
Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

Zhiyi Automobile

2024-05-16 20:56Published in Hunan

Zhiyi Auto / Chen Yi

If you want to choose a scooter that can easily handle China's big brother, Land Rover should get a lot of votes.

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

In 2009, the phenomenal TV series "Snail House" made the Chinese people remember the word "Land Rover" at once, and since then, Land Rover has become synonymous with noble social status.

For a long time, Land Rover, like Huazi and Taizi, was the hard currency in the business and social circles, and countless elites also took Song Siming's sentence "Every bloody man should have a Land Rover" as his motto.

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

However, today's Land Rover has long since lost its former glory, such as the Range Rover Evoque L, which was once regarded as the "most beautiful Land Rover", and began to be sold in clearance.

In March this year, the news of the "Land Rover Range Rover Evoque L Five-Fold" spread on the Internet, and according to media statistics, the price reduction of the 2023 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque L is about 200,000.

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

A Jiangsu netizen posted that the "2023 Aurora L 249PS Deluxe Edition" with an original price of 425,000 yuan can be won with a loan of only 268,000 yuan to buy a car, and another Sichuan netizen said that the "2023 Aurora L 249PS Collins Bronze Special Edition" with an original price of 429,800 yuan can be driven home for about 275,000 yuan through loan installments; There is also a netizen in Beijing who bought a "2023 Aurora L 200PS Elite Edition" with a naked car price of 185,000 yuan, and the total cost is about 230,000 yuan, including the loan interest.

Looking back on history, Range Rover Evoque is a mid-size SUV launched by Land Rover in 2010, due to its avant-garde design, this car has been favored by consumers since its launch, and many big names and celebrities are its loyal fans.

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

2017 was the pinnacle of Land Rover's sales in China, with 146,000 units sold that year, accounting for nearly a quarter of Land Rover's global sales.

However, due to domestic and foreign difficulties, Land Rover's sales have gradually declined since 2017, and by 2023, only 106377 units remain.

The reason for the decline in sales is that on the one hand, Land Rover's overall product strength and reputation have declined, taking Range Rover Evoque L as an example, this car has not opened a significant gap with competing products in terms of space, power, fuel consumption and driving experience after localization; On the other hand, after localization, Land Rover's product line is not rich, and the update and iteration speed is also slow.

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

In fact, "discount" is almost the traditional art of Land Rover, and there has been a saying in the market that "seven folds the tiger and six folds the leopard", but the reason why the Range Rover Evoque L is so sincere this time is mainly because the manufacturer wants to clear the inventory of the old model: at this year's Beijing Auto Show, the Range Rover Evoque L ushered in a new model, in order to make way for the new car, dealers basically cleared the inventory of the old model.

An employee of a 4S store broke the news to us, saying that "the boss requires that all the old inventory needs to be cleared before the new model arrives in the store."

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

It is worth mentioning that although the new Range Rover Evoque L has made certain upgrades to its product strength, its price is not strong at all after it is listed: the "2024 Aurora L 249PS Yuguang Zunyao Edition" with a guide price of 429,800 yuan, some netizens said that if you take out a loan to buy a car, you can get it for about 300,000 yuan.

In this way, the main sales model of the new Range Rover Evoque L has been discounted by 69% as soon as it is launched.

No wonder, some people ridiculed that "buying Land Rover is more exciting than playing A shares now".

Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

Write at the end:

During the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, Land Rover was officially split into Range Rover, Defender and Discovery, and for a while, netizens jokingly said that "the happiness of middle-aged men is gone".

Land Rover's growing popularity in the Chinese market is the result of a combination of factors, in addition to the products and reputation just mentioned, the delay in electrification is also an important reason.

It is difficult to say whether the middle-aged big brother will continue to love Land Rover in the future, but it is certain that Land Rover still has a long way to go if it wants to return to the C position in the Chinese market.

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  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home
  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home
  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home
  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home
  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home
  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home
  • Join the price war! More than 200,000, Land Rover drove home

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