
The loquat harvest is full of yellow fruit farmers, and the income of the farmers is smiling

author:China's Yangtze River

May is a good season for loquat to ripen, the loquat in Zengkou Town, Bazhou District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province is ripe one after another, the yellow and clear fruit bends the branches, the fruit farmers are busy picking when they grab the farm, and the rural picture of the harvest is always reverberating with laughter and laughter.

The loquat harvest is full of yellow fruit farmers, and the income of the farmers is smiling

Mature 枇杷

Walking into a loquat garden in Baozhu Village, bursts of fruity fragrance come to the nose, as far as the eye can see, the garden is full of golden branches, the loquat is golden and round, and the size is huge, the fruit farmers hold baskets, carefully select among the green leaves, and gently pick the delicious fruits.

The loquat harvest is full of yellow fruit farmers, and the income of the farmers is smiling

In the centralized sorting and packaging point of loquat in Baozhu Village, the workers are in full swing to sort, weigh, pack, basket and get on the car, making full preparations for the loquat to be exported to all directions, looking at the fruitful results of their hard work, all of them are full of happy smiles.

The loquat harvest is full of yellow fruit farmers, and the income of the farmers is smiling

"In order to stabilize and broaden the sales channels of loquat, so that the villagers can really benefit from the harvest, the "two committees" of Baozhu Village actively establish long-term cooperative relations with online e-commerce platforms and fruit wholesalers to ensure that the loquat planted by the villagers can be sold and sold well, and also strive to make the loquat in Baozhu Village a resounding local business card. Li Qiang, deputy secretary of the general party branch of Baozhu Village, said with confidence.

The loquat harvest is full of yellow fruit farmers, and the income of the farmers is smiling

In recent years, Zengkou Town has taken the development of high-quality agriculture as the main starting point for rural revitalization in accordance with local conditions, actively sought and cultivated industries, and comprehensively broadened the channels for increasing economic income. At present, more than 1,300 acres of five-star loquat are planted in Zengkou Town, with a total output of about 1,800 tons and an estimated total output value of 10 million yuan, which effectively drives farmers to increase their income and become rich and helps rural revitalization. (People's Government of Zengkou Town, Bazhou District, Bazhong City)

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