
Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

author:Sen Sen said ancient and modern
Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

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Looking back, Mr. Ning Li was just a nobody-like fledgling actor, but today, he has risen to an eye-catching and powerful acting superstar! With his extraordinary acting skills, he has participated in many popular film and television works, such as the sensational TV series "The Silent Truth", the youth drama "Hello, Old Times", which is loved by the audience, and the spy war drama "Opponent", which has recently become popular on the screen.

His firm belief in performing arts and superb acting skills have won warm praise and high praise from the audience.

However, Mr. Ning Li always remembered that in the most difficult moment of his life, his wife was always his strongest backing and gave him endless support and love. This kind and gentle woman, like a warm beam of sunshine, illuminates his heart, selflessly encouraging and supporting him to pursue his dreams.

Recalling that cold winter many years ago, Mr. Ning Li had just set foot in a foreign country, and he wandered the streets penniless, wearing only a thin sweater to withstand the cold. Just as he was rubbing his hands red from the cold to try to keep warm, suddenly, a thick coat gently rested on his shoulders. It turned out that it was his wife who quietly handed her coat to him.

Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

Although their family life was very poor at that time, his wife still chose to be thrifty and provide Mr. Ning Li with sufficient food and clothing. Every time she eats, she always chooses an affordable restaurant, orders only a bowl of noodles herself, and then leaves all the rest of the food to Mr. Ning Li. Sometimes, she would even give him her share. In the face of the kindness and selflessness of this foreign woman, Mr. Ning Li felt a deep emotion in his heart.

Leaving his familiar homeland and going to study in a foreign country alone, Mr. Ning Li originally thought that this would be the starting point of the road to his dream. However, when he first arrived in the United States, he found himself in the middle of a difficult life. The few savings he had were quickly depleted, and in order to survive, he had to travel in search of various job opportunities.

For a while, Mr. Ningli's only source of income was working as a newspaper delivery man. Every morning, he would walk alone on the snow and ice on the ground, facing the bitter cold wind, and deliver the newspapers to the subscribers one by one. His hands were red and stiff from the years of cold, but he could only grit his teeth and persevere. For this scholarly family, such a life is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

Looking back on those challenging days, Ning Li still can't let go of the bitterness and hardship. In that harsh and icy winter, he only wore a thin sweater to barely resist the cold wind, and his hands were exposed, and he was red and stiff from freezing all year round.

Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

In the face of extreme cold, he had to turn to his friends for help, asking to borrow a coat to get through the difficult moment. Every time he came back with his cleaned clothes, he always carefully folded them neatly so that he could not stain or damage anything.

Fortunately, in a foreign country, he met a kind and gentle woman - his wife. His wife not only selflessly provided him with warm clothes, but also often invited him to share a sumptuous dinner as a way to solve his food and clothing problems.

At the dinner table, she always chooses an affordable restaurant, orders only a simple bowl of noodles herself, and then pushes all the rest of the food in front of Ning Li. Sometimes, she would even share her share with Ning Li.

Facing such a deep friendship with his wife, Ning Li's heart was filled with endless gratitude.

Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

His wife unreservedly supported Ning Li to pursue his dreams. When Ning Li decided to devote himself to directing after graduation, although life was still difficult, his wife did not hesitate to use all her savings to fully support him.

It is precisely because of his wife's firm support that Ning Li was able to move forward bravely and finally realize his ideals.

When it comes to childhood memories, Ning Li's most unforgettable thing is the bits and pieces of getting along with his father. His father, an engineer, had a relatively easy job, and every weekend he would invite Ning Li to watch a wonderful drama performance with him.

After the show, father and son always look for a stall in the streets and alleys to taste the delicious noodles with their fragrant aroma. The father carefully and thoughtfully packed one for his mother to express his deep love for his wife.

Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

However, as fate would have it, his mother died in a sudden car accident. At that time, Ning Li was only in the fourth grade of primary school, and he still remembered his mother's death vividly. On that cold night, he anxiously waited for his parents to come home, but he never arrived.

So, he went to the hospital alone, accidentally bumped into a person at the door, and when he looked up, he turned out to be his father with red and swollen eyes and a tired face. Only then did Ning Li realize that his dear mother had left them forever.

Since then, Ning Li has suffered from a feeling of isolation and helplessness that he has never experienced before. Whenever night falls, the image of his father marrying a new couple always comes to his mind, and a strange woman suddenly appears in the family house in the dream. He even had to call the woman "Mother", which made him feel extremely panicked and strongly resistant.

As expected, it didn't take long for my father to return home with a new partner. During that time, my father seemed to have a different face, and his old smile disappeared in favor of a serious and indifferent look. Ning Li never expected that his father would step into the palace of marriage again. As a young man, he was filled with deep fear and uneasiness about the arrival of his stepmother.

Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

Leaving the familiar homeland and setting foot on a foreign land, Ning Li began a new life journey. However, who would have predicted that this road to pursuing their dreams would be so bumpy and tortuous? When he first arrived in the United States, what little savings he had left were quickly depleted. In order to maintain basic survival needs, he had to travel around in search of various job opportunities.

At one stage, Ning Li's only source of income was working as a newspaper delivery man. Every morning, he would step on the snow that had not yet melted and brave the biting cold wind to deliver the newspapers to the subscribers one by one. His hands have been frozen red and stiff for many years, but he can only bear it silently, and there is nothing else he can do. For this scholarly child who has lived a prosperous life since childhood, such a life is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

Sometimes, in the face of the bitter cold, Ning Li can only turn to his friends for help and borrow their coats to keep warm. Every time he returned his cleaned coats, he carefully folded them neatly for fear of soiling or damaging any of them. Looking at the once pampered young man in front of him who has now fallen into such a situation, my friends are full of emotion, lamenting the impermanence and unpredictability of life.

Just as he was in trouble, fate arranged for him to meet the kind woman, his wife. She was like a warm ray of sunshine, illuminating the gloom in his heart. His wife not only generously provided him with a warm coat, but also often invited him to dinner to solve his food and clothing problems. During the meal, she would pick an affordable restaurant, order only a bowl of noodles herself, and then push all the rest of the food to Ning Li.

Actor Ning Li: I married a foreign wife and gave birth to two daughters after marriage, are you okay now?

Sometimes, she would even share her share with him, looking at the selfless dedication of the foreign woman in front of her, Ning Li felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

In addition to the basic living needs being met, his wife also gave Ning Li full and unconditional support in pursuing her dreams! When Ning Li graduated from school, he resolutely devoted himself to the career of directing, but life was still difficult.

In the face of such a predicament, his wife did not hesitate to give everything she had, generously donated money, and fully funded Ning Li. It is precisely because of his wife's unwavering support and selfless dedication that Ning Li can be fearless, move forward bravely, and finally successfully realize his life ideals.

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