
The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

author:Xiaotian said the classics

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The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

The years have passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, the cattle have spent more than 70 years. Now, he is lying quietly in the recliner on the balcony, looking at the branches and leaves gently swaying by the wind outside the window, and his heart is surging with endless emotions and thoughts.

The course of his life is like an epic masterpiece that has not yet been completed, and he is both the protagonist of the story and the creator of this work, and has experienced countless ups and downs.

Looking back, Niu Qun deeply regrets the decision to step into politics from the art world. He was invited to serve as the "nominal deputy county magistrate" of Mengcheng County, Anhui Province, with the original intention of contributing to the local economic prosperity with his popularity and talent.

However, it backfired, and not only did he fail to achieve his desired goals, but instead fell into the predicament of notoriety.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

"If I were to turn back the clock and face that decision again, I would still choose to be the county magistrate without hesitation." Niu Qun candidly said that although he paid a huge price for it, he never regretted his choice.

It's just that his perception of this responsibility was obviously biased back then, which led to criticism and questioning later.

As a cross talk actor-turned-"star county magistrate", Niu Qun has caused widespread controversy since the moment he stepped into politics. However, he devoted himself to government affairs with a burning heart and did his best to work for the welfare of the people, why did he end up infamy? This made the herd feel extremely regretful and confused.

"I'm obviously a good and conscientious official, why can't I even get the most basic recognition?" Whenever I think back to this experience, the herd's brows are always unconsciously furrowed.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

Compared with the malicious slander of others, what makes him even more difficult to let go is that his sincerity has been so disappointed.

To delve into the reasons why the herd eventually fell into the abyss of regret, we have to go back to the beginning of his artistic career. In 1949, the People's Republic of China had just been founded, and it was in the stage of reconstruction.

It was in this special historical context that the birth of the herd and the thriving in the embrace of the motherland may have been this unique experience that planted a fire in his heart to serve the people.

Despite this ideal, the young and vigorous herd chose a very different path in life. Living in Tianjin, the "hometown of quyi", he was deeply attracted by the art of cross talk because of a chance opportunity, and since then he has embarked on the road of art.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

In 1968, the young cattle herd followed the pace of the times, threw themselves into the great trend of rural construction, and spent a period of not easy but profound days in a poor and backward village in Hebei Province.

It was in that difficult environment that he was fortunate to meet an old villager who was skilled and good at playing Allegro, and this old man's fiery artistic heart deeply infected the herd and enabled him to find a new self-orientation and life direction.

After hardships, Niu Qun was finally successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama for further study. After completing his studies in 1974, he officially joined the Beijing Art Troupe, realizing his long-cherished wish to devote himself to the art career he loved.

In the glorious 20 years since, he co-created with Feng Gong, stood on the stage hand in hand, and became an incomparable heavyweight actor in the Chinese cross talk industry.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

However, in 1998, an eye-popping incident changed the course of the herd's life. The sales of the "Wuzhoufeng Beef" brand he endorsed surged in Mengcheng County, Anhui Province, and the local government took advantage of the situation to plan to let Niu Qun serve as the "nominal deputy county magistrate" to enhance the popularity of Mengcheng.

As soon as this move was launched, it immediately aroused widespread attention and controversy from all walks of life. Feng Gong and other colleagues have exhorted him that the herd of artists is not suitable for political work.

However, the herd did not hesitate to choose to embark on a new and unknown path in politics.

During his tenure as "nominal deputy county magistrate", Niu Qun showed unprecedented energy and efficient work ability, which contrasted sharply with his performance in the field of art.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

During his tenure in Mengcheng County, he always kept his promise and spent several Chinese New Year in the homes of local poor farmers every year, experiencing first-hand the plight of their lives.

The living conditions of these families are indeed as dire as the cattle see with their own eyes. Some families can't even solve the basic problem of food and clothing, and salt has become a luxury; Some families live in poor conditions, their dilapidated houses are about to collapse at any moment, and they can only rely on a single log to survive; Other families are so poor that they have to live in the same room with the poultry, where they live on a few simple planks of wood while the birds settle on the ground.

In the face of those shocking scenes, the hearts of the cattle swelled with endless grief and indignation, and he firmly vowed to make a substantial change for these suffering people! Since then, he has devoted himself to the work of attracting investment and going deep into the grassroots, and has devoted countless efforts.

In order to stimulate investors' strong interest in Mengcheng County, the cattle did not hesitate to put down their bodies and show their unique skills in person. Although he can no longer show off his style on the stage as before, performing cross talk and singing, he is willing to go all out, singing small songs and telling jokes, just to win the favor of foreign businessmen.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

As it turned out, his efforts were not in vain. Well-known enterprises such as Wuziniu Beverage Company and Niuqun Trade City have chosen to settle in Mengcheng, bringing new economic vitality to the local area.

However, what made the career of the county magistrate of the herd more difficult was due to a chance research experience. One day, he visited a local school for the deaf and dumb, and after witnessing the harsh environment where people and animals live together, he couldn't help but be shocked and burst into tears.

The school is burdened with a heavy debt of more than 100,000 yuan, but teachers and students can only squeeze into dilapidated and precarious buildings. Even so, the children's paintings were filled with sunshine and touched the hearts of the herd.

It was from that moment that he decided to take the initiative to take charge of the school and raise money for the school with his reputation in the art world and his extensive social network.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

After unremitting efforts, the herd quickly achieved remarkable results, and the school's teaching facilities and living conditions of teachers and students have been greatly improved, showing a new look full of vitality.

Just as the herd was proud of the development achievements of the school for the deaf and dumb, a sudden storm was quietly brewing. Due to his special status and generosity, this move has caused fierce controversy and doubts in society.

Some accused the herd of embezzling the money raised, while others denounced him as a "businessman" or a "liar". Although the herd selflessly donated all his property to charity in the form of "naked donations", and took the initiative to request the relevant departments to conduct a comprehensive review of him, the final investigation results also confirmed his innocence.

This undoubtedly adds another layer of ice and snow to the huge predicament, and makes the already fierce criticism even more violent. Suddenly, the herd was in the midst of a storm of public opinion, and its reputation suffered an unprecedented and serious blow.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

Friends who were once close to each other have adopted an evasive attitude for fear of being affected by the negative effects of the herd. The family and friends around the herd were also extremely puzzled by this, and some even severely reprimanded him in person.

Even the son of the herd, Niu Tong, has been greatly affected in his daily life and education. Due to the extreme poverty of the family's financial situation, Niu Tong once faced the dilemma of not being able to continue his education.

Luckily, however, the publisher where the herd worked quickly lent a helping hand after learning about the incident, subsidizing them with 1,000 yuan a month to tide them over.

However, the voices of public opinion are still questioning and accusing. When the herd decided to return to the cross talk stage in 2005, his appearance was already tired.

The herd, not a celebrity as a county magistrate, went bankrupt for the sake of the people, why did they get all the infamy

However, the cross talk world did not give a warm welcome as he expected, but avoided it one after another, for fear that they would be shrouded in the shadow of the herd.

As a result, the herd is in a dilemma. He had no choice but to pray that someone would work hand in hand with him to avoid being left without food and clothing.

The herd had tried to find his old partner, Feng Gong, in the hope that he would lend a helping hand during this difficult time.

The two did have a dinner party to relive their friendship in the past, and Feng Gong even led the herd to rehearse a cross talk show, hoping to help him appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again.

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