
It's simple to stop the chorus

author:Foshan Daily
It's simple to stop the chorus
It's simple to stop the chorus

The Regensburg Girls' Choir Concert in Regensburg, Germany, hosted by Foshan Daily, Golden Horse Theatre and Liu Shikun School of Music and Art, will be held at the Golden Horse Theatre on August 1.

Many people have the impression that the choir will only stand still and sing, but this is not the case. Many foreign choirs perform in a variety of forms, including opera, musicals, dramas and dance performances. The 62-year-old Regensburg Girls' Choir is one such special choir. On the evening of August 1st, the choir will present more than 30 songs and 6 performance parts of the performance to the Audience of Foshan, bringing you a different music and audio-visual feast!

Founded in 1954, the Regensburg Girls' Choir of Germany was composed of 30 young girls, and today it is a super-large choir with 700 members, most of which consist of little girls and girls who are about to become adults.

The choir's performances span a wide range of fields, including opera, musical theatre, drama and dance. From the a cappella chorus of Renaissance to modern music to the interpretation of the works of modern composers, the Regensburg Girls' Choir of Germany is one of the best.

It is understood that there are many types of chorus in the West, which are roughly divided into 29 categories, while China does not have such a complex distinction. Although the performance forms of domestic chorus are gradually enriched, compared with Western choruses with a history of hundreds of years, domestic choral performances that also perform opera and drama are still very rare. Therefore, the Regensburg Girls' Choir in Germany brought this time to represent the most popular choral performance model in the West.

This concert will be divided into 6 parts, namely the classic choral repertoire part, the brass performance part, the funny choral performance part, the classic pop chorus part, the world-famous musical fragment part and the additional performance part, a total of more than 30 songs will be performed, which will bring you a different music audio-visual feast!

It is understood that in this concert, the girls of the choir will show a variety of choral charm. From the representative songs of Schubert, Mozart and other representatives of classical music, to the songs in the movie "Red Lips Don't Fall in Love", "Little Boy", "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class", to the pop songs sung by the Beatles and Queen, to the music in the musical "Cats" and "Purple House Magic Love", to the Chinese songs "Holding Hands" and "Bugs Fly". On August 1st, at the Golden Horse Theatre, you will feel how beautiful the ethereal and clear singing voice of these German girls living on the banks of the Danube River is.

Text/Foshan Daily reporter He Minhua

"Yue Yun Foshan" 2016 schedule

1. Mendelssohn Schumann Music Appreciation Concert: July 22, 20:002, Regensburg Girls' Choir Concert, Germany


●Performance venue: Foshan Golden Horse Theater