
Xinhua Daily Cultural Industry Weekly || Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

author:Jiangnan Times

Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

——Wuxi paints a "new picture" of high-quality development of rural industries

Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that eradicating poverty, improving people's livelihood and achieving common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism. Rural revitalization is the only way to achieve common prosperity. Wuxi City regards the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as the general starting point of the "three rural" work in the new era and new journey, adheres to the people-centered development idea, adapts measures to local conditions, implements classified policies, and works step by step and for a long time, so as to fight a beautiful battle for the comprehensive revitalization of the new countryside and draw a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful countryside.

Xinhua Daily Cultural Industry Weekly || Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

The new appearance of Qianyuan Village in Yixing

Based on the new stage of development, implementing the new development concept and integrating into the new development pattern, Wuxi City adheres to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, deeply implements the "five increase actions" for villages with relatively weak collective economy, and takes the vigorous development of industrial projects as the starting point to solidly promote the development and upgrading of villages with relatively weak collective economy and the common prosperity of farmers, with remarkable results. From 2021 to 2023, Wuxi will arrange 120 million yuan of project funds at the municipal level, and about 190 million yuan of assistance funds for cities (counties) and townships to carry out economic development projects in 100 relatively weak villages in the city, and a total of 112 projects have been supported in the past three years, with a total investment of about 590 million yuan and a project coverage rate of 100%, which will directly drive the collective benefit of relatively weak villages and accelerate the rural industry to "new quality".

The rain washes the green mountains, the spring buds sprout, and the tea garden farmland is green and neat. Nowadays, walking in the countryside of Wuxi, a beautiful and vibrant scene spreads out in front of you. Regaining the nostalgia of the countryside, gathering rural products, integrating cultural heritage, promoting rural development with cultural development, and locking in the inclusive Jiangnan culture, Wuxi has written a new era story of rural revitalization.

Rural dwellings have become scenic spots, and high-quality ecology helps the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism

A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only when agriculture is strong can the country be strong. Wuxi has accelerated the construction of a strong agricultural city, and made steady progress on the road of building a livable, workable and beautiful countryside. A few days ago, the reporter visited a number of villages in Wuxi, interviewed the "password" of the popularity of rural agriculture, cultural tourism, and felt the new atmosphere of rural revitalization and the new changes in farmers' lives.

Coming to Qianyuan Village in the drizzle, it is like breathing in the natural oxygen bar, walking freely in the sea of clouds and bamboos, the stream beside the road is murmuring, full of wild fun, and the characteristic homestays and houses are built along the mountains and rivers, which are elegant and chic.

Xinhua Daily Cultural Industry Weekly || Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

In recent years, many Internet celebrity attractions have emerged in Qianyuan, such as the well-known natural landscape "first-line sky" in the hiking circle, which is not only a scenic spot, but also an Internet celebrity check-in place. In the past "May Day" holiday, Qianyuan Village ushered in a lot of tourists, including many parent-child tours, and many tourists from Nanjing and Shanghai came here for a long stay.

The booming rural tourism has benefited from the "advanced" exploration of rural revitalization in Qianyuan Village in recent years. Qianyuan Village is located in the Yinan Mountain District of Wuxi City, due to the transformation and development, the village has closed down coal kilns and village-run enterprises, and its development has gone downhill for a time, becoming a relatively weak economic village.

In 2017, the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection linked up with Qianyuan Village to carry out paired assistance. In order to find out the actual situation of Qianyuan Village, the city's Discipline Inspection Commission organized some discipline inspection and supervision cadres to go into the village and enter the households, visit the people's situation, understand the people's opinions, and spend a day and a half visiting 312 peasant households, convening a forum of village cadres and villager representatives, and collecting dozens of opinions and suggestions, so as to do a good job in the basic work of further implementing the principle of connecting the hearts and enriching the people and speeding up the economic development of Qianyuan Village. Subsequently, Xu Bin, a cadre of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, was selected to serve as the first secretary of Qianyuan Village to carry out resident assistance. As soon as Xu Bin arrived in the village, he asked the old village chief to take him into the mountains and visit him from house to house. He had a full discussion with the members of the village committee, cadres and the masses, and believed that Qianyuan Village was more suitable to follow a path from exchanging growth for environment to optimizing growth for environment.

