
The United States allowed Kiev peace talks, and Switzerland waited for China and Russia to participate in the meeting, and Putin gave the bottom and did not disappoint the Chinese side

author:Tayanagi Talk

Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui said that China is maintaining close contacts with Russia, Ukraine and the international community to promote negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. Before his visit to China, Putin gave an interview to Chinese media and answered the Ukrainian issue.

He said that the Russian side spoke positively of China's position on resolving the Ukraine crisis, hoped for a comprehensive, sustainable and just settlement of the conflict through peaceful means, and was open to dialogue on the Ukraine issue. Russia is willing to negotiate, has negotiated, and has never refused to negotiate.

With Putin's plane landing in Beijing, the outside world is highly concerned about whether this visit will promote a breakthrough in Russia-Ukraine peace talks. Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that China's views on the prospects for starting an attempt to resolve the situation in Ukraine deserve Russia's respect, Russia welcomes any peace initiative, and China and Russia will definitely discuss the Ukrainian issue.

The United States allowed Kiev peace talks, and Switzerland waited for China and Russia to participate in the meeting, and Putin gave the bottom and did not disappoint the Chinese side


So, is there a big opportunity for Russia and Ukraine to hold peace talks?

First of all, whether from the battlefield situation or from the situation of the US-Russia game, the Russian-Ukrainian peace talks are a matter of time, but it is only a matter of time. In fact, the United States has changed the direction of the winds.

Before Putin's visit to China, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken made an emergency surprise visit to Kyiv, brought $2 billion in new aid to Ukraine, and conveyed the White House instruction to Zelensky in person, that is, Ukraine decides to negotiate with Russia on its own.

The United States allowed Kiev peace talks, and Switzerland waited for China and Russia to participate in the meeting, and Putin gave the bottom and did not disappoint the Chinese side

Blinken, Zelenskyy

Previously, Seymour Hersh, a well-known American journalist, broke the news that the Russian-Ukrainian peace talks could have started a few months ago, because Biden issued an ultimatum to Zelensky and threatened Kyiv with $45 billion in annual aid to Ukraine not to negotiate with Russia, which led to the delay in the start of peace talks.

Now that the Biden administration has taken the initiative to untie Zelensky, it is basically equivalent to no longer blocking it. As long as the Ukrainian side no longer refuses, there will be no more obstacles to peace talks.

Second, the problem facing the Russia-Ukraine peace talks now is that the United States and the West are still taking Qiao, and they want to increase their bargaining chips through various means to pressure Russia to make concessions. For example, the United States allowed Kyiv peace talks, but sent new weapons and promised to sign a security agreement with Ukraine in the coming weeks.

The United States allowed Kiev peace talks, and Switzerland waited for China and Russia to participate in the meeting, and Putin gave the bottom and did not disappoint the Chinese side

Ukrainian army

To a large extent, the United States is forcing Zelensky to continue to use the Ukrainians' "Tianling Gai" to touch the mace of the Russian army and help NATO maintain its bargaining chips. Not only that, but Eastern European countries are also eager to send troops to the rear of Ukraine as a "supervising team" to drive all the Ukrainians in Wuxi to the battlefield.

On the occasion of Putin's visit to China, Zelensky signed a decree on a number of decisions on Ukraine's withdrawal from the CIS countries. In addition, he postponed his scheduled visits to Spain and Portugal to discuss the situation in Kharkiv Oblast and the supply of troops with senior Ukrainian military generals.

In summary, both Ukraine and NATO are busy with how to get greater "results" before the peace talks in order to gain an advantage in negotiations.

The United States allowed Kiev peace talks, and Switzerland waited for China and Russia to participate in the meeting, and Putin gave the bottom and did not disappoint the Chinese side

Russia-Ukraine peace talks

Finally, the President of the Swiss Confederation publicly stated that more than 50 countries have confirmed their participation in the Ukraine Peace Summit, and are seeking to join China and other countries. The Russian side had previously stated that it refused to participate in the meeting due to its opposition to the "peace formula" proposed by Ukraine. In the final analysis, what Russia rejects is not the negotiations themselves, but the sincerity of the Ukrainian side in negotiations.

At present, Switzerland is proposing to invite Russia to participate in the meeting, saying that in addition to the "peace plan" for Ukraine, there are other peace proposals based on the UN Charter and the main principles of international law at the June summit, saying that there is no point in holding a peace conference without Russia's participation.

In other words, the final outcome of the talks between China and Russia during Putin's visit to China will largely determine the direction of the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations. According to the speech delivered at the joint press conference after the talks between China and Russia, the two sides agreed that a political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis is the right direction. China looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability on the European continent and is ready to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.


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