
The maximum temperature is 29°C! Start the first round of "into summer" sprint

author:Shanghai Xuhui

Today's weather

Today (May 17), the temperature has risen across the board, starting the first round of summer sprint this year. The minimum temperature in the city is between 13~18 °C, and the day is sunny and warm and dry.

The maximum temperature is 29°C! Start the first round of "into summer" sprint

Specific forecast: sunny to cloudy, 18~29 °C, south to southeast wind 4~5, gust 6 along the river and coastal areas, relative humidity 80%~20%. The fire danger level meteorological index is 4, flammable.

Tips: The weather is sunny and dry, pay attention to sun protection and hydration, and pay attention to fire safety; The temperature difference between day and night is large, and the day is like two seasons, so you can increase or decrease your clothes according to your personal physique.

The maximum temperature is 29°C! Start the first round of "into summer" sprint
The maximum temperature is 29°C! Start the first round of "into summer" sprint

Working weather: sunny to cloudy, 19~23°C

Off-duty weather: sunny to cloudy, 27~24°C

Future weather trends

From this weekend to the beginning of next week, the city will be dominated by cloudy weather, with a maximum temperature of 28~29 °C and a minimum temperature of 19 °C. Around the 22nd, there will be a precipitation process under the influence of the shear line, and the daytime temperature will drop slightly.

The maximum temperature is 29°C! Start the first round of "into summer" sprint

May 18 (Saturday): Cloudy, 20~28°C

May 19 (Sunday): Cloudy, 19~28°C

May 20 (Monday): Cloudy, 19~29°C

May 21 (Tuesday): Cloudy to cloudy to overcast with occasional showers, 19~28°C

About Shanghai's "summer": Shanghai's average annual summer time is May 24 (1991-2020, Xujiahui Station). In the past decade, the earliest summer will start on May 7, 2021, and the latest will be June 10, 2016.

The maximum temperature is 29°C! Start the first round of "into summer" sprint

Synthesized from: Health Meteorology, Shanghai release

Editor: Chen Haixiao