Rural domestic sewage treatment projects, water conservancy projects for flash flood control and soil erosion protection, reservoir resettlement support projects, and rural human settlements improvement projects...... Qianyuan Village has made every effort to start the battle of environmental remediation. It is worth noting that, considering that the stream through which the mountain spring water flows is one of the most important ecosystems in the mountain village, Qianyuan Village has carried out renovation according to the concept of ecological priority, and on the basis of respecting the original appearance, it has not dug up mountains, cut down trees, or damaged the stream bed.

With the support of the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Water Conservancy Bureau, the Tourism Bureau, etc., Qianyuan Village took the opportunity of creating a provincial-level characteristic pastoral village to vigorously promote greening, beautification, lighting and upgrading projects, and was awarded the provincial ecological livable and beautiful demonstration village.

With beautiful environment, good traffic and large passenger flow, more and more tourists are willing to come to Qianyuan and swim in Qianyuan. At present, the comprehensive tourism income of Qianyuan Village has reached more than 9,500 yuan, and the GDP contribution rate of tourism in the tertiary service industry has increased significantly. Zong Hanping, secretary of the general party branch of Qianyuan Village, said that it is precisely because the cadres of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection stationed in the village have led the villagers to dig deep into the potential ecological resources and constantly improve the supporting facilities that the passenger flow has grown explosively in the past two years. A new large-scale ecological parking lot in the village can accommodate up to 600 vehicles at the same time. "Since last year, more people have come to the village. I didn't expect there to be so many people on my doorstep. Xu Hongfang, a villager, said that not long ago, in front of her house, the village's native bamboo shoots were sold for more than 1,200 yuan in four or five days.

At the end of 2020, Qianyuan Village officially threw off the hat of "economically weak village". From blood transfusion assistance to hematopoietic assistance, Qianyuan Village has further planned the four characteristic industries of "tea, bamboo, medicine and fruit" around "tourism + agriculture", "tourism + health care" and "tourism + culture", adopted protective development of ecological resources, and embarked on a development path of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets".

Barren mountains become tea gardens, and the industry enriches the people to stimulate internal vitality

"The rain is good, and the white tea grows very well!" On this day, Shan Fukang, who inspected the tea buds in the tea garden, was overjoyed. Shan Fukang has been growing tea for nearly 30 years, and the Qiaosan Tea Industry Professional Cooperative he founded has more than 500 acres of tea gardens, which is a well-known tea planter. He told reporters that since the arrival of the first secretary, to help him actively strive for policies and funds, all updated the production equipment that has been used for more than 30 years, the initial plant of more than 400 square meters, but also last year to upgrade to more than 2,000 square meters of standardized workshops.

Xinhua Daily Cultural Industry Weekly || Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

Three temporary cadres inspected the wheat seedlings

After completing the assistance of Qianyuan Village, according to the unified deployment of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has determined a new target of assistance - Qiaoya Village, Taihua Town. Since May 2021, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has included the assistance of Qiaoya Village in the "secretary project" of grassroots party building, and invited experts from the Planning and Design Institute to visit the village for field research many times to help Qiaoya Village scientifically formulate a development blueprint; Young cadres are selected to serve as the first secretary of the village to help, provide counterpart guidance in many aspects such as benefiting the people, information technology, and grassroots party organization construction, and lead the village party members and cadres to work together and take on practical work to achieve rural revitalization.

Qiaoya Village, where Shan Fukang is located, is located at the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, in the eighties and nineties of the last century, it was a gathering area of paint factories, and then due to the influence of policies such as ecological and environmental protection of water sources, it gradually declined backward in the development of the village, and was included in the new round of relatively weak villages of collective economy in Wuxi City.

How to find a new engine for rural development? As a cadre selected by the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to help in the village, Han Jing just arrived in Qiaoya Village, and immediately visited the enterprise with the village secretary to conduct field research, and found out that the existing industrial land in Qiaoya Village is 408 acres, but the economic and social benefits of some of the land are not obvious. After many studies with the village committee, we considered waiting until the time was ripe to vacate the inefficient industrial land in batches and carry out recultivation.

