
To fight the Philippines, you must be fast, accurate, and ruthless


Now even a three-year-old child knows that we are going to fight the Philippines. After all, the Philippines has been in the country for so long, and the moral high ground can be regarded as occupying - that is, the teacher is famous. In terms of diplomacy, the ASEAN countries have also gone all over, and everything that should be communicated has been communicated, and basically there will be no negative impact. From the perspective of the overall environment, the two major battlefields in the Middle East and Eastern Europe are escalating, and both are the anti-hegemonic alliance side to expand its strategic advantage, which has led to an increasing shortage of strategic resources of US imperialism - which means that its ability to directly intervene militarily in East Asia has declined; Even if we really dare to intervene, we have a better chance of defeating it head-on, and then breaking the hegemony of the US imperialists in the Western Pacific – which, in turn, further curbs the courage and desire of the United States to tear up the face of the showdown under the pretext of the Sino-Philippine conflict.

To fight the Philippines, you must be fast, accurate, and ruthless

At this time, the gains from attacking the Philippines are also huge - the United States uses the Philippines to provoke China, and senior officials at all levels below Biden have repeatedly claimed that if China makes a move, it will intervene by force, and the Philippines itself has emboldened itself with the "US-Philippines Security Treaty".

In this case, if the United States does not dare to make a move in the end, it will directly expose the paper tiger of US imperialism, exposing its fierce and inward-looking nature, which will constitute a devastating blow to the confidence of its allies - it will not only effectively deter Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, but also ensure the stability of East Asia; It will also constitute a great psychological deterrent to the US allies in the two major battlefields of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Of course, it is also possible that the US imperialists will not be able to pull down their faces and really do it - although this is unlikely, it cannot be ruled out. But if this is the case, there is nothing - after all, anyone who knows a little about military affairs knows that now in East Asia and even the Western Pacific, the US imperialists are not China's opponents militarily at all, so whether it is a local war or an expanded war, the US imperialists will undoubtedly lose in a fight. As mentioned earlier, now the anti-hegemonic alliance occupies a strategic advantage on both fronts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and if China and the United States collide head-on in East Asia, Russia and Iran on the other two fronts are bound to take advantage of the fact that the United States has no time to take care of it and attack on a large scale.

However, this situation is premised on a head-on collision between China and the United States – which means that while the collapse of US imperialism will be greatly accelerated, China will also suffer more losses in the process, so it is not so cost-effective for us. But this is a small probability event after all, and even if it appears, it has not deviated from the general direction of anti-hegemony, and the final result is still consistent with expectations. Now that the Philippines has jumped off the beam to the extreme, not pumping it will not only trigger Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to follow suit, but also dampen the confidence of "allies" such as Russia and Iran, as well as those who are on the sidelines, so it is imperative to weigh the pros and cons and fight the Philippines.

So, when will the fight start? Of course, it is impossible to say exactly when it will be. But roughly speaking, now that Israel in the Middle East has entered Rafah, as long as Russia further expands the war in Ukraine, the war on two fronts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East is fully escalated, and the degree of siege on the two fronts of US imperialism is raised to a higher level, then China will take action against the Philippines - of course, if the Philippines shoots first, it will immediately beat it to death.

So, what should we pay attention to when fighting the Philippines?

To put it simply, it is three words: fast, accurate, and ruthless.

To be fast is to fight quickly. What the United States hopes most now is that China will be in a strategic dilemma militarily - after all, the United States has now been dragged into the two strategic dilemmas of Ukraine and Israel and cannot break free.

This is very annoying to the United States, and it is also the reason why it is fanning the flames in East Asia, especially coercing and inducing the Philippines to provoke China - you can't go into the pit, you are still hiding on the shore to watch the show. From a rational point of view, if the United States wants to get rid of the strategic trap of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the most fundamental thing is to ask China to let go. As long as China agrees to let go, Russia and Iran will not be able to fight even if they want to. But it takes chips to get China to let go – just making cards out of thin air, China will certainly not take care of it, so the United States must drag China into a strategic dilemma. If China is entangled by the Philippines, it will be in the same pit as the United States, so that the United States will have bargaining chips to trade with China. From China's point of view, in order to avoid falling into a strategic trap, it is necessary to strike at the Philippines quickly and with a quick victory, and must not drag mud and water and fall into this muddy pit.

The second word, quasi.

The quasi-meaning is to mainly destroy the Philippine maritime forces and not attack the Philippine mainland. It must be born with quick cooperation. The few broken ships in the Philippines are easy to fight; And only the sea forces are hit, and the range and intensity are also controllable.

But if you attack the homeland, then the matter will be big - the attack on the homeland will first involve occupation and conquest, and there is a risk of falling into a similar predicament to the United States in Afghanistan; At the same time, attacking the mainland will trigger a collective panic in ASEAN - the Philippines is looking for its own death, ASEAN sees it, and China's diplomatic coordination, so now it is to clean it up, and ASEAN can understand. But if it attacks its homeland, it goes beyond teaching it to be human, and it will greatly exacerbate ASEAN countries' concerns about the threat from China – which is obviously bad for China.

