
Focus on achieving the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army and accelerate the comprehensive improvement of strategic capabilities in emerging fields

author:Study Times

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the development of emerging fields and made important instructions on many occasions, especially when attending the plenary meeting of the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force at the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress.

Deeply understand the historical dimension of comprehensively improving the strategic capabilities of emerging fields

President Xi profoundly pointed out that strategic capabilities in emerging fields are an important part of the national strategic system and capabilities, which are related to the high-quality economic and social development of the mainland, as well as to national security and the initiative in military struggle. President Xi's important instructions contain the political logic and in-depth consideration of the integrated management of strengthening the country and the army, development and security, and economy and national defense.

It is an inevitable requirement to build a new security pattern and support high-quality development. President Xi has repeatedly stressed the need to adhere to the overall national security concept and safeguard the new development pattern with a new security pattern. Emerging fields are not only strategic battlegrounds for national security, but also areas for economic development to empower and increase efficiency. Throughout the history of the modern Chinese nation, the isolation of the country, arrogance, ideological backwardness, and scientific and technological backwardness are the major root causes of the pain of the century and the death of the nation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we were able to stand up with our backs up, and the success of the "two bombs and one satellite" was an important foundation. Comprehensively improving the strategic capabilities of emerging fields is a wake-up call for history and a strong foundation for development. At present, the development of new fields, new technologies and new means has become the focus of international competition and strategic games, especially in the context of the accelerated evolution of the world's century-old changes, the chaotic and intertwined international situation, and the severe and complex internal and external situation of the mainland's economic development.

A far-reaching strategy for adapting to the new military changes and seizing the commanding heights of strategic competition. President Xi profoundly pointed out that the military field is the field with the most fierce competition and confrontation, and it is also the field with the most innovative vitality and the most innovative spirit. In the history of military development, every major scientific and technological innovation in human society has promoted major changes in the military field, firearms and gunpowder have promoted the progress of cold weapons to the era of hot weapons, steam engines and generators have promoted the revolution of hot weapons to the era of mechanization, and computer and network technology have promoted the evolution of mechanization to the information age. In the history of world naval warfare, every breakthrough in the development of navigation technology has brought about iterative upgrading of combat effectiveness. At present, emerging technologies such as unmanned intelligence, satellite communications, and low-orbit constellations are subverting traditional forms of warfare, giving rise to new combat styles, and generating new combat mechanisms. Occupying the commanding heights of science and technology will surely win the winning point in the war, and the use of new advances in science and technology will certainly seize the initiative in the struggle. It is a historical necessity and a practical necessity to accelerate the comprehensive improvement of strategic capabilities in emerging fields, lay the foundation for winning with scientific and technological advantages, and enhance the potential for winning battles with scientific and technological empowerment.

It is the proper duty to fulfill the missions and tasks of the new era and build a strong and modern navy. President Xi attaches great importance to naval construction, personally sketches the strategic transformation of the navy, and emphasizes the need to strive to build a strong and modern navy. Looking back at the growth of the People's Navy, from the development of a "coastal defense" navy focusing on air, submarine, and speed, to the development of a "coastal defense" navy focusing on medium-sized missile ships, and then to the development of a "far sea defense" navy focusing on aircraft carrier formations, nuclear submarines, amphibious combat forces, etc., every transformation and leap forward is inseparable from the blessing and promotion of new technologies, and every major breakthrough has benefited from the iteration and upgrading of new equipment. With the continuous profound changes in the situation, characteristics, base point orientation, and connotation extension of the maritime direction game struggle, various risks are transmitted to the ocean, various variables are intertwined at sea, and various pressures are superimposed on the navy, so as to effectively fulfill the mission and task of the new era of the "four strategic supports", it is more necessary to take scientific and technological innovation as the foundation and new quality combat effectiveness as the support, promote the expansion of naval combat strength to emerging fields, empower emerging technologies, and exert efforts to emerging equipment, accelerate the strategic transformation of the navy, and build a strong modern navy. Provide strong support for the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Accurately grasp the dialectical logic of comprehensively improving the strategic capabilities of emerging fields

