Yao Ming's answer really does not touch on the fundamental issue, and the Chinese men's basketball team needs more in-depth reform and reflection. But there are also those who believe that Yao Ming has his own considerations and plans, and we should give him time and opportunities.

The Chinese men's basketball team stands at a crossroads. Will it continue to sink, or will it bravely break through the predicament and regain its former glory? This is a serious issue facing all basketball people. As fans and CBA spectators, we look forward to the Chinese men's basketball team facing up to the problem, actively reforming, and playing proud results in future international competitions. But it is destined to be a challenging road, let's wait and see how the Chinese men's basketball team writes its own chapter in the future.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

Let's take a look at the comments of netizens: Yao Ming said it is already very tactful and subtle, referring to General Fan's sentence "What kind of people are you, ask me to bring it." ”

Yao Ming's answer was indeed more tactful and subtle. This comment from netizens is reminiscent of Fan Zhiyi's famous words: "Who are you in this group, ask me to bring it." This sentence expresses dissatisfaction with the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team and expectations for Yao Ming.

The Chinese men's basketball team has not performed well in recent international competitions, and fans are disappointed and angry at the team's loss. As the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, Yao Ming has naturally become the focus of attention. His answer in an exclusive interview with Wu Xiaoli was considered by some netizens to be avoiding the question and not really pointing out the problems of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

We should also understand Yao Ming's position and difficulties. As the leader of the Chinese Basketball Association, he needs to take into account many factors, and cannot just rely on personal emotions and subjective judgments to make statements. In addition, the problems of the Chinese men's basketball team cannot be solved overnight, and it needs to be reformed and improved from many aspects.

The comments of netizens reflect the fans' attention to the Chinese men's basketball team and their expectations for Yao Ming. It is hoped that the Chinese men's basketball team can seriously sum up lessons and lessons, strengthen training and management, improve its own strength, and achieve better results in future competitions.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

Personally, I think: Yao Ming in the past is roughly the United Arab Emirates, not only in the CBA, but also in the international competition, and then look at the current players, CBA all kinds of fairy balls, three-point accuracy, all kinds of roars, to the international competition hanging zero

The former Yao Ming, Roughly, and UAE League, they can be described as majestic in the CBA arena and show super dominance. However, what is even more admirable is that they are also undaunted on the stage of international competitions, dare to fight, and win countless honors for the country.

At that time, they were the mainstay of the Chinese men's basketball team, and they could fight bravely in the face of strong foreign opponents and play their own style. Their strength and spirit have made countless fans crazy and proud.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

can look at today's players, there are indeed highlight moments in the CBA league, they can throw all kinds of fairy balls, the three points seem to be very accurate, and they will also roar on the field, which seems to be passionate. But when it comes to international competitions, it seems to be a different person, behaving like two people, and even the embarrassing situation of zero score. This has to make people ponder, is it the current level of the league that is inflated, giving the players a delusion, or is there a problem with the players' own ability and mentality?

In international competitions, the intensity of confrontation and the pace of the game are very different from those of the CBA. This requires players not only to have excellent skills, but also to have strong mental quality and adaptability. And some of the current players are clearly lacking in these areas. We must not only be satisfied with the scenery in the domestic league, but also focus on the international stage, strive to improve ourselves, and truly become an excellent player who can fight tough battles and win glory for the country. Only in this way can the Chinese men's basketball team rebuild its glory and regain its former glory and dignity.

Embarrassed! Yao Ming was asked about the poor performance of the men's basketball team: lack of international exchanges! Wu Xiaoli: You didn't really answer me

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