
12 little things to make yourself more and more prosperous

author:Xiao Zhang, who lives every day

Keep positive thoughts, do more positive things, improve your spirit, qi and spirit, and your life will become more and more prosperous.

12 little things to make yourself more and more prosperous

1. Don't feel inferior, once people become inferior, they will be timid and depressed.

2. Don't complain, if people habitually complain, they will habitually complain, amplify the energy of bad things, and then attract more bad things to happen.

3. Don't sigh, once people are used to sighing, things are easy to think in bad ways, so as to consume themselves.

12 little things to make yourself more and more prosperous

4. Don't have internal friction, just don't think too much. After thinking about this person's business, then thinking about another person's business, endlessly, every day is in internal friction. You have to practice all the time, don't think about anyone's business, and don't form internal friction.

5. Be bold yourself, stay away from the noise that affects you, stay away from the evaluation that denies yourself, and be sure of yourself wholeheartedly and from the bottom of your heart, dig yourself, and do what you want to do the most.

6. People who can't get along, staying away early is saving their time and energy. Stay away from people who should be kept away, don't associate with the wrong people, keep your distance, and maintain a sense of boundaries.

12 little things to make yourself more and more prosperous

7. Be sure to be surrounded by friends who are stronger than your energy, manage your own life, screen friends through the energy state, and you will find that the energy of a group of people will nourish each other.

8. Spend time on positive people and things, divide time for sleep, books, sports, flowers, birds, trees, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and give you your love for the world, instead of wasting yourself on boring people and things.

9. Where you spend your time, your life is there, don't see others shining, and feel that your life is bleak.

You spend time exercising, your body benefits, you spend time reading, you absorb a lot of knowledge, you spend time studying, you learn new skills. Where time is spent, your flowers will bloom.

12 little things to make yourself more and more prosperous

10. Change your image, your image will become better, and there will be more opportunities. Watching fashionistas teach dressing, makeup, etc., dressing yourself up beautifully and cleanly, is also an investment in yourself, or pleasing to the eye.

11. Make good money, save more money, pay less attention to trivial things, and be less distracted by things that have nothing to do with you, so that you have extra money in your hands, have sufficient confidence, and improve self-confidence.

12. A fall doesn't prove anything, it doesn't matter if you fall, get up, pat off the dust on your body, raise your head, hold your chest up, and take your own steps.

12 little things to make yourself more and more prosperous

Finally, he shared a sentence from "Skin": "What can really support you is a rich knowledge reserve, a sufficient economic foundation, continuous emotional stability, a controllable rhythm of life, and an invincible self." ”