
Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds? When it's hot, you don't have to fish in deep water!

author:Diaoyu Court

After the weather is hot, the crucian carp is obviously not easy to fish, even if the individual is caught, it is relatively small, many anglers wonder if the big crucian carp runs to the deep water after laying seeds, so it can't be caught?

Should crucian carp fish fish in deep or shallow water in the summer? How deep is the fishing? What bait should I use and what kind of fishing position should I choose?

These questions are all asked a lot by fishing friends recently, and this article will talk about my opinion. If there is anything wrong, anglers can leave a message in the comment area to correct and accept everyone's criticism.

Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds? When it's hot, you don't have to fish in deep water!

Question 1: Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds?

Yes, crucian carp is a small fish species, which is active in relatively shallow positions, and of course it will go in deep water, but it is still a little more shallow in relatively speaking.

It's just that during the spring spawning period, they will go to very shallow places, and sometimes even throw seeds in the grass pile at their feet, which is twenty or thirty centimeters deep.

After laying seeds, they will not run to particularly shallow places, especially large crucian carp, for them safety is more than everything, vigilance is much higher than that of small crucian carp, there is no way to spawn during the spawning period, and at other times even if you go to the shallows, at least it will not be too close to the shore.

The water is clear, there are no obstacles, and the whole area is full of large shallows, so crucian carp are not very willing to go in summer, especially large crucian carp.

However, if the water quality is turbid, there are obstacles such as aquatic plants, and there is a boundary between depth and shallowness, even large crucian carp will go to shallow water.

But there is no specific dividing line between shallow water and deep water, both are relative.

Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds? When it's hot, you don't have to fish in deep water!

Question 2: How deep to fish

In the summer, I basically don't fish to a depth of a few tens of centimeters, and I start with more than a meter.

For example, in the early morning, before the sun fully rises, or after nightfall, or after heavy rain, there is a situation of walking water, and the water color becomes muddy and the water level rises, it is okay to fish more than one meter.

If it is not in these cases, it can catch more than 1.5 meters, or even more than 2 meters, like during the day in summer, when the light is strong and the temperature is high, and the larger crucian carp are basically in the deep water far from the shore. If you use a short rod to fish close to the fishing edge, most of them can only catch small crucian carp, and only if you fish far and deep, you can only fish with a large board.

Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds? When it's hot, you don't have to fish in deep water!

Question 3: What kind of fishing position to choose?

If it is morning and evening, choose a place with grass in shallow water, and the first choice is a slow flow area near a bay or heavy obstacle when walking on the water.

If it's daytime, I have shared 2 kinds of fishing positions before, one is the shallow water area of the downwind outlet, and it is best to bring a little aquatic weed; The second is near the outlet. In hot weather, especially if it's a bit stuffy, it's important to find living water such as running water and outlets.

If you want to add, those shady places can also be considered, such as under the bridge, under the shade of trees, etc., these shady places are also loved by fish.

Supplement: Fish have thermotropism, but the "warm" here does not refer to high temperature, but the right temperature, the cold weather must be where to go where it is warm, and in summer and autumn, when the weather is hot and the hot water is high, the fish will go to the shade.

Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds? When it's hot, you don't have to fish in deep water!

Question 4: What kind of bait to use

Regarding the use of bait, there is a mantra that is "spring fishy, summer light, autumn fragrance, winter thick", which can be referred to but the specific situation should also be analyzed specifically.

The reason why the bait should be light in summer is to take into account the small trash fish nest, if there is no small trash fish, then you can use the fishy bait all year round, and the fishy fragrance will be served directly when fishing for small crucian carp.

Small trash fish nest, but also to what extent, if it is not very noisy can be ignored, since the use of fishy bait; If it is noisy, first of all, the big fish and the big fragrance can not be used, and the bran, potato, and wheat fragrance should be the mainstay, and this kind of grain fragrance must smell relatively light.

If the small trash fish is very noisy, floating into the water can not quickly turn over, sinking in a variety of signals, then the commercial bait can basically be abandoned, whether it is fishy or fragrant no longer works.

At this time, it is recommended to use three shakes, or hanging wheat, rice, and white dough for fishing, that is, do not atomize at all and try to reduce the taste of the bait.

Will crucian carp go up to the shallows after laying seeds? When it's hot, you don't have to fish in deep water!

That's all for today's article, the above are all personal views, if fishing friends have different opinions, you can express your views in the comment area, if you have any questions, you can also leave a message below.