
It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

author:Sen Sen said ancient and modern
It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

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"Money may drive ghosts to grind, but it can't buy true love." This old and deep proverb reveals a cruel and true phenomenon of life: although money can bring a sense of pleasure temporarily, it cannot keep the taste of happiness forever.

In this era of rampant secular desires, many people have lost themselves in the pursuit of fame and fortune, and finally missed the most precious treasure in their lives - that sincere and pure love Today, let us walk into the story of Zhu Xiaowei and Chen Yanan, to explore their struggle between money and love, and finally fall apart.

Today's Zhu Xiaowei lives a carefree life. Not only does he have a stable and lucrative career - he works as a local security guard, receiving a salary of 4,000 yuan a month, but more importantly, he has a wife Chen Meng who loves him deeply, who is always by his side and gives him endless care and support.

Chen Meng, a well-respected teacher in his hometown, is not only his beloved partner, but also his mentor and friend on the road of life. It is precisely because of Chen Meng's words and deeds that Zhu Xiaowei was on the right track and found his own direction in life.

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

With her encouragement, Zhu Xiaowei began to pay attention to his personal image, and he would dress himself up neatly and neatly every day, in stark contrast to the sloppy and casual image he once had.

He also actively enrolled in fitness classes to strengthen his body and build a new self full of energy and confidence. In their spare time, Chen Meng and Zhu Xiaowei always walk hand in hand, on the field roads in the countryside, enjoying the precious tranquility and beauty in this world.

Whenever he saw his wife's face filled with a happy smile, Zhu Xiaowei felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in his heart, and he knew that all these changes were inseparable from Chen Meng's unwavering support and careful guidance to him.

Looking back on the marriage experience with Chen Yanan, Zhu Xiaowei still has lingering palpitations. It is a relationship built on an illusory and ethereal foundation, and it is destined to not last long.

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

Initially, Chen Yanan was deeply attracted by the reputation of Mr. Zhu Zhiwen, who is also known as "Brother Coat". With Zhu Zhiwen's huge influence, she developed a strong interest in Zhu Xiaowei, but this was only a tool to use him to realize her ambition of becoming famous and rich.

Under the careful arrangement of the Zhu family, the two quickly established an intimate relationship and began to actively prepare for the wedding. What is incomprehensible is that Chen Yanan actually asked the Zhu family for a bride price of up to 188,000 yuan, and also asked the Zhu family to provide them with material conditions such as cars and housing.

For ordinary families, this is undoubtedly an unbearable huge expense, but for the Zhu family, who already had a certain amount of wealth accumulation at that time, Chen Yanan's request seemed reasonable.

So, with the joint efforts of both parents, a grand wedding was held as scheduled in Zhujia Village. However, it is a pity that the decoration of this wedding seems too simple and unpretentious, which contrasts sharply with the hot topic of "Brother Dayi's son gets married".

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

What's even more shocking is that the bride Chen Yanan actually turned on the live broadcast mode at the wedding scene, hyping up the hype without sincerity, trying to get more network traffic and public attention through this wedding.

Faced with his wife's mercenary behavior, Zhu Xiaowei was full of dissatisfaction, and he began to question the future direction of this marriage. Sure enough, after marriage, Chen Yanan is like a wild horse that has broken free, indulging in the world of live streaming all day long, and the distance between him and her husband Zhu Xiaowei is getting farther and farther away.

Whenever she conducts live broadcasts, she will always mercilessly use Zhu Xiaowei as a joke and mercilessly ridicule and insult his lifestyle.

"He snores and grinds his teeth when he sleeps at night, making it impossible for people to sleep peacefully; His feet smelled sour, his living habits were extremely bad, and we were already living in separate rooms......" These harsh words were undoubtedly like a sharp knife, deeply stabbing Zhu Xiaowei's heart.

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

Once, Zhu Xiaowei had a deep love for Chen Yanan and regarded her as a treasure in his life. Now, however, the gap between them is beyond bridge. Zhu Xiaowei painfully realized that this marriage is like a castle in the air, the foundation is not solid, and it will eventually collapse and collapse.

Without suspense, under the pressure of the fierce opposition of the Zhu family, Chen Yanan finally decided to file for divorce from Zhu Xiaowei. In the eyes of this independent woman, she has already relied on the reputation of the Zhu family to successfully shape her popularity and accumulate rich wealth, while the marriage relationship with Zhu Xiaowei seems to have lost its original value.

As a result, these two couples, who originally lacked a deep emotional foundation, ended their married life in this short period of time.

After the divorce, Chen Yanan was full of expectations that she would meet a more brilliant future, but the reality was not as good as she wished.

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

At first, Chen Yanan relied on his popularity in the Zhu family, as well as the high traffic and popularity of the live broadcast room, and his sales performance was remarkable. With her former status as "Brother Coat's daughter-in-law", she can easily sell all kinds of goods in the live broadcast room, so as to make huge profits.

However, the good times did not last long, and as her relationship with the Zhu family gradually became estranged, the majority of netizens began to criticize her.

"This woman ruthlessly divorced after taking advantage of the Zhu family, she is really ungrateful!" "She's just a downright selfish villain!" Such evil words poured into Chen Yanan's live broadcast room like a storm every day, making her unable to escape.

In order to change this passive situation, Chen Yanan began to do his best to create topics in an attempt to attract the attention of netizens again. She has tried to shoot various short videos many times, but has never received the expected response.

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

Subsequently, she began to devote herself to public welfare and vigorously promoted her charity in the live broadcast room, but this strategy was soon understood by netizens, which made her fall into a more embarrassing situation.

"You're just pretending to be hypocritical, don't think we'll be easily deceived by you!" Netizens' invective came one after another.

Seeing that the live broadcast business is declining day by day, Chen Yanan began to look for a new way out. One day, a netizen happened to meet her lonely figure on the street, obviously at a low point in her career.

In order to make ends meet, Chen Yanan finally chose to open a clothing store in his hometown of Cao County with his friends, officially announcing his retirement from the live broadcast industry.

It's only been more than a year since the divorce, but there is a big gap between the lives of Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei, and I feel sad after reading it

However, Chen Yanan's troubles did not end there! Although she has regrouped and registered a number of social media platforms to seek new development opportunities, the criticism and doubts of netizens about her have not weakened in the slightest, but have intensified.

Chen Yanan had no choice but to endure all this ruthless ridicule and malicious attacks from the virtual network world, and his once prosperous life instantly fell into endless predicament.

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