
10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?

author:Zhenyuan Fusion Media

The ancients said: If you are less than 100 years old, you often have a thousand years of worries.

Life is only a few decades, but it often carries thousands of years of sorrow.

Life is short, from ignorant children to bundled hair to study, from middle-aged standing to twilight enlightenment, every stage has his worries.

If life is divided into ten stages, and each stage is a poem, then which poem are you?

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Born small - ignorant and ignorant

"With the Little Girl"

Don Wezhuang

Seeing that people were dumb at the beginning, they refused to sleep in the car.

A night of coquettishness, for the suspicion of less clothes.

1 year old: As newborns, we came into contact with this world for the first time with novelty and ignorance, it is bright, beautiful, complex, and full of unknowns. Our appearance is like a drop of water falling into the sea, splashing ripples.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Hanging hair - carefree

"Suxin City Xu Gongdian Two Songs, One of Them"

Song Yang Wanli

The hedge is sparse and deep, and the flowers on the trees have not become shaded.

The children hurriedly chased the yellow butterfly and flew into the cauliflower and were nowhere to be found.

5 years old: A carefree childhood is the most valuable asset in our lives. The blue of the sky, the green of the lawn, the world has never been so brilliant as it is now, we were carefree in childhood, and our hearts are like the clearest and brightest droplets.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Bundle your hair – aspire to learn


Don Mengjiao

There is fire when you hit a stone, and there is no smoke if you don't hit the element.

People learn to know, and they don't learn unnatural.

Everything must be lucky, and he has to be not my sage.

Youth must be early, how can it grow into youth.

15 years old: Growing up, we began to walk on the sea of stars of knowledge, this is the best time in our life to learn knowledge, we should cherish the time, and work hard.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Weak crown - high-spirited

Thirteen Songs of the South Garden: Part 5

Don Lee Ho

Why don't the men take Wu Hook and collect Guanshan Fifty Prefectures.

Please go to Lingyan Pavilion temporarily, if you are a scholar and a marquis?

20 years old: This is the most energetic age in a person's life, we have flying youth, infinite vitality, exuberant energy, extraordinary creativity, we may be confused, but the scenery in front of us has never disappeared.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • And stand - stand up for morality and stand for words

"Nanlingbei Children Enter Beijing"

Don Lee Bai

The liquor is newly ripe in the mountains, and the yellow chickens are pecking at the autumn fat.

Call the children to cook chickens and drink liquor, and the children laugh and pull people's clothes.

Singing to get drunk and masturbate, dancing and setting for glory.

It is not too early to lobby for all kinds of hardships, and the whip crosses the horse and wades into the distance.

The foolish woman of the Huiji lightly bought the ministers, and Yu also resigned from his home and went west to Qin.

Look up to the sky and laugh and go out, how can my generation be a Penghao person.

30 years old: Life has come to the age of 30, and we can be regarded as grown up and matured. We are no longer impulsive, but we are still impulsive. The bookish spirit of the body has faded into responsibility and faith. is no longer alone, shouldering heavy burdens, shouldering his own home, his own career.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Don't be confused - discern without doubt

《Bamboo Stone》

Qing Jung-sub

Insist that the green mountains are not relaxed, and the roots are in the broken rocks.

Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind blows from east to west, north and south.

40 years old: Compared with the rush ten years ago, we at the age of 40 can be said to be at ease. In ten years, we have read the social situation, and finally found a balance in life, not in a hurry, and settled down. At this time, what we still need to understand is our own life.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Knowing the destiny of heaven - honor and disgrace are indifferent

"Spring Pan Ruoye Creek"

Don Qi is not diving

The ghost is not broken, and it goes as it goes.

The evening breeze blows the boat, and the flower road enters the mouth of the stream.

Turn to the west gully at night, and look at the Nandou across the mountain.

The smoke of the pond dissolved, and Lin Yue was low and backward.

Life and pervasive, willing to hold the pole.

50 years old: over half a hundred years old, the first half of his life has been written, and the second half of his life is still waiting to be written. When I was 50 years old, I realized that everything has its own certainty in the dark, and the things that were tangled in the past can finally be let go. For the rest of his life, he does not seek to be rich and rich, but only to be plain, happy and healthy.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Sixtieth Birthday - Nothing is hindered by the heart

"Qingpingle Village Residence"

Song Xin gave up the disease

The thatched eaves are low, and the grass is green on the stream.

Wu Yin is good in drunk, who is white-haired?

The eldest child hoes the beans in the east of Xidong, and the middle child is weaving chicken coops.

The favorite child is dead, and the stream head lies on the lotus bed.

60 years old: The older people get, the more they want a good family. At the age of 60, his hands and feet slowed down, and the child was on his knees.

At this time, we are more and more tolerant, and we are no longer attached to many things in life, and it is the best time for a family to be reunited.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Ancient rarity - do what you want, do not exceed the rules

The Fisherman

Don Yanagi Zongyuan

The fisherman stays in the west rock at night, and Xiaoji Qingxiang burns Chu bamboo.

The cigarette is sold at sunrise and no one is seen, and the landscape is green.


70 years old: At the age of 70, it is the most freewheeling time. Like Jia's mother: I was happy and joked with my grandchildren. If you can eat, chew two bites. Sleepy, sleep for a while. It's good to live as you want to live as you want within the limits of what you like and not affect others.

10 poems of the years, 10 stages of life, what stage are you in?
  • Elder - look down on the world

Fifty-five Songs of Ancient Songs: Part 1

Song Shi Shaotan

There are flowers in spring, there are moons in autumn, cool breeze in summer, and snow in winter.

Don't worry about idle things, it is a good time in the world.

80-90 years old: Life is coming to an end, but the mentality is getting better and better. Every day is worth cherishing, and there is a view around every corner. Spring flowers and autumn moon, summer wind and winter snow, as long as there is no heart in the heart, it is a good season to be comfortable.

Source: Poetry World