
Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

author:Hasetsu Literature Company

Many years ago, Gao Xiaosong, a talented man once hailed as a legend in the music industry, posted a deeply shocking selfie on his active social media platform. Gao Xiaosong's face in the photo is tired, his expression is stiff, and his face looks a little fierce, which is in stark contrast to the handsome and chic image in the past, which seems to reveal all kinds of troubles he has endured in his heart.

The photo went viral on the Internet, and what was even more shocking was that when it was juxtaposed with the photo of Hua Chenyu, a pop singer who has been controversial in recent years, the striking similarity between the two surprised many netizens. Gao Xiaosong's signature black frames, facial contours, and hairstyle design are exactly the same as Hua Chenyu's, as if they were two versions from the same mold.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

In the face of such a jaw-dropping similarity, the online world instantly set off a storm of heated discussions and speculation. Some people jokingly said that this may be Gao Xiaosong's carefully planned new comeback plan, trying to completely transform his appearance through "Barbie plastic surgery", put on the new coat of Hua Chenyu, and return to the music scene to create brilliance.

However, some people speculate that this may just be an attempt by Gao Xiaosong to improve his personal image, after all, as he gets older, the need for maintenance will increase.

However, judging from Gao Xiaosong's tired and stiff facial expression shown in the photo, it seems that it is not the result of cosmetic surgery, but more like an outward manifestation of some kind of inner conflict. Is it a new plan for a comeback, or is it simply appearance anxiety? This photo undoubtedly brings a new problem to Gao Xiaosong himself.

Today's Mao Ning, the once gentle and elegant appearance is long gone, replaced by a new image full of strong technological atmosphere and Internet celebrity style. The bright and prominent "awl face" seems to have a deliberate display with a deep meaning, like an abrupt and dazzling "apple muscle", coupled with an extremely stiff and distorted facial expression, which makes people have to sigh when they see it, sure enough, time flies, and the years are ruthless!

Recently, Mao Ning's vivid image on various live broadcast platforms has made it difficult for loyal fans who have not appeared for a long time to identify, where is the handsome and dashing male god back then? The bridge of his nose is too prominent, the corners of his mouth are tilted, and his eyes are obviously asymmetrical, which is almost like the handsome young man we remember.

In the face of such a drastic change, many people can't help but question whether this former idol also chose the path to "plastic surgery" after he grew old, but the doctor's skills were too rusty, resulting in unsatisfactory surgical results.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

Before Wang Ziyi's acting career was really popular, he had already been deeply imprinted in the hearts of young audiences with his outstanding singing and dancing talent and uninhibited personal image. The slightly sunken and angular face, combined with the unique hairstyle, seems to exude a rebellious force in silence, which makes countless girls fall for it.

Wang Ziyi's wild and uninhibited personality style has also won him the love of countless fans. Back then, his die-hard fans were keen to taste every subtle movement of their idol over and over again, treating him as a treasure.

However, just when Wang Ziyi's career was gradually on the right track and the number of fans was rising, he resolutely embarked on the road of "plastic surgery" under the guidance of some outside advice. The originally cold and heroic jawline was artificially modified to be round and smooth, and the unique youthful temperament of the past also disappeared, replaced by a seemingly "greasy" immature face.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

This decision is undoubtedly a major blow to his future.

From a wild and uninhibited personality boy to today's passer-by, Wang Ziyi saw that his career resources were decreasing day by day, his appearance opportunities were becoming fewer and fewer, and his exposure was plummeting, and he gradually became one of the "many beings" in this fiercely competitive entertainment industry, and he could no longer regain the unique personal charm of the year.

Chen Xiaodong's life is like a legend: born in a wealthy family, he grew up under the care of his parents since he was a child. When he was still an adult, he showed extraordinary talent, set foot in the entertainment industry, became a blockbuster, and his career was full of brilliance, as if he had a bright future.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. After the conflict with the brokerage company, Chen Xiaodong resolutely decided to develop independently, and did not hesitate to pay huge liquidated damages.

Since then, his star journey has lost its original resource support, and it has gradually become obscure in this rapidly changing circle, and years of hard work have almost come to naught.

In the show, Chen Xiaodong's double eyelids show a unique "frog-like" shape, and the corners of his eyes are smart and energetic; The plump "apple skin" exudes a strong sense of science and technology, which is eye-catching. He admits that he has always paid attention to maintenance, but judging from his current appearance, it is clear that the word "maintenance" alone cannot explain this earth-shaking change.

What's even more amazing is that some netizens mischievously compared Chen Xiaodong's photo with Barbie's face, and found that the facial contours of the two are strikingly similar, and even the proportion from chin to nose bridge is the same! It's like two versions from the same mold.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

This set of "Barbie humanoid" comparison photos immediately spread wildly on the Internet, and Chen Xiaodong's new label of "humanoid Barbie" was born.

The name Chen Haomin is undoubtedly familiar to the post-80s and post-90s audiences. He once played a generation of martial arts in the classic costume drama "Dragon Babu", with a handsome appearance, elegant and gentle temperament, which made countless girls obsessed.

With the wonderful performance of the play, Chen Haomin became a "beautiful boy" in the hearts of thousands of girls overnight.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

Since then, Chen Haomin has frequently appeared in many costume dramas, such as the "Living Buddha Jigong" series, "Bangs Chopping Wood", etc., each time he looks handsome and chic, and his eyebrows are full of affinity, which makes the audience fall for it.

This young student, known as the "successor of costume dramas", has an elegant temperament and a delicate face, which can be called the modern incarnation of a traditional beautiful man.

However, at the peak of Chen Haomin's career, his appearance showed a shocking transformation! In 2011, the acclaimed actor ushered in an important moment in his life, entering the palace of marriage with his lover and giving birth to four lively and adorable children. In the process, he decided to quietly embark on a journey of discovery called "medical aesthetics".

The originally soft and fair face is now cut by the high and bulging bridge of the nose, which looks abrupt and stiff, as if artificially shaped; The natural and smooth apple muscles now seemed a little jerky and incongruous, especially when he smiled. The already attractive and deep double eyelids have been subtly adjusted to make the eye shape even more exaggerated.

Full of technology and cruel words! Their changing faces ruined a generation's childhood, and I smiled after seeing Mao Ning

The most striking thing is that Chen Haomin's once gentle face is gone, replaced by a hideous face like the game character Mario, full of technological elements and cold lines, which forms a strong contrast with his image of an elegant boy in the past.

In this way, a facial plastic surgery completely changed Chen Haomin's fate, making him no longer able to show his former style in costume dramas. His acting resources are gradually drying up, and he can only occasionally take on a few low-cost works, and choose to retreat behind the scenes to enjoy life after earning enough for life.

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