
99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

author:Zhenyuan Fusion Media

Colloquialism, concise and visual,

Reflect people's life experiences, wisdom and aspirations.

The proper use of colloquialisms can embellish the words and enliven the atmosphere.

It can even be instructive and alarming.

99 common sayings,

It's not bad to read carefully!

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

1. The saddle does not leave the horse's back, and the armor does not leave the general's body.

The horse does not unsaddle, the man does not unarmour, and the metaphor is always in a state of high vigilance.

2. Pull out the radish and bring out the puree.

Pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud is a metaphor for things that are not done cleanly and unfavorably, so that other people or things are implicated, and it is also a metaphor for causing unnecessary trouble.

3. The full man does not know that the hungry man is hungry.

Parables cannot put themselves in the shoes of people in need.

4. Regardless of the white cat or the black cat, catching a mouse is a good cat.

This sentence is a common saying in Sichuan, and it is a visual expression of everything based on reality.

5. Hundred stars are not as good as January.

The light emitted by a hundred stars is not as bright as the light emitted by a moon, and the metaphor is that quantity is not as good as quality.

6. Don't put your eggs in one basket.

Warning people not to gamble, to put all their energy and capital into one thing, should make multiple preparations, and leave a few back roads.

7. Don't hang yourself from a tree.

When you encounter a difficult situation, you should be flexible and do not cling to one choice.

8. Occlude your eyes to catch sparrows.

The metaphor is to do things blindly.

9. Sing white face.

White Face: The villain character in Peking Opera. It refers to playing the opposite role and taking a harsh attitude towards things.

10. Sing the duet.

The metaphor is to take action contrary to the other person, or to deliberately bring the other person down.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

11. Sing high notes.

Say unrealistically beautiful things; Speak nicely but don't act.

12. Sing the empty city plan.

A metaphor for the way to hide the emptiness of one's power and deceive the other party; It is a metaphor for the absence of all or most of the personnel in a certain unit; Describe being hungry.

13. Sing the lead role.

The metaphor is to take on a major task or to play a leading role in something.

14. Avoid its sharpness and hit its laziness.

Avoid the momentum of the enemy when they first arrive, and wait until the enemy is tired before striking hard.

15. The whip is not as long as the belly of a horse.

The finger whip is long, but it should not hit the horse's belly. The latter metaphor is beyond the reach of the power.

16. You can't eat and walk around.

Metaphorically for someone's actions that have serious consequences.

17. Taking the wrong medicine.

It is counterintuitive to speak and do things in a parable.

18. Eat small stoves.

The metaphor enjoys special care.

19. The ugly daughter-in-law wants to see her in-laws sooner or later.

Sooner or later, something that is bad in a metaphor has to be known.

20. Wear small shoes.

The metaphor is to secretly take revenge on people and make things difficult for people.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

21. Running a red light.

The metaphor transcends the existing rules of the law.

23. Playing official.

It refers to the rhetoric and tone of officialdom, or the use of high-sounding words to deal with, prevaricate or reproach others.

24. Playing in the water.

The metaphor is invested in vain and nothing is gained.

25. Hold back.

It is a metaphor for retreating halfway through errands.

26. Make small reports.

Whistleblowing is also known as making a small report.

27. Get vaccinated.

The metaphor greets you in advance and prepares your mind to prevent problems before they happen.

28. Playing a round.

Mediate disputes and alleviate conflicts.

29. Great climate.

The metaphor appears in a larger political or economic situation or current.

30. The great water washed the Dragon King Temple.

The metaphor is for one's own family and harms one's own family.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

31. Facing the drum and facing the gong.

Metaphorically negotiating or exchanging views face-to-face.

32. To what mountain to sing what song.

The metaphor does things according to the actual situation.

33. Ice charcoal does not speak, hot and cold are self-evident.

The sincerity of the metaphor does not need to be confessed, but must be manifested in action.

34. Reassurance.

Something that calms people's emotions.

35. The east is not bright, and the west is bright.

The metaphor doesn't work here, there is still room for maneuver and choice elsewhere.

36. The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass go first.

Before pointing out the soldiers, prepare food and forage. The metaphor is to prepare for something in advance.

37. Dry thunder does not rain.

The parable is an empty promise, refusing to carry it out, refusing to give benefits to others. In colloquial language, it also refers to people crying loudly, but not shedding tears. There is only momentum and no real action.

38. Catch ducks on the shelves.

The metaphor is forced to do things that are unavoidable and beyond one's means.

39. High is not low.

It refers to the choice of things or spouses, the good ones are not obtained, and the bad ones are not satisfactory.

40. High profile.

It refers to tolerance and understanding towards others.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

41. Snowball.

Figurative things are becoming more and more numerous and larger on the basis of the original.

42. Over the movies.

Describe the review of the past events one by one.

43. Addicted to dryness.

Describes an individual's desires that are superficially in contact but are not actually satisfied.

44. Lawlessness in the past is not repaired in the present.

It means that we should not follow the example of antiquity, nor should we stick to the status quo.

45. Well, the scar forgets the pain.

The metaphor is that if you live a comfortable life, you forget the hard days of the past.

46. A man shall not be a man, and the sea shall not be measured.

A parable cannot judge a person based on his appearance or appearance alone, just as the sea cannot be measured by a bucket, nor can a person's future be underestimated based on his appearance.

47. Don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha.

For parables, look at the affection of a third person to help or forgive a person.

48. The emperor's daughter does not worry about getting married.

Relying on the superiority of a certain external condition and not thinking of subjective efforts is used to criticize a kind of old-fashioned thinking.

