
Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

author:I'm here

In our real life, the economic laws that we take for granted may lead us to a tragic fate, but what we are not optimistic about may even think is the wrong direction of development, but it may bring about a result that we want most.

This is perhaps the biggest paradox of economics, we can never predict its final outcome, we can never exhaust its possibilities, so deception and misunderstanding are everywhere in economics.

Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

Steve Landsberg, he is a famous economist, but he is also a mathematician, which gives him more perspectives on economics, often being able to place economics in mathematical models, providing us with economic interpretations that break our habitual thinking.

His masterpiece is "Anti-Routine Economics", which takes us into the laws of the real world from a perspective that often subverts our readers' cognition, opens a door for us to understand the world, and takes us to explore more laws of world operation with thinking, rather than being coerced by blind information.

Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

For example, in this book "Anti-Routine Economics: Why Do Smart People Do Stupid Things?" In it, the author gives us an in-depth analysis of the economic views that we often oppose in reality, puts forward objections, and allows us to see another possibility in the economic world.

For example, in the face of the "sexual safety" that the world is calling for, the author gives the view that "the more sex, the safer"; In the face of the global population explosion, the author believes that fertility should be encouraged, and proposes "more children and more blessings", but in the face of the impact of miser and non-consumption on the economy, the author calls for the advantage of miser.

Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

Of course, the author also delves into many other areas of government, justice, charity, central banks, and even the discussion of life and death. And the author's views are extremely subversive, which makes us doubt from the bottom of our hearts.

So how did the author convince us? Is his persuasion strong? And can we believe it? This is the time to witness the author's skills. The author often uses various mathematical models to put his ideas in them, and then gradually deduces them to a convincing conclusion.

Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

For example, in the case of Scrooge, the author discusses in depth from the perspective of money supply. Scrooge kept some of the resources in his own hands, which caused a corresponding decrease in the wealth in the market, which was beneficial to others, and the wealth saved by Scrooge could indeed bring benefits to more people.

Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

To take the simplest example cited by the author, if Scrooge eats less, then other people get more food, and isn't that a benefit to others? From such a simple comparison, we have to agree with the author.

Don't believe too much in the ideas of the real society, improve your self-awareness, and look at the world with skepticism

Of course, many of the author's views are based on theoretical models and various conditions set by themselves, so they may not really play such a significant role in reality, but this kind of thinking can undoubtedly open up our perspective of understanding the world, let us have a clearer understanding of various social states in reality, so that we can not be swayed by other people's thoughts in this society, and establish a spirit of independent thinking. #经济##反套路##经济观点#

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