
People are kind, and God does not deceive

author:Art Scene
People are kind, and God does not deceive

"Tao Te Ching" says: The way of heaven is beneficial but not harmful, and the way of the saint is not to fight.

Lao Tzu's purpose of preaching the way of heaven and nature is nothing more than to let people learn from nature and learn the pure heart and precious personality of the saint.

Dealing with people and things, only kindness can last.

If you are an honest and honest person, you will definitely be favored by God.


Thick personality, the foundation of life

Lao Ziyun: The big husband is thick, not informal, practical, and unrestrained.

Our ancestors talked about the "way of loyalty and forgiveness" and the "way of heaven" because they wanted to teach us how to behave.

The gentleman stands up with generosity, does not live in shallowness, simplicity and innocence, and does not live in flashiness.

If you want to accumulate the thickness of your personality, you must be sincere, kind, pragmatic and simple.

Don't worry about small things, don't be confused about big rights and wrongs, and think about others before yourself.

The Tang Dynasty judge Ren Dijian was late for the banquet and punished him for drinking according to the rules. The guards were negligent for a moment, and even presented the vinegar jug as a wine jug.

As a result, Ren Dijian took a sip, unbearably sour, and was about to be reminded. It suddenly occurred to me that if it was broken at this time, the guards would not be able to escape the scourge of killing.

So, Ren Dijian gritted his teeth and drank it all. Legend has it that at that time, he "vomited blood and returned". When the news of this incident came out, the city was full of sensations.

Everyone was amazed by Ren Dijian's character. This kind of kindness is the mind of a husband, and it is the bearing and responsibility.

Kindness is a kind of heart, but also a kind of bosom.

It abandons the worldly calculations and releases the tremendous power that accommodates hundreds of rivers.

People are kind, and God does not deceive


Be kind to others and establish the foundation of life

Lao Ziyun: Things are either damaged and overflowing, or overflowing and damaged.

Lao Tzu believes that the extremes of things must be opposed, and when the instruments are full, they will be tilted. Don't do more than the limit, and don't make the mistake of thinking that you will lose yourself by giving for others.

When we do what we can to fulfill others, our gains are immeasurable.

But to do good deeds, don't ask about the future, what we do is actually fulfilling ourselves.

A farmer was working when he found a young boy struggling in a swamp and calling for help. So I ran over and rescued him.

The boy's father was a wealthy businessman.

In order to repay the farmer for saving his son, he paid for the farmer's son to attend the best local medical school.

Decades later, the farmer's son learned and discovered penicillin, a cure for tuberculosis.

And the son of a wealthy merchant, in a serious illness, was saved because of this penicillin.

The discoverer of penicillin was the famous medical scientist Fleming, and the son of the saved wealthy merchant was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Life is a wonderful cycle, and when we help others, we will also receive gifts from others in different forms.

Being kind to others is the basic principle of everyone's life, and only in this way can we be as peaceful and serene as the ancient sages expected.

People are kind, and God does not deceive


Modesty and kindness, the source of success

Lao Ziyun: It is not big in the end, so it can become big.

The strength of a person is not the rhetoric of eloquence, but the strength of convincing.

A respectable person is often a person who is talented, modest, and discreet.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the patriot Kong Yu was modest, studious, diligent and down-to-earth.

After his death, the monarch of the country gave him the title of "Wen", and people honored him as "Confucius Wenzi".

Confucius had a student named Zigong, who was also a patriot. He thinks that Kong Yu is not called "Kong Wenzi" as people say, and he is overrated. He felt that he could not understand, so he went to Confucius for advice.

Zigong said: "What is so great about Kong Wenzi, why should he be given the title of 'Wen'?"

Confucius replied: "Confucius was intelligent and studious, and had the courage to humbly ask for advice from those whose status and knowledge were inferior to his own. and not to feel ashamed, so give him the title of 'Wen'. ”

When Zigong heard Confucius say this, he immediately felt happy and convinced.

Throughout the ages, loyalty and honesty have always been the unchanging creed in dealing with people.

If you are loyal, you will be favored by God after all;

Acting loyally will surely win the recognition and respect of others.

If you have kind friends around you, please cherish them.