49. A crying child has milk to eat.

The metaphor is that a unit or subordinate who makes multiple demands or makes strong demands can be taken care of more. In the world, showing weakness can stimulate the sympathy of others to the greatest extent, so that people can be extra kind to you.

50. Picked up the sesame seeds and threw the watermelon.

The metaphor grasps the secondary and gives up the primary.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

51. Pay tuition.

Generally refers to paying money or other price for a cause.

52. Lift the lid.

Parables expose contradictions or problems.

53. Tang Zi Zi.

The metaphor unravels the knots of thought.

54. Kan Dashan.

Bragging, telling jokes, chatting without purpose.

55. 烂摊子.

It is a metaphor for a situation or unit that is chaotic and difficult to clean up.

56. The rotten ship also has three catties of iron.

There are also elements that can be used and not to be underestimated in metaphorical bad things.

57. Scoop up straw.

It is a metaphor for a futile struggle in despair, and a metaphor for taking advantage of opportunities.

58. Fishing the world.

It refers to going out and about.

59. The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

The metaphorical world is complicated, and there are all kinds of strange people and things.

60. Keep the tail.

The metaphor is that things are not done thoroughly, and there are still problems.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

61. Exposed.

The parable exposes the unwillingness to let people know.

62. Random mandarin duck spectrum.

Describe blind command and improvisation.

63. If you don't plug it, you can't do it.

The parable is only possible to build something new and right by breaking down the old and the wrong.

64. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

It means that there is no such thing as taking advantage of nothing, and if you want to have a harvest, you must pay; Sometimes it is a reminder to beware of the trap of using profit as bait.

65. Crossing the river by feeling the stones.

The metaphor groped its way forward in practice.

66. Don't talk nonsense.

Don't discourage the right opinion of the person just because he has something inadequate.

67. Pat your head.

It refers to making decisions and making ideas based on subjectivity.

68. Tricks.

The metaphor is to do inconsequential things under people, or to specialize in errands and service work; or play a secondary role, acting as a supporting role.

69. Holding a golden rice bowl and asking for rice.

The metaphor has good objective conditions, but it cannot solve the problems of production and life.

70. Broken jars are broken.

The parable has shortcomings, mistakes, and is left uncorrected, left to its own devices, or even worse.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

71. The cicada wings are heavy, and the thousand jun is light.

The wings of the cicada are considered heavy, and the weight of 30,000 catties is regarded as light. The metaphor refers to the reversal of right and wrong, and the confusion of truth and falsehood.

72. There is no one in the court, so don't be an official.

As the old saying goes, it means that without a backer, you can't get things done.

73. Flowers bloom inside the wall, fragrant outside the wall.

Talent or technological inventions are not valued locally and are known elsewhere. People have made achievements, and they don't know much about it internally, but people on the outside have heard about it and admired it. Figurative achievements are not valued by this department, but appreciated by other departments.

74. It is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs.

It refers to conflicts and disputes within the family that are difficult for others to sentence.

75. People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong.

Being too famous will cause trouble, and it also means that people become conservative in order to keep their position.

76. People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

In a certain department or circle, the corresponding rules of the game must be observed, and you cannot act rashly. Sometimes he expresses his helplessness when he is in a passive situation.

77. Mountains do not turn to water.

The metaphor is always changing, and there is no need to be annoyed and pessimistic if it doesn't go well for a while.

78. I can't bear the child and can't trap the wolf.

A metaphor must pay a price for a certain end.

79. 上台阶.

The metaphor achieves new and greater achievements.

80. 抬轿子.

Metaphorically running for the benefit of others, serving or flattering.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

81. Pedestal column.

A metaphor for the backbone of the collective.

82. Three minutes on stage, ten years off stage.

Originally, it meant that a wonderful stage performance required long-term and arduous rehearsals, and it also generally referred to the fact that all aspects of the results must be achieved through arduous training and preparation.

83. It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married.

There are some things that are not subject to human will.

84. Dead horses are treated as live horse doctors.

The metaphor is trying to save in a desperate situation, hoping for what happens.

85. Listening to the wind is rain.

As soon as I heard a little bit of wind, I believed it.

86. Dig the foot of the wall.

Take talent or steal business from competitors.

87. Nest fighting.

Refers to strife and conflict within a family or group.

88. Nothing to do is not to ascend the Three Treasures Palace.

If there is nothing to do, it will not come to the door.

89. Cover the lid.

The metaphor obscures the truth of the matter.

99 commonly used sayings, with explanations and example sentences, are worth collecting

90. The prime minister has a good boat in his belly.

The metaphor is that people have measures and can tolerate and forgive others.

91. Fragrant gluttony.

A metaphor for a popular person or thing.

92. Raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a while.

Originally, it meant that soldiers were trained by the state in peacetime, and once the country was in urgent need, they had to work hard to serve them. Now it also refers to long-term diligent training, which can play a role at critical times.

93. A key opens a lock.

The metaphor takes different approaches to different situations.

94. One Hammer Deal.

One-time transactions, mostly referring to the behavior of illegal traders, have a derogatory meaning.

95. One side of the water and soil supports one side of the people.

A certain environment creates a certain talent (with many praises).

96. One acre and three points of land.

Describe the territory and sphere of influence.

97. A bowl of water is flat.

The parable treats all parties involved equally and does not take sides.

98. Capsized in the gutter.

The parable went wrong where it was assured.

99. There are eyes that do not know Mount Tai.

The metaphor is shallow and ignorant, and he can't recognize people with status and ability.

Source: Traditional Chinese Culture

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