
From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

author:Your uncle

"The life of a genius is only a small line, and it often goes through a very short history, because there are too many things in life that are unconsciously self-sabotaging."

Mao Ning, who was once known as the first generation of national idols in China, did not have a smooth sailing in his life, but went to a low point at the peak of his career, and was finally ruined by two major scandals at the age of 28 and fell into the abyss.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Mao Ning's experience is hard, and his life is also full of twists and turns, from red to lonely, how did Mao Ning go from the peak to the trough?

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

The pinnacle of the day.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Mao Ning was born in a musical family, his father has been a musician since he was a child, so Mao Ning is particularly talented in music, and under the influence of Mao Ning, Mao Ning's younger brother Mao Shaojie also has a strong interest in music.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Under the influence of Mao Ning, Mao Shaojie became very interested in music, and Mao Ning's outstanding singing skills in elementary school also attracted the attention of the teacher, and the teacher immediately invited Mao Ning's father to the school to communicate with them, and the teacher suggested that Mao Ning's father could consider sending their two brothers to music school, but Mao Ning's father rejected this suggestion, because he hoped that one of the two brothers could have a "serious" job in the future.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Therefore, Mao Ning can only be more than capable of music career at this time, he is also very painful in this process when he grows up, his grades are not very good, but Mao Ning is very outstanding in sports, so his father hopes that Mao Ning can embark on the path of physical education, and eventually become a physical education teacher, and Mao Ning is also very painful in this process, because he does not like physical education, prefers music.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

But because of his father's insistence, Mao Ning finally chose his father's opinion, he passed the physical education major exam after graduating from high school, and successfully entered Beijing Sports University, but there is a gap between his interests and majors after all, so Mao Ning still did not give up his hobby of music during college, he turned his major from sports to literary and artistic careers, so he was also nicknamed the only "literary and sports student" in the school by teachers and classmates.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Mao Ning gradually emerged with his excellent singing skills in college, he formed a band when he was in college, the members of the band were mainly from Mao Ning's classmates and friends, Mao Ning served as the lead singer in the band, and his excellent singing voice was soon loved by people.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

A frequent visitor to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

After graduation, Mao Ning joined Beijing Sport University as a physical education teacher, but in this process Mao Ning did not give up his music career, he will continue to create his own music in his spare time, and sing in some large-scale performances, and his singing voice has been loved by more and more people.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

When Mao Ning's career was booming, his younger brother Mao Shaojie died in a car accident, which hit Mao Ning very hard, which also made him no longer as lively and cheerful as before, and his personality became more and more introverted.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

When Mao Ning's music career gradually reached its peak, his younger brother went to the trough of his life, his younger brother Mao Shaojie was sent to Peking University to study after graduating from high school because of his excellent grades, but his younger brother was addicted to online games during college and couldn't extricate himself, resulting in a plummeting grade, and finally failed to pass the assessment of Baoyan, and his younger brother finally chose to commit suicide in loss and despair.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Mao Ning's spirit was greatly hurt, and Mao Ning's father also suffered a heart attack due to successive blows and passed away, Mao Ning suffered the blow of the death of his parents and younger brother in a short period of time, which was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for Mao Ning, and his spirit was once very haggard.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

After the persuasion of his friends, Mao Ning began to get out of the pain at this time, reinvigorated, and his career began to usher in the peak of his career, he was invited to Beijing TV to participate in a program called "Week 8", this program is mainly to invite some singers to sing, after the performance, Mao Ning's singing voice has been recognized by the audience, so he has also become a frequent guest in the show.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

And Mao Ning also gradually emerged in the music world with his excellent singing skills, his fame gradually spread, many TV stations have invited him to sing, Mao Ning has also embarked on a path of rapid development, he has achieved great success in his career, and has appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala for many years, becoming a well-deserved frequent guest of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, becoming famous overnight, Mao Ning has become a superstar in the music world.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

His fame is also getting bigger and bigger, and Mao Ning's life is also extremely smooth, but in the sixth year of his debut, his life went to a low point, because a shocking vicious incident happened in this year.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

The two major scandals that ruined Mao Ning.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

It happened in 1997, when Mao Ning was already a superstar in the music world, but in this year, he suffered an assassination, that day after Mao Ning recorded a show, Mao Ning's agent and an unidentified man clashed, both sides took out knives, and finally under Mao Ning's stop, the two sides stopped the conflict.

Mao Ning's agent was seriously injured in the course of the conflict, and the assassination quickly made headlines in the media and attracted everyone's attention.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

There are rumors that the man is Mao Ning's rival in love, and he retaliated for Mao Ning's woman, this rumor has aroused everyone's suspicion, and Mao Ning's private life has also been questioned, in media reports, Mao Ning's wife did not accompany Mao Ning at the time of the incident, but arrived afterwards, so some people speculated that Mao Ning's wife did not care about Mao Ning and showed off her marriage in front of the media.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

And this incident also caused Mao Ning's dissatisfaction, he denied the media's speculation in an interview, he said that his wife was worried about his safety, and rushed over after the incident, not that the media said that he didn't care about himself, and after the assassination incident passed, Mao Ning's career was not greatly affected.

But in 2011, his life went to a low point again, when Mao Ning was arrested by the police for taking drugs in a bar, and he was arrested and interrogated for 10 days, and finally sentenced to six years in prison.

From the 8th Spring Festival Gala to the imprisonment, how did Mao Ning, who was ruined by two major scandals, fall off the altar?

Mao Ning's career was naturally greatly affected after this incident, and his image has been questioned since then, Mao Ning in order to prove his innocence, and finally appealed at the court trial, and said that he was greatly abused during the police interrogation, and finally when appealing, the court also exonerated Mao Ning.

Assassination, rumors, family tragedy, drug abuse, these four things are extremely bumpy experiences in Mao Ning's life, but Mao Ning was not defeated by these things, and finally chose to face it positively, re-stepped on the stage, and showed a strong and brave side.

Write to the end

Mao Ning's life can be regarded as having experienced ups and downs, his ups and downs did not make him stumble, but made him stronger, although he experienced a drug scandal, but Mao Ning is still trying to face the mistakes of the past, hoping that the future can be calmly faced and truly enjoy life.

But I also hope that Mao Ning's life will no longer be as bumpy as before, and in the new year, I also hope that Mao Ning can get better and better.

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