Industrial land without production is an unnoticed ecological resource. Since the launch of the "Five Increases Action" in 2021, the barren mountains and wastelands of Qiaoya Village have been transferred and gradually greened, and now they are patches of green forests and farmland, with green sprouting everywhere on the hills, mountainsides, and valleys. The total annual collective income of the village reached 10.988 million yuan, an increase of 238.70% compared with the beginning of the assistance; The per capita disposable income at the village level was 2,494.32 yuan, an increase of 241.81% compared with the beginning of the assistance.

The immutable truth of "if you want to get rich, build roads first" has also been practiced in Qiaoya Village. There is a lot of land in Qiaoya Mountain, and the forest roads between the natural villages cannot be communicated, so moso bamboo and chestnut are the assets of the villagers in the mountainous areas, but the utilization rate of moso bamboo is low and the cost of manual cutting and transportation is high. Han Jing and a team of people from the village committee conducted many field surveys, and finally selected 6 forest roads that can break through the barriers between villages and benefit the villagers' bamboo forests for hardening. Nowadays, the "rainbow roads" between the mountain villages help the villagers to better recite the "Prosperity Sutra".

"In recent years, barren mountains have become tea gardens, mud roads have become hard roads, and it is fast and convenient to go up the mountain to pick tea. Shan Fukang said that in recent years, the tea garden has updated many varieties such as golden buds and white tea, and the tea output has increased by nearly 30%, and the annual income of Huazhu brand tea has also increased from more than 5,000 yuan to more than 10,000 yuan per mu. The cooperative now has 109 villagers, each of whom received dividends last year. "Everyone trusts this model and is relieved to hand over the land to me to plant. Over the course of the year, everyone was very happy to receive the points. ”

The "enclave" becomes fertile land, and the land circulation butterfly becomes a selenium-rich brand

The soil of Taihua Town is rich in selenium and rich and concentrated. Qianyuan Village creates characteristic selenium-rich products by producing natural selenium-rich and weakly alkaline drinking mountain spring water. Qiaoya Village revitalizes land resources, transforms selenium resources into industries, and paves the way of "selenium".

Xinhua Daily Cultural Industry Weekly || Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

"Eight mountains, one water and one field", the scarcity of cultivated land is the initial problem of Qiaoya Village. There are 377 acres of cultivated land in the village, which is concentrated in Guangde City, Anhui Province, 6 kilometers away from the village committee, and is located at the entrance of Taiji Cave, the first batch of 4A-level scenic spots in the country, which belongs to the "enclave" in Guangde. When Han Jing first arrived in Qiaoya Village, this "enclave" was partly deserted and partly occupied by villagers in Linzhou. After in-depth investigation, it was found that this "enclave" was a natural selenium-rich land that had been certified by the Geological Society of China.

Deepen the primary industry and increase village-level income. In 2021, in the name of the joint-stock economic cooperative, Qiaoya Village clarified the ownership relationship of cultivated land, unified the circulation of this "enclave", and intensively repaired roads, built canals, and dug reservoirs...... After being transformed into fertile land, it will be transferred to the village joint-stock economic cooperative at a fixed price per mu per year. Introduce large planters with national geographical indication certification trademarks, "re-hire" villagers to increase income, and strive to build natural selenium-rich rice and lily brands.

Han Jing recalled that when he and the village secretary announced the resolution at the villagers' congress, all the villagers' representatives at the scene applauded and supported it. An uncle said very excitedly: "I really don't need to farm to get a fixed annual rent for land? "With the joint efforts, the enclave has become fertile land, and the fertile land has been transformed into today's high-standard farmland, which has truly expanded the primary industry of the village. While receiving a fixed land transfer fee, villagers can also be rehired by professional households to assist in planting, tea picking, processing and production and other work to obtain labor remuneration.