President Xi profoundly pointed out that to grasp the characteristics and laws of the development of emerging fields, it is necessary to highlight the key points of development. It contains the worldview and methodology of dialectical materialism. Comprehensively improving the strategic capability of emerging fields is a complex system project, and it is necessary to strengthen systematic thinking, strategic thinking, and dialectical thinking, and grasp the laws of integrated development, construction management, and capacity generation in emerging fields.

Adhere to the organic unity of key breakthroughs and overall advancement. Only by adhering to the key theory and the two-point theory, and grasping the main contradictions and secondary contradictions, and the main and secondary aspects of the contradictions, can we achieve twice the result with half the effort and improve quality and efficiency. Grasp the key points and bring the whole picture. We should pay close attention to key projects that are related to the overall situation, strategy, and fundamentals, and make great efforts to strengthen the construction of key areas such as strengthening economic and strategic marine capabilities, optimizing the layout of aerospace, cyberspace defense, and the application of artificial intelligence, so as to drive multi-point breakthroughs and group bursts in emerging fields. Make up for shortcomings and elongate boards. For the shortcomings and weaknesses in system integration, three-dimensional killing, interconnection and other aspects, we will persist in making long-term contributions, doing good work, and continue to innovate and make breakthroughs; Increase innovation support, transformation and application of mature technologies, and fix the bottom plate, make up for the short board, and elongate the long board. Build the present and set up a new bureau. In view of the fact that the penetration of high and new technologies into the military field is accelerating, we should make overall plans for the planning, design, incubation and cultivation of emerging fields such as unmanned intelligence, energy superconductivity, and quantum technology, and strive for favorable positions and advantages by advancing into no-man's land and opening up new tracks.

Adhere to the organic unity of traditional fields and emerging fields. To consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, traditional fields are the basic plates, and emerging fields are the growth poles. To comprehensively enhance the strategic capabilities of emerging fields, it is necessary to grasp them together, build them together, and strengthen them together. Adhere to the idea that you have me, you are excellent, and I am fine, and accelerate the promotion of secondary innovation and in-depth innovation in traditional fields. We should make good use of the existing advantages in material, technology, talent, and strength, fully mobilize the ability to innovate in depth, tap potential while consolidating existing advantages, pay attention to seeking qualitative changes through quantitative changes, and promote the expansion and upgrading of existing weapons and equipment, combat platforms, and actual combat capabilities. Adhere to the idea of self-reliance and self-improvement, and focus on me, and step up efforts to promote independent innovation and original innovation in emerging fields. Adhere to adversarial development and asymmetric checks and balances, you do yours, I do mine, in the face of the reality of new technologies and new concepts, scientifically determine follow-up and breakthrough strategies, promote original, exploratory and basic research in a down-to-earth manner, and take the road of elite soldiers with Chinese characteristics.

Adhere to the organic unity of material foundation and talent support. Weapons and equipment are the material basis for winning wars, war is the organic combination of man and weapon, and the human factor and weapon factor in modern warfare are more and more closely integrated, especially in emerging fields, where man and weapon are highly integrated, and it is particularly important to speed up the supply of high-level and high-quality talent. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of "equipment and other talents". Forward-looking talent layout and resource allocation, optimize the education system and discipline layout, vigorously develop unmanned, intelligent, deep-sea and other emerging majors, orderly expand the scale of nuclear-related, hydroacoustic, electromagnetic and other talent teams, and continue to expand the "reservoir" of talents in emerging fields. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of "lack of talent". It is necessary to innovate the model of mutual learning and mutual learning between the military and the locality, broaden the way of sharing and co-education between the military and the locality, increase the two-way exchange of talents who are "invited in and going out", and continuously expand the team of leading talents in science and technology, special professionals, and innovative talents. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of "insufficient two capabilities". We should do a good job in training new knowledge and ability in new domains and new qualities, learn new tactics and emerging technologies in key technology research and development, important equipment tests, and major exercises and training tasks, improve professional quality and skills, and forge a phalanx of high-quality and specialized talents in emerging fields who understand technology, know how to command, and are good at organizing training.

