
To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


In early summer of May, flowers are in full bloom, green trees are shady, and melons and fruits are fragrant. Walking into the fruit store, it has become the home of melons, and the fresh fragrance blows along the summer wind all over the streets and alleys, which is a sweet taste and a summer taste.

Melon is a very representative food in the summer of the mainland, it is said that as early as more than 2,000 years ago, people have discovered melon, the early melon is green, and its seeds are more, the taste is slightly bitter, and with the continuous understanding and improvement of melon, these varieties of modern varieties of excellent melon have been cultivated.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

In the hot summer, people often sweat profusely, and the body is easy to be weak and have no energy, and if you eat some melons at this time, it can make people feel good, replenish energy, relieve fatigue, and feel comfortable. It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Melons quench thirst and remove heat...... and so on". Through modern research, we can see that it is rich in carbohydrates, citric acid, niacin, B vitamins, vitamin C, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and other ions, which help to replenish physical strength and nutrition, clear away heat and heat, protect the liver, repel insects and insects, etc. It is a good product that cannot be missed in the hot summer.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

With the development of modern planting industry, there are more and more varieties of melons, including green, yellow, white, striped, and solid colors in terms of color; In terms of shape, there are mallet-shaped, oval, and round...... Judging by the scraping skin, there are thin and thick ones...... People can also often hear the names of various melons, such as Emerald Treasure, Sheep's Horn Honey, Boyang No. 9, Yanliang Melon, Yuru Melon, Bali Xiang and so on. This variety of melons makes people's eyes shine, but they are also a little overwhelmed when buying, not knowing which one to choose, and worrying about buying melons that are not sweet. After all, even if the melon is cheap now, it costs two or three yuan a catty, and if you buy something that is not sweet, it means a waste.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

In fact, no matter what kind of melon, there are the same skills when picking, an uncle of mine has been growing melons for many years, many melons have been planted, he told me, no matter what kind of melon to buy, to pick the "mother", and he also taught me 3 skills, to ensure that one picks one accurately, buy home sweet and juicy delicious. The season of eating melons is here, so let's take a look at how to choose~

Pick the "mother" one

I remember when I was a child, melons were not as sweet as they are now, and the guati (the end connected to the melon vine) was often bitter, while the end of the melon navel would be sweeter. In the process of growing, one end of the melon navel is facing the sun, absorbing sufficient light and essence, so this end will be more swollen and round. Generally speaking, the more round and obvious the melon navel, the more fully it grows and absorbs more nutrients, the more sugar it accumulates, and the taste is more crispy and delicious. On the contrary, if the navel is not very obvious, it means that the growth is not good and the taste is poor. People are accustomed to calling this big melon navel "female", so when buying melons, the "female" is preferred.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

Here are 3 selection tips to help us pick out fresh and delicious melons.

1. Smell the smell

No matter what kind of melon it is, it will give off a natural fragrance when it is ripe, and the higher the ripeness, the stronger the aroma. So we have to pick up the melon and smell it carefully, and choose one that exudes a sweet taste. On the contrary, if you can't smell the fragrance even if you try hard, then nine times out of ten it is still relatively raw, and it will often taste bland.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

2. Look at Guati

When people pick melons, they often bring a portion of melons to prolong their freshness. However, with the extension of the storage time, the part of the melon field will gradually lose water and change. Therefore, if the guati is emerald green and is more hard when pinched, it means that it has just been picked and the freshness is higher. On the other hand, if the guati has shriveled and turned yellow or black, it means that it has been stored for a long time and the freshness is not good.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable

3. Press soft and hard

When buying melons, don't forget this last step and press them with your hands to feel whether they are soft or hard. According to experience, if it is pressed very hard and basically cannot be pressed, then such melons often smell without fragrance, so they are relatively raw and have little sweetness. The melon with a higher degree of maturity is a little soft when pressed, just like the feeling of pressing an orange, so the melon will taste sweeter and the taste will be softer and more delicious. Of course, if it is very soft when pressed, it means that it is overcooked, and there is a possibility of internal deterioration, so don't buy it.

To buy melons, you have to pick the "mother" if you have money or not, and melon farmers teach 3 tricks, no matter what variety is applicable
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