
Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb, women often eat it, warm the uterus and drive away the cold, and the body is thin!

author:Starfire Life

Women have busy lives and often neglect their own health, especially the health of the uterus. However, uterine health is not only related to a woman's fertility, but also affects the overall physical condition.

According to research, many women have uterine cold problems, which is mainly due to improper diet and lifestyle habits. The growth of uterine cold will not only increase the burden on the body, but also may cause a series of health problems, so it is important to protect the health of the uterus. So, how to protect the health of the uterus?

01 Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb


Exterior features: Durian has a hard exterior and its skin is covered with sharp thorns, which can be a bit intimidating to look at.

Efficacy analysis: Despite its rough appearance, durian is hot in nature, which helps to enhance yang energy in the body, promote blood circulation, and accelerate metabolism.

How it works: It is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and potassium, for women, it helps to regulate hormone levels in the body, improve uterine health, and reduce the symptoms of uterine cold.

Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb, women often eat it, warm the uterus and drive away the cold, and the body is thin!


Appearance: Angelica sinensis is a Chinese herbal medicine that usually takes on an elongated brown to black-brown shape, and may look a little ordinary in appearance.

Efficacy analysis: Angelica sinensis is widely regarded as a holy product for women's health, with the effect of nourishing blood and beauty, regulating menstruation, especially suitable for women with cold constitution.

Principle of action: It is rich in organic acids, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, which can nourish the uterus, regulate menstrual blood, enhance physical fitness, and improve resistance.

Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb, women often eat it, warm the uterus and drive away the cold, and the body is thin!


Appearance: Mulberry is a small, black fruit that may look a little ordinary or even unattractive.

Efficacy analysis: It is known as a good blood tonic in fruits, rich in vitamin C and iron, and has a significant effect on women's menstrual irregularities, anemia and other problems.

Principle of action: Mulberry can warm and replenish the uterus, promote blood circulation, improve women's physiological cycle, and have a certain effect on regulating uterine health, dispelling cold and warming the uterus, and promoting detoxification.

Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb, women often eat it, warm the uterus and drive away the cold, and the body is thin!


Exterior features: Dried jujubes have a crumpled appearance and may not be attractive enough, but their intrinsic value is very precious.

Efficacy analysis: Jujube is widely regarded as a good product for warming the uterus, which can replenish qi and warm the uterus, moisturize the skin, and have a certain help for women's menstrual irregularities, uterine cold and other problems.

How it works: It is rich in vitamins and minerals, which can regulate women's menstrual cycles, replenish lost nutrients, improve physical condition, and help maintain a healthy body.

Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb, women often eat it, warm the uterus and drive away the cold, and the body is thin!

02 TCM health advice

Conditioning Diet:

It is recommended to increase the intake of uterine warming foods, such as durian, angelica, mulberry and red dates, which can help regulate uterine health and drive away cold and warm the uterus.

Mix your diet reasonably, reduce the intake of raw and cold foods, and avoid excessive consumption of cold foods, such as frozen foods, raw and cold fruits, etc.

Adjust your daily routine:

Maintaining a regular daily routine and ensuring adequate sleep time can help regulate the endocrine system and improve the body's resistance.

Appropriately increasing physical exercise, such as walking, yoga, tai chi, etc., can help promote blood circulation and improve the blood supply to the uterus.

Don't think it's "ugly", but it's the "lucky star" of the womb, women often eat it, warm the uterus and drive away the cold, and the body is thin!

Avoid overexertion:

Avoid maintaining the same position for a long time, such as sitting or standing for a long time, so as not to affect the blood circulation of the uterus and cause the uterine cold to worsen.

Reasonable arrangement of work and rest time, avoiding overwork and emotional stress, helps to maintain a balanced state of the body.

Regular medical check-ups:

It is recommended to have regular gynecological physical examinations to understand the health status of your uterus, detect and deal with potential problems in time, and ensure your health.