Adhere to the organic unity of the new quality of productivity and the new quality of combat effectiveness. Science and technology are the primary productive forces and the core combat effectiveness, the value orientation of the productive forces is in the market, and the value orientation of combat effectiveness is in the battlefield. Integration in planning and design. Optimize the layout of emerging fields of military, civilian and commercial business, and continuously shape the advantages of technology leadership, industrial development, field resources, and rule discourse, so as to improve the overall efficiency of the development of emerging fields. Integration in scientific and technological innovation. Grasp the dual attributes and cross-integration development characteristics of emerging technologies serving the military and the local, strengthen centralized innovation and comprehensive application, fully gather military and civilian resources to achieve collaborative innovation, promote the two-way sharing and application of emerging technologies, and build an innovation chain, industrial chain and value chain that are compatible with emerging fields. Integration in the application of transformation. With the acceleration of the supply of new quality combat effectiveness as the traction, based on the maximization of the civilian effect in the field of national defense and the maximization of the national defense effect in the economic field, we should do a good job in the reform of the national defense science, technology and industrial system and optimize the layout, so as to build an efficient channel for the mutual transformation and mutual promotion of new quality productivity and new quality combat effectiveness.

Effectively identify the practical path to comprehensively improve the strategic capabilities of emerging fields

A country's strategy for emerging fields often has to be transformed into military strength before it can be hardened and spoken. It is necessary to grasp the characteristics of rapid iteration, rapid development, and cross-domain and cross-border development of emerging technologies, accelerate the improvement of the core competitiveness of emerging fields, and promote the formation of an integrated development pattern of multi-dimensional integration, coordinated advancement, and leapfrog development.

Pay attention to demand, planning, and execution links. We should give play to the leading role of military demand and properly implement the basic principles of demand-driven planning and planning-led resource allocation. We should pay close attention to the construction led by war and the construction of war in unison. Establish an operational mechanism for efficient docking between the theater and the services and between the army and the localities, track the evolution trend of modern warfare, study the winning mechanism of modern warfare, grasp the operational form of modern warfare, and clarify the operational requirements in emerging fields and translate them into accurate capability indicators and demand lists. Pay close attention to top-level design and overall planning. Coordinate the military and localities, battlefields and markets, rules and standards, R&D and transformation, current and long-term, key and general, scientifically formulate development plans for emerging fields, and promote the high-quality development of emerging fields. Pay close attention to tracking and efficiency, and implement it. Adhere to engineering management and whole-process supervision, focus on promoting the steady implementation of specific projects, accelerate project approval and demonstration for preset projects, and focus on precise management of major projects, so as to improve the construction quality and achievement transformation benefits of emerging fields.

Pay attention to the integrated development of mechanization, informatization and intelligence. Without the support of mechanized physical entities, informatization cannot be smoothly connected; Without the support of information-based data computing power, intelligence cannot break through in a chain. To comprehensively improve the strategic capabilities of emerging fields, we must not simply talk about "modernization" and "modernization", but must adhere to the integrated development of "three modernizations" to prevent undue light and heavy and neglecting one at the expense of the other. The formation of an "emergence" effect. The technologies on which the "three modernizations" depend can give birth to new combat forms, combat styles, and combat capabilities. Strengthen the comprehensive application and integrated use of these technologies, and obtain the aggregation advantage of "1+1+1>3" in emerging fields in the superimposed influence of each other. Expand the "blessing function". Carry out informatization and intelligent upgrading and transformation of existing weapons and equipment and existing combat platforms, and provide comprehensive support for traditional equipment in terms of situational awareness, information acquisition, data processing, and resource sharing through emerging technologies, so as to promote a qualitative leap in combat effectiveness. Make good use of the "offset strategy". The new developments, new technologies, and breakthroughs produced by any one of the "three modernizations" can have a countervailing effect on other "modernizations". In the face of the advantages formed by the opponent in the field of intelligence, we should deeply study the "three modernizations" combat mechanism, not only catch up and catch up with and surpass in intelligence, but also find another way to seek offset strategies from mechanization and informatization, so as to achieve victory by surprise.

