
4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

author:Recipes to relieve worries

During menstruation, many women experience not only physical pain, but also mood swings, which are often caused by endocrine imbalances. Luckily, nature has provided us with some special ingredients that are rich in natural compounds that mimic progesterone, a hormone that is key in regulating the menstrual cycle and alleviating related symptoms. These foods not only help balance the endocrine system, but also effectively reduce menstrual discomfort and make those special days more comfortable.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

These "natural progesterone" foods are rich in nutrients that help balance hormone levels in the body by encouraging the body to produce more natural hormones. For example, they are able to increase progesterone production, which is very effective in regulating the menstrual cycle, reducing menstrual cramps, and preventing premenstrual syndrome. What's more, increasing progesterone through natural means not only reduces pain, but also improves sleep quality and elevates overall mood.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

In addition, these foods also contain a lot of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, which are important factors in reducing inflammation and reducing physical discomfort. When your body maintains a better balance of hormones through cyclical changes, you will find that your energy levels are more stable and your skin condition will change for the better due to the health of your endocrine system. By incorporating these four foods into your diet, you'll not only be able to reduce discomfort during menstruation, but you'll also be able to improve your physiological health in the long term.

1. Red dates (red dates and lotus seeds and pork heart soup)

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

Jujube is widely recognized as a nourishing product, especially among women, and is highly regarded for its rich nutritional value. Jujube is rich in vitamin C and iron, which are extremely important for promoting blood circulation and boosting immunity. In addition, jujube can also effectively improve the body's resistance to disease and relieve fatigue, especially during menstruation, it can help replenish blood and relieve dizziness or fatigue caused by anemia.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

The sweetness and soft texture of jujube make it a favorite ingredient in many recipes. Whether eaten directly, made in tea, or used as an ingredient in porridge or pastries, jujube can add flavor and nutrition to everyday diets. Its natural sweetness and mild nature make jujube an ideal nutritional supplement during the aunt period, helping women better regulate endocrine and relieve menstrual discomfort.

2. Goji berries (sweet potato goji berry soup)

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

Goji berries are known in traditional Chinese medicine as a valuable herb for vision and endocrine regulation. It is rich in antioxidants, especially β-carotene, which have a significant effect on fighting free radicals and promoting skin health. The vitamins and minerals in goji berries can effectively support the endocrine system and balance the body's hormones, especially during menstruation, which can help relieve physical discomfort and mood swings.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

Goji berries can be incorporated into the daily diet by simply making tea or adding to oatmeal for breakfast. Its sweet taste and nourishing benefits make it an ideal daily tonic that not only gives you a healthy experience, but also provides an extra soothing effect during your menstrual period, making your month more relaxed.

3. Yam (yam pork porridge)

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

Yam is an excellent natural source of "progesterone" due to its rich dietary fiber and mucin protein. It helps regulate female hormones and is especially excellent at maintaining the balance of estrogen and progesterone. These properties of yam have a significant effect on relieving menstrual discomfort and promoting digestion and absorption.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

In addition, yam can also strengthen physical fitness and improve immunity. Its gentle and nourishing properties make it an ideal food during menstruation, as it can be made into soups or stewed with meat, providing the body with essential nutrients while helping to restore strength and adjust the body.

4. Sweet potato (sweet potato glutinous rice balls, white fungus soup)

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

Sweet potatoes are foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, and their high-fiber properties can help promote gut health and reduce bloating that is common during menstruation. In addition, β-carotene in sweet potatoes is a powerful antioxidant that can be converted into vitamin A, which is beneficial for protecting eyesight and skin health, and enhancing the body's resistance to disease.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

The variety of ways sweet potatoes are cooked also makes them a great addition to the daily diet. Whether roasted, mashed, or steamed sweet potatoes, it provides long-lasting satiety, a rich supply of nutrients, and helps maintain stable energy levels, especially at a time when physical strength and mood may be affected by menstruation.

4 natural "progesterone", women should eat more during the aunt period to balance the endocrine and drive away the aunt's pain

These four ingredients are not only satisfying in taste, but also have a non-negligible role in helping women balance their endocrine system and relieve menstrual pain. By incorporating them into your diet, you can significantly improve your physical health and well-being, allowing you to spend each month more comfortably.