
Qinglong Town: "Sword Guard" guards "ungrown".

author:The ancient city built water

In order to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of minors, consolidate the foundation for the protection of minors, and create a positive environment for the healthy growth of minors, since April, Qinglong Town has carried out the "Sword and Bud" special action, building a work pattern led by the government, with departmental efforts, and mass participation, to promote the normalization and effective development of the protection of minors.

Focus on organizational safeguards and strengthen the implementation of "bud protection" responsibilities. Regularly carry out the scheduling of "sword buds", carry out analysis and judgment of key groups of undesirable youth in the jurisdiction, formulate targeted work measures, and urge all units to compact and tighten their work responsibilities. Through the joint meeting, we will continue to strengthen the coordination and cooperation of all units in joint law enforcement, special operations, information exchange, professional consultation, etc., and form a strong "bud protection" work force, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of the special action work.

Qinglong Town: "Sword Guard" guards "ungrown".

Focus on special rectification and build a "bud protection" safe Qinglong. Personnel from the Qinglong Police Station, the Township Civil Affairs Office, the Township Central School, the Township Middle School, and the village committees jointly carried out the "Knock on the Door Operation" to visit key children and key families in the area on a regular basis.

Qinglong Town: "Sword Guard" guards "ungrown".

At the same time, carry out a "carpet" survey throughout the town, investigate the potential safety hazards inside and outside the school, minors driving motorcycles and other potential safety hazards, and carry out key special inspections and rectifications on key places that are prone to risks, such as school buildings, hotel and guest house safety, fire safety, and road traffic during the time when students leave and return to school. Up to now, a total of 11 schools and hotels have been inspected, effectively purifying the campus and the surrounding environment.

Qinglong Town: "Sword Guard" guards "ungrown".

Focus on publicity and guidance, and create a strong atmosphere of "bud protection". Organize county people's courts, county people's procuratorates, Qinglong police stations, town judicial offices, and other units to carry out activities to bring the law to campuses, employing the method of "using cases to explain the law" to conduct on-site explanations on content closely related to minors' lives, such as "preventing sexual assault on minors", "campus bullying", "drug harm", and "telecommunications fraud", to further enhance minors' awareness of the law and self-protection. Regularly push small videos on the prevention of juvenile crime and the punishment of juvenile law popularization in each village group, increasing the awareness of families and society to care for minors, and comprehensively creating a strong atmosphere of care and care for minors.

Qinglong Town: "Sword Guard" guards "ungrown".

In the next step, Qinglong Town will actively give full play to the functions and responsibilities of the leading group for the "Sword and Bud Protection" special action, continue to increase the promotion of the "Sword and Bud Protection" and the protection of minors, and carry out the "rule of law into campus" publicity and education activities on a regular basis, and weave a dense "protection net" for minors.

Correspondent: Huang Yongcheng

Editor: Zhao Yijin

Review: Tao Yongmei

Legal Counsel: Yunnan Mao Rongfang Law Firm, Mao Rongfang Lawyer, 13808775229