
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition

author:Cultivating the art station

The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition

The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition

Wang Duo (1592-1652), the word Juesi (Zhi), the number of Shiqiao, Songqiao, Crazy Nunnery, Crazy Immortal Daoren, Yantan Yusuo, Pingyang Prefecture Hongdong County (now Hongdong County, Shanxi Province), born in Mengjin County, Henan Province, late Ming and early Qing Dynasty ministers, calligraphers and painters, Wang Benren's son. In the second year of the Apocalypse (1622), he was admitted to the Jinshi and was selected as a Shujishi, and successively served as the prince's left Yude, the prince's right concubine, the prince's Zhan Shi, and the secretary of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites. The Hongguang regime was established and he became a scholar of Togaku University. In the first year of Shunzhi (1644), he followed Qian Qianyi to surrender to the Qing Dynasty, and awarded the Ministry of Rites, the bachelor of Hongwen Academy, and the prince Shaobao. In the ninth year of Shunzhi (1652), he died of illness at the age of sixty-one, and was buried in Gongyi County, Henan Province, by the Luohe River, nicknamed Wen'an. He is good at calligraphy, and Dong Qichang is equally famous, and is known as the "King of South Dong and North". As Li Zhimin commented: "Wang Duo's cursive writing is indulgent, unleashed but not flowing, vertical and horizontal, and has a deep backbone." Calligraphy works include "Proposed Mountain Garden Post" and "Langhua Pavilion Post" and so on. His paintings include "Snow Scene, Bamboo and Stone" and so on.

The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition
The essence of calligraphy - Wang Juesi wrote "Holy Order" in high definition

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