
To be simple, come to Hui'an! The whole process benefits enterprises and businesses, and the cash fund is 560 million yuan!

author:See Quanzhou

In recent years, Hui'an County has focused on the optimization and improvement of the business environment, focused on optimizing the front-end, middle-end and back-end service measures for the development of private enterprises, provided all-round support for private enterprise policies, funds, and environment, and planted the soil of "benefiting enterprises and businesses" with the determination of "being simple and coming to Hui'an", and promoted the good, fast and upward development of the private economy.

To be simple, come to Hui'an! The whole process benefits enterprises and businesses, and the cash fund is 560 million yuan!

Be an excellent front-end

"Source" to enhance the vitality of the development of private enterprises

First, the policy benefits enterprises in the front. On the basis of the implementation of various preferential policies of the superiors, 12 policies such as the "Eight Articles" for the digital economy and the "Twenty Articles" for intellectual property rights have been superimposed, and the "bonus list" model of departmental accounting and enterprise collection has been implemented, and the scope of free application has been broadened, and a total of 560 million yuan of various funds benefiting enterprises will be cashed out in 2023. We have done a good job in refined tax services, launched a personalized service plan of "fine e-tax housekeeper", and pushed policies according to the production and operation conditions of enterprises and major tax-related matters, with a total of 634 million yuan in tax reductions, refunds and fee reductions.

Second, the factor guarantee is at the forefront. In 2023, 3,015 acres of new land will be acquired, 16 development plans with an area of 6,815 acres will be approved, resources will be co-ordinated, and 2,031 acres of idle and inefficient land will be recovered or disposed of; Strengthen transportation facilities, improve the structure of the road network, implement 15 major transportation projects with a value of 10.4 billion yuan, including the Binhai Avenue Widening and Reconstruction Project (Phase I), and have been awarded the "Four Good Rural Roads" National Demonstration County and shortlisted for the National Transportation Integration Demonstration County.

To be simple, come to Hui'an! The whole process benefits enterprises and businesses, and the cash fund is 560 million yuan!

Third, the service approval is in advance. Optimize the approval process, compress the approval time of each project construction to 1 working day, implement parallel approval, promote the approval acceleration mode such as "land delivery is the delivery of certificates" and "multi-certificate joint issuance", make full use of the "blank period" of land approval time, and realize the simultaneous handling of pre-approval matters through pre-examination, and promote the average approval speed of 21 projects by 3 months.

To be simple, come to Hui'an! The whole process benefits enterprises and businesses, and the cash fund is 560 million yuan!

Improve the quality of the mid-range

"Aggregation" cultivates the development momentum of private enterprises

First, the efficient transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements. Strengthen the transformation and application of patents, guide 3 small, medium and micro enterprises to obtain intellectual property pledge financing loans of 11 million yuan, newly identify 3 provincial intellectual property advantage enterprises, and have 1,646 invention patents in 2023. Accelerate the implementation of high-level institutes such as CCID Science and Technology Innovation Base, promote the construction of artificial intelligence industry colleges, newly cultivate 1 provincial-level enterprise technology center and 3 enterprise off-site R&D centers, and increase the effective R&D investment of the whole society by 12%.

To be simple, come to Hui'an! The whole process benefits enterprises and businesses, and the cash fund is 560 million yuan!

The second is the precise drip irrigation of financial living water. Implemented the activity of "100 presidents entering 1,000 enterprises", and successively held 22 industry-finance docking activities in the fields of foreign trade and e-commerce, with a credit of more than 18.171 billion yuan. Innovate the establishment of a leading industry fund, relying on the AA+ rated city state-owned capital operation group, set up 1 parent fund, participate in and cooperate with 7 industrial funds, and create a county-level fund matrix focusing on high-tech industries. Carry out the special action of "young phoenix cultivation", introduce Dongxing, Zhongtai and other brokerage resources, and "one enterprise and one policy" directional support and cultivation, and there are currently 4 listed companies.

The third is the incubation and cultivation of high-end talents. Build a talent evaluation system, encourage enterprises to carry out independent evaluation of talents, and promote leading enterprises such as Dali Foods to independently identify 160 talents of various types. Build a talent service network, implement the party committee contact service expert system, optimize the operation mode of talent creation and sharing center, Houyao Qingchuang block, etc., and build 3 apartments with 2,500 sets of talent apartments such as Jiahe Wanjing Garden. In 2023, 619 provincial and municipal high-level talents will be added and 592 college graduates will be introduced.

Synergistic ends

"Reduction" reduces the burden on the development of private enterprises

The first is to create a pro-Qing and harmonious business environment. There are channels for communication, the implementation of "four grassroots", "breakfast, lunch and dinner", regular scheduling of key work and other mechanisms, the opening of the 12345 enterprise service hotline, to solve the 11 years of silence in Quanzhou shipyard resumption of work and production and other difficult problems 58. There are boundaries for exchanges, formulate eight actions of "clean breeze to benefit enterprises and secure business", improve the norms for leading cadres to attend relevant activities, and further clarify the list of political and business exchanges.

The second is to create an open and transparent rule of law environment. It continued to optimize the implementation of enterprise-related matters, innovated the "smart execution collaboration platform", integrated 31 county execution coordination units, and realized the "one-stop handling and one-time completion" of linkage matters, which was affirmed by the Fujian High Court. Properly conclude civil and commercial disputes, and comprehensively promote the "four lists" of non-referential, lenient, mitigated administrative penalties and exemption from administrative coercion, so that enterprises can start businesses with peace of mind.

To be simple, come to Hui'an! The whole process benefits enterprises and businesses, and the cash fund is 560 million yuan!

The third is to create a fair and trustworthy market environment. Fully implement the negative list system for market access, and "enter without prohibition" outside the list. Promote the aggregation of credit information, implement efforts to aggregate and display information related to enterprises, and aggregate a total of 1,317 pieces of data. Clear channels for enterprise credit restoration, handling the removal of 124 enterprises from the list of enterprises with abnormal business operations, stopping the display of administrative punishment information in advance for 8 times, and achieving a 100% credit restoration operation rate.

Source | Quanzhou Government Affairs Hui'an County Party Committee Office

Hui'an County Government Office Hui'an County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

Hui'an County Development and Reform Bureau

Edit | Lian Yunqian

Editor-in-charge | Yang Zhentang

Audit | Lin Shuda