Moreover, attacking the Philippines will also increase the risk of a showdown between China and the United States. As we have analyzed earlier, the US imperialist is now a paper tiger, and even if we do it, it will most likely not fight a losing war with China for the sake of a broken island and a few broken ships in the Philippines.

But if it attacks the Philippines itself, it will push the United States into a corner – even if it wants to play dead, it will probably be forced to intervene with China. Although as we said earlier, it will die if it does it or not, but if it starts to do it in East Asia, the task of fighting with US imperialism will be transferred from Russia and Iran to us - this is really unnecessary.

In the final analysis, the Philippines is just a clown thrown out by the United States, and it is not worthy of being China's opponent at all. By the way, it will be enough to expose the paper tiger of US imperialism. I can't afford to be too involved in this little vegetable melon.

The above is the connotation of quasi.

The last one is ruthless.

Now the US imperialists have no way to take the anti-hegemonic alliance on their own, and they dare not play in person, so they can only use some ghost thoughts, and they just want to use their little brother to fight with China, Russia and Iran - Eastern Europe first used Ukraine as cannon fodder, and now that Ukraine is abolished, it wants to throw Europe on the field; The Middle East, on the other hand, is blindly acting as a turtle with a shrunken head, leaving Israel to carry it on its own (although it does it on its own), and then whimsically trying to push for Saudi-Israeli reconciliation. In East Asia, in addition to the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are also cannon fodder in the eyes of the United States.

As far as China is concerned, of course, it is more desirable to maintain stability in East Asia at this stage, and let the US imperialists continue to consume and bleed in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. However, whether East Asia is stable or not, China itself does not count, and it depends on the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Needless to say, the United States definitely wants to arch the fire - especially without dragging itself into the water, letting Japan, South Korea and Taiwan be cannon fodder to consume China. But Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are not fools - the United States is opening the way in front, and of course they can wave their flags and shout in the back; If they want to be the vanguard and do it with China, isn't this a death sentence?

Of course, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are just three dogs, and the dog leash is in the hands of the owner of the United States. But even if it's a dog, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have an autonomous consciousness, and it doesn't mean that it can't delay as much as possible. Therefore, the attitude of the three dogs still has an impact on the development of the situation in East Asia, if they work together to drag it out and hide as much as they can, it is still very difficult for the United States to completely make them obedient - for example, South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol has been cheap for more than two years ago, and he is simply kneeling and licking, and now he is also being packed up in the country, and it is difficult to say whether he can finish his presidential term safely.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the situation in East Asia, it is necessary to give Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan the strongest deterrent. And a hard lesson to the Philippines can have a very good effect. After all, the nature of the Philippines is the same as that of the Three Dogs of East Asia, and as long as the Philippines is swept away with a thunderous momentum, this huge military advantage can give a huge psychological deterrent to the hawks within Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and give their internal doves more room to play.

As long as the anti-war mentality within the East Asian Three Dogs prevails, even if this endogenous motivation is not enough to compete with the external pressure of the United States, it can at least have the effect of delaying time and greatly slowing down the progress of their military adventures. And as long as the time drags on, when the situation in Eastern Europe and the Middle East is clear, and the US imperialist forces are suppressed or even expelled, then the overall situation in East Asia will be decided - at that time, it will not be the Three Dogs who will take the lead to consume China, but China will take the initiative to provoke the Three Dogs, force them to take action, and then the division will be famous and wipe them out in one fell swoop - by the way, the US imperialist forces in East Asia and even the Western Pacific will be expelled!

This is the logic of hitting the Philippines hard - the range and intensity can be controlled, but the attack must be ruthless, and the whipping must be painful. Use the super pain and tragic situation of the Philippines to deter the doglegs of US imperialism in East Asia and even the world, so that they can see clearly what will happen if they continue to mix with US imperialism, especially if they come out to be cannon fodder for US imperialism!

Fast, accurate, and ruthless, these are the three principles of whipping the Philippines. The Philippines is not worthy of being China's opponent – in fact, if you look at the world, there is no one other than the US imperialists who are worthy of being China's opponent. It's just that our family has been honest all these years, and many countries still lack a clear understanding of our real strength, and there are even people who are undead and try to touch our tiger whiskers. In this case, let's take the Philippine sacrificial flag, let these people see it clearly, and what will happen if they provoke us China next - and then figure out what kind of ending will it end up in this century game of hegemony and anti-hegemony, if we continue to follow the United States and act as a lackey of the United States!

Let's let our great power show its sword, starting from the Philippines!

And the Philippines is just an appetizer. So, if the chain reaction caused by this lesson to the Philippines is in line with expectations (the United States does not dare to take it), then what will we do next? Will India be the next dish to be thrown on the menu? Pay attention to the WeChat public account: Yunshi, Yunshijun will continue to interpret for you in the next section.

This article is the 2423rd section of the Marble Overseas Wind and Cloud series. If you like readers, please use WeChat to search for an official account: Yunshi, and continue to watch all the Yunshi overseas series of articles.

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