
The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

author:Cute pet healer

Dogs are very humane animals, and although they can't speak, they understand many things. Like stray dogs, they can smell you and tell that you are a good person! So when a stray dog takes the initiative to approach you to show goodwill, if you have the ability to do so, try to help it, saying that it may not bring you unexpected surprises! Today I want to talk about the story of rescuing a stray dog, which happened in Tongzhou, Beijing. There was a girl whose car broke down, so she went to a local 4S shop to repair the car. And as soon as I arrived in the courtyard of the 4S store, there was a dog walking behind the girl! And then he looked at the girl with a look of great anticipation and innocence, as if he was going to beg her for help!

The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

In fact, the girl also has a dog at home, and in the face of its expression, she really can't stand it! So the girl squatted down and stretched out her hand, but the dog took the initiative to come and ask for a touch, and its character looked particularly docile! At that time, the girl was in a hurry to repair the car, so she thought in her heart that if she could meet it again after repairing the car, it would mean that she was very fateful and considered taking it home. However, the yard of the 4S shop is quite large, and the girl thinks that it is unlikely to meet it again, but I didn't expect to see it again after repairing the car! When the dog saw the girl, he immediately rushed over to ask for a touch, and he wanted to paste it! This is the first time we have met, how can you trust yourself so much?

The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

The girl touched the dog and lay down to show her belly, and those who have had a dog know that this means that the dog completely trusts you! However, at this time, the girl was a little hesitant, because the family has a schnauzer, this dog looks to grow big, and has never raised a big dog, whether there will be conflicts between them, and whether they can have the energy to raise it is a problem. But after thinking about it, the girl really couldn't bear to leave like this. So the lady gambled again, if she went to complete the car repair procedures and came back, and could meet you again, then she would really take you home!

The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

When going through the formalities, the girls were a little absent-minded, and they were a little worried and looking forward to something. I didn't expect the dog to appear in front of me again after I finished it, and it seemed to have been lying on the lawn of its own errands waiting for itself! This time, the girl said that she couldn't break her word, and directly picked up the dog! The girl didn't know how she had the courage to hold a strange dog at the time, what if she was bitten? But the dog is very well-behaved, even if it is a little uncomfortable to be held, it still obediently leans on the girl's arms, and it can be seen that it really likes girls!

The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

Because it was a stray dog, the girl drove the dog directly to the hospital for examination. The doctor initially examined that it was a female dog of about 8 months, with a bit of a dislocated patella, and nothing else was a major problem. After the inspection, the girl came to the pet store to bathe it with the dog, whether it was checking or bathing, it was super well-behaved, and did not resist at all. It's just that when it dries, it's a little afraid of the sound of the hair dryer, so it's put in the drying box. Then the staff dewormed it, and the girl took it home to meet the aborigines!

The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

The first time they met, they were still a little strange, and they were testing something with each other. Fortunately, they are all very docile dogs, there are no disputes and fights, eating and sleeping are safe, this is the best way to get along, and the two dogs will also have company in the future! Thanks to the kind girl, taking it in can be said to change its life! I hope that this smart and human dog is all right, it is the owner you are looking for, and you will live happily ever after!

The girl encountered a stray dog that took the initiative to show her favor 3 times, and finally kept her promise and took it away for adoption

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