Pay attention to the overall promotion of struggle, preparation for war, and construction. Struggle, preparation, and construction are the outstanding characteristics of our army's construction and development at present and in the future, and time waits for no one, no one for the situation, and no one for the opponent, so we must seize the opportunity period to accelerate and build high-quality products in emerging fields. Combat construction and preparedness co-ordination. Persist in breaking common sense and routine, integrate cross-field, cross-departmental, and cross-military forces, make good use of innovative models such as "talent + engineering", "small core + big periphery", and "commander + scientist", concentrate high-quality military and local resources, and take multiple measures at the same time, and step up efforts to overcome the blockages and difficulties in comprehensively improving strategic capabilities in emerging fields. Research and trial training in one. For weapons and equipment in emerging fields, we will coordinate the forces of "R&D team + use team + instructor team", adhere to research and development, testing, and training, minimize the generation and improvement cycle of new combat effectiveness, and ensure that "combat effectiveness is delivered when it is delivered". Combination of deterrence, control and fighting. Combined with the use of the "actual combat deployment +" new model of training and preparation, the achievements of construction in emerging fields are placed at the forefront of military struggle and the front line of naval and air preparations, and the actual combat opponents are used to test and improve the actual combat capabilities, so as to achieve multiple effects such as shaping the situation, deterring and controlling, controlling the enemy, and strengthening the enemy.

Pay attention to the coupling of construction, management and application. The strategic capabilities in emerging fields are highly integrated, synergistic, and complex, and it is necessary to strengthen system construction and system governance, and promote high-quality development with high-level governance. Take the path of connotative development. Grasp the law of generating new quality combat effectiveness, insist on focusing on quantity and quality, platform and system, current and long-term, local and overall situation, and do in-depth and detailed decision-making and demonstration, top-level design, resource allocation, process control, effect evaluation, etc., to ensure a high starting point and high standards for the development of emerging fields. Take the path of intensive development. From the very beginning of development, it is necessary to do a good job in the construction of simulation, networking, and confrontational means, develop advanced means such as combat experiments and wargame deductions, and explore training methods such as "science and technology +" and "network +", so as to improve the efficiency-to-cost ratio for the generation and improvement of new combat effectiveness. Take the path of coordinated development. It is necessary not only to forge hard power such as weapons and equipment and combat platforms, but also to innovate soft power such as management models and supporting construction, and comprehensively improve the level of governance in emerging fields in accordance with the idea of specialization of administrative management and organization of combat operations.

Resolutely undertake the historical mission of comprehensively improving the strategic capabilities of emerging fields

President Xi stressed the need to strengthen the mission, deepen reform and innovation, and comprehensively enhance the strategic capacity of emerging fields. In the face of the heavy historical tasks entrusted by the times, we must constantly improve our thinking level, scientific and technological literacy, and practical skills with a sense of mission, responsibility, and urgency that time cannot wait, and strive to run the historical baton in our hands.

