
Just betting that the Chinese side will not make a move, 200 Philippine civilians flocked to Scarborough Shoal, and the Chinese side has also changed its characterization and wording

author:Shaanxi Chengcheng financial media

Regarding the influx of about 200 Philippine civilians into the waters off Scarborough Shoal, China has made a clear and serious response. The incident stemmed from a non-governmental organization in the Philippines called the "Atinitto Alliance", which carefully organized a fleet of nearly 200 people to carry out a controversial "civil mission" in the waters near Scarborough Shoal. However, this is not a purely non-governmental activity, but also hides a deeper political intent and a complex international context.

Just betting that the Chinese side will not make a move, 200 Philippine civilians flocked to Scarborough Shoal, and the Chinese side has also changed its characterization and wording

This so-called "civil society" actually includes a large number of politicians from different political parties and political groups, and has long received funding from relevant institutions in the United States. This background makes the whole operation politically tinged and makes one wonder about the real motives behind it. Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Tariera has publicly stated that they will do their best to ensure the safety of participants and "freedom of navigation". This is undoubtedly a test of China's bottom line, and at the same time exposes the Philippine side's attempt to fight for control of Scarborough Shoal through the strategy of "people's war".

In the face of the Philippine provocation, China has exercised great restraint and calm. In response to the incident, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin stressed that China has always adhered to the principle of good-neighborliness and friendship, and is unwilling to say no to the problem, hoping to resolve the issue through dialogue and negotiation. However, if the Philippines abuses China's goodwill and infringes on China's territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, China will have no choice but to defend its rights in accordance with the law and take necessary countermeasures. Unlike in the past, China's response this time is firmer, more direct and serious, and clearly states that the relevant responsibilities and consequences will be borne by the Philippine side.

Just betting that the Chinese side will not make a move, 200 Philippine civilians flocked to Scarborough Shoal, and the Chinese side has also changed its characterization and wording

Notably, the Chinese side has also harshly characterized the actions of these civilian boats, accusing them of "illegal gathering" and engaging in activities unrelated to normal fishery production. This is a powerful response to the Marcos administration's sabotage of the "gentlemen's agreement" between China and the Philippines. The agreement, which allowed Filipino fishing vessels to conduct limited fishing activities around Scarborough Shoal, has undermined this political base by the Marcos administration's actions in an attempt to extract more profit through illegal means.

In addition, the Chinese side further revealed the various actions of the Marcos administration since it took office. They actively seek to strengthen the U.S.-Philippines alliance and sacrifice peace and stability in the South China Sea in exchange for U.S. support and selfish interests. The United States, on the other hand, has provided all kinds of equipment, commitments, and status support as much as it likes, making the Philippines even more brazen in creating incidents and picking quarrels and provoking troubles in the South China Sea. Such short-sighted and dangerous behavior not only seriously undermines the trust and friendly relations between China and the Philippines, but also poses a serious threat to peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Just betting that the Chinese side will not make a move, 200 Philippine civilians flocked to Scarborough Shoal, and the Chinese side has also changed its characterization and wording

In view of the above, China has every reason to reconsider the special arrangements at Scarborough Shoal and Second Thomas Jiao. The Philippine side's attempt to infringe on China's territorial sovereignty while enjoying China's goodwill will will not work and will not be allowed. China will resolutely safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests from any infringement. At the same time, China also calls on the countries surrounding the South China Sea to jointly safeguard regional peace, stability, prosperity and development, and resolutely resist any form of provocation and aggression.

The Marcos administration should recognize the grave consequences of its wrongdoings and immediately cease all provocations. If they don't want to be an enemy of the whole region, they don't want to destroy peace in the South China Sea

Just betting that the Chinese side will not make a move, 200 Philippine civilians flocked to Scarborough Shoal, and the Chinese side has also changed its characterization and wording

For peace, stability, prosperity and development, we should respect historical facts and the principles of international law and resolve disputes and differences through dialogue and consultation. Only in this way can we ensure long-term peace and stable development in the South China Sea.

To sum up, China has expressed strong concern and serious response to the incident of about 200 civilians from the Philippines pouring into the waters off Scarborough Shoal. In the face of the Philippine side's provocative acts, China will resolutely safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and call on countries bordering the South China Sea to jointly safeguard regional peace, stability, prosperity and development. At the same time, the Marcos administration should recognize the situation and pull back from the precipice to avoid further escalating tensions in the South China Sea.

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