
Why "zero emissions" is a lie?

author:Environmental protection water treatment HBSCL01

Pay more attention to the public account: environmental protection water treatment

"Zero pollution discharge" and "zero wastewater discharge" are beautiful halos and attractive words, which will inevitably become the signboard of some companies in order to open up the market. These halos and signboards can often mislead decision-makers who lack comprehensive environmental knowledge, and even have the urge to rejoice.

Why "zero emissions" is a lie?

In fact, the world is divided into two, and there can be no good things with all the benefits and no harm, and there can be no so-called "zero wastewater discharge" and "zero pollution" industry.

Recently, I went to an industrial park in a seaside city, and two years ago it was widely advertised in the media that we would introduce the world's most advanced technology and build an industrial park with "zero wastewater discharge". I had a sense of foreboding at the time that propaganda slogans were no substitute for down-to-earth practice. The purpose of building industrial parks and attracting investment to attract investors to invest and set up factories in industrial parks is for economic interests, and as an industrial park, we must try to achieve the unity of economic interests and environmental benefits.

To really achieve the so-called "zero discharge" of wastewater, the price to pay is huge. At present, the so-called path to achieve "zero discharge of wastewater" is basically clear, and the commonly used water treatment process is wastewater pretreatment, and then, through reverse osmosis concentration, and then various evaporation processes are used to evaporate all the dissolved substances in the wastewater, including inorganic salts, into salt, and the water is recycled through condensate. From this point of view, it seems that there is no wastewater discharge, but the large amount of electricity consumed in the concentration and evaporation process will not cause pollution in the production of this electric energy? How to dispose of the final evaporated product, the sewage salt? In order to achieve "zero wastewater discharge", is the customer willing to accept and bear the high cost of wastewater treatment and disposal?

Why "zero emissions" is a lie?

Two years later, I happened to be on a business trip to this county-level city, which is not far from the sea and hundreds of kilometers away from Guangzhou, and naturally I thought of the "zero wastewater discharge" industrial park that had been vigorously advertised two years ago. I asked my friend to drive around the industrial park. When my friend heard that I was going to see the industrial park, he told me that he didn't know how many local small business owners had their money trapped in the industrial park. Investing in the industrial park, it is equivalent to the taste of "crowdfunding", there are many shareholders, due to the "zero discharge of wastewater", the cost of wastewater treatment has risen sharply, so that the industrial park can introduce very few enterprises, because of the cost reasons, many of the original local factory bosses, did not move into the industrial park as originally imagined, many people went to Jiangxi and other places to set up factories.

There are also several factories in the industrial park, and the "zero discharge of wastewater" system has also been put into operation, but the evaporated miscellaneous salt, which has not yet been proven, is piled up in specially built warehouses, accumulating more and more, which is not a long-term solution. My car walked around the industrial park, the industrial park is cold and quiet, there are almost no pedestrians on the wide road, and most of the shops, restaurants and other living facilities that were originally supporting the industrial park are empty. Recently, I heard even worse news that a wastewater treatment plant that engaged in "zero discharge" actually secretly discharged wastewater containing heavy metals, a Class I pollutant, in order to make more money, was arrested by environmental protection and public security, and two relevant responsible persons were arrested and imprisoned.

Under the organization of officials, a group of small bosses with a beautiful "zero emission" aura and the dream of making a fortune raised a large amount of local private capital to build this magnificent industrial park. After the frenzy, the economic law will inevitably return, and the extremely high operating costs will certainly not attract real factory investors, and can only be left to the local area.

Why "zero emissions" is a lie?

If you want to engage in industry in a protected area, you must achieve "zero discharge" to ensure the safety of water sources. In fact, according to the requirements of the national environmental impact assessment, the construction of potentially polluting factories should not be allowed in water source protection areas, and even if they promise "zero discharge", they cannot pass the environmental impact assessment. However, for industrial parks built not far from the sea, or industrial parks that have no water intake after the sewage outlet, they also require that the salt of the treated water must be removed, or the "zero discharge" of wastewater, which is a money-burning behavior that ignores the laws of the economy, and is also a typical case of not truly achieving the coordinated development of the environment and the economy.

Think about it and know that the salt content of normal seawater is 3%, and the wastewater that meets the national discharge standard will enter the sea, which contains a small amount of salt, will it affect the salt content of seawater?