Establish a strong army to win the battle, prevent and overcome the "short-term" thinking. Modern warfare is a comparison of military strength and a fight for comprehensive national strength. As all parties involved in the military and localities, it is necessary to stand in a strong position to strengthen the army and win the big chess game, correctly understand and grasp the development issues in emerging fields, earnestly break down the barriers of interests, break the monopoly of industries, make good use of the country's superior forces and resources, and work together with the military and the local government to develop new combat forces, and accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. Adhere to the military-oriented and military-civilian integration, closely follow the strategic layout of the country's economy, information, and science and technology, make overall plans to put forward military needs, use military needs to lead the development of emerging fields, and maximize the realization of civilian for military use. We should set up standards for combat effectiveness, pay attention to implementing national defense requirements in economic construction, highlight military attributes in planning projects, give consideration to military applications in scientific and technological research and development, pay attention to unifying military and civilian standards in formulating rules, and promote the coordinated development of strategic emerging industries and new combat forces.

Consciously change the ideological concept to prevent and overcome the "extension line" thinking. Comprehensively improving the strategic ability of emerging fields is a new era of examination questions and development topics, ideological concepts and thinking concepts can not be simply extended and superimposed, but to take the initiative to brainstorm and ideological revolution. Persist in breaking with the old and creating the new, closely follow the pace of national defense and military reform, closely follow the national strategic needs, closely follow the needs of the real game struggle, resolutely break the outdated concepts, mindsets, and inertial routines, and establish the development concept of emerging fields that is compatible with the new era. Adhere to the principle of consolidating the foundation and opening up new ideas, open up new ideas with a global vision and long-term vision, connect thinking from land and sea to information and integrate into the network, and extend to new frontiers, high frontiers, soft frontiers and far frontiers, so as to realize three-dimensional thinking and overall planning for the development of emerging fields. Persist in reforming the disadvantages and making the new, get rid of the path dependence of following the trend and following the imitation, abandon the confrontational thinking of the dignified array and stick to the response, adhere to the right and the odd victory, and dare to take the road that the predecessors have not taken, so that the development of emerging fields can truly reflect Chinese characteristics, show Chinese wisdom, and highlight China's advantages.

Enhance technical awareness to prevent and overcome "boundary line" thinking. Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain. In the face of the vigorous burst of emerging technologies, it is necessary to break through the cognitive limitations of one thing at a time, one domain and one dimension, enhance technical acumen, improve technical understanding, and take the initiative to discover military value, put forward military needs, and promote military application. Vigorously advocate the study of military, technology, and equipment, enhance the understanding of the principles of science and technology, in-depth study of the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict "living sample", from the changes in the war to keenly perceive the changes in the opponent, the changes in science and technology, from the mechanism of victory to study and analyze the way of military training, the way of military use. Grasp the intrinsic relationship between emerging industries, emerging technologies, and emerging weapons with advanced thinking, put forward new theories in combination with reality, and use advanced theories to lead and promote the rapid iterative development of emerging fields. Build a fast lane for the transformation of innovation into combat effectiveness in emerging fields, dare to test and tolerate errors, improve the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the formation of unique advantages of lane change and corner overtaking in strategic battles.

Improve and improve systems and mechanisms to prevent and overcome "single-line" thinking. In view of the problems of insufficient overall planning of military and civilian investment in emerging fields and duplication and decentralized construction, it is urgent to improve and improve the institutional system conducive to the high-quality development of emerging fields, and form a cross-military and civilian work pattern in which each performs its own duties, closely cooperates, and is standardized and orderly. Improve and improve the system and mechanism of demand docking and planning convergence, strengthen overall planning, clarify the division of responsibilities, and form a smooth link for scientific generation of demand, rapid response, and effective implementation. Improve and improve the institutional mechanisms for resource sharing and achievement transformation, formulate specific measures such as information sharing, talent sharing, and technology sharing, and build convenient channels for "people to join the army" and "military to civilian". Improve and improve the institutional mechanisms for rewards and punishments, incentives, risk prevention and control, etc., come up with effective methods such as resource sharing incentives and technology transformation assessments, strengthen the early warning, prevention and control of emerging technology risks, avoid potential technical risks, engineering risks and market risks, and promote the development of emerging fields to a higher level.