A blueprint is drawn to the end, and one term after another is done. In January 2023, after Han Jing left, the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision selected Gu Jiachao, a young cadre, to come to Qiaoya Village to carry out village assistance. As soon as he arrived in Qiaoya Village, Gu Jiachao found that soil selenium enrichment is not the same as crop selenium enrichment, and the agricultural products planted do not meet the national selenium enrichment certification standards. To this end, Gu Jiachao consulted experts again and again, and finally invited experts from the National Selenium-rich Agricultural Products Processing Technology Research and Development Center to "diagnose" and guide planting. Under the guidance of experts, the "cause" was quickly found, and the first "National Selenium Center Taihua Qiaoya Selenium-rich Rice Demonstration Base" in Jiangsu Province was built, which improved the nutritional value and brand competitiveness of rice, lily and other agricultural products. In 2023, Qiaoya Village's selenium-rich rice was awarded the gold medal of "Jiangsu Good Rice". In this way, the collective income of the village will increase by at least 300,000 yuan a year.

Qiaoya Village has set up an agricultural and sideline products Co., Ltd., taking advantage of its location at the junction of three provinces, selecting 34 kinds of characteristic agricultural and sideline products from Qiaoya Village and neighboring provinces for external sales, and embarking on a development road with rich mountain village characteristics of production development, rich life and good ecology. "With the support of the National Selenium Center, we have deeply cultivated the selenium-rich industry, and in November last year, the price of selenium-rich rice has reached 7.5 yuan a catty after it grows, which is double the price of ordinary rice in the market." Gu Jiachao told reporters.

The circulation of natural selenium-rich land to plant local specialties eliminates the geographical barrier, but also eliminates the barrier in the hearts of the villagers, and enhances the happiness and sense of gain of the villagers. Due to its excellent quality, high popularity, diverse packaging, and the blessing of selenium-rich health elements, characteristic agricultural and sideline products have been underwritten and purchased by large enterprises, and the collective economy has quickly generated income; At the same time as the villagers receive the land transfer money, the villagers with the ability to work can also be rehired to assist in the production and packaging of products, and get remuneration for labor services, so as to increase the income of the villagers and continuously improve their ability to get rich.

Burdens become wealth, and asset revitalization paints a new picture of development

In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization, more and more people have flocked to cities, and some of the public facilities and assets in rural areas, such as rural primary schools and offices, have been in a dormant state for a period of time and have not played their due value. How to revitalize and utilize these "sleeping assets" and make them become the "income and living water" of the village collectives and villagers has become a key issue for the cadres of the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the village.

"In the past, it was a dilapidated building in the village, which had been idle for more than 20 years, which not only failed to increase the village's income, but also sometimes had to invest manpower and material resources in inspection and maintenance to prevent safety problems." Not far from the Taiji Cave Scenic Area, a newly built two-story office building attracted the attention of reporters. According to Jiang Zhonglei, secretary of the general party branch of Qiaoya Village, it used to be a hotel covering an area of more than 300 square meters, but due to disrepair, it can no longer be rented out, and it has slowly become a "burden" for the development of the village.

As a limited fixed asset of Qiaoya Village, how to effectively update and revitalize it is of great significance. Under the impetus of Gu Jiachao, Qiaoya Village actively competed for funds and policies, and soon started the in-situ reconstruction of the building, and it took less than half a year for a new multi-functional service center to be officially completed. Recently, Qiaoya Village signed a five-year lease agreement with an environmental protection company, which can bring a stable income of 200,000 yuan per year.

"In recent years, rural environmental governance has been strengthened, but the return is not obvious." "Even if there are tourists, there's no place to keep them." In the discussion and exchange with party members and villager representatives, everyone expounded their views and suggestions on the rural revitalization work of Qiaoya Village, and also gave Gu Jiachao a lot of work inspiration.

Opposite the Qiaoya Village Committee, there is a teaching building of the village's primary school that has been idle for several years, which was once full of debris and wild grass. In order to revitalize this idle asset and truly "attract tourists" and "stay", Gu Jiachao took the village cadres to actively strive for special funds, promote the overall decoration and renovation of the teaching building, and re-green and decorate the playground, and built the "Qiaoya Valley" landscape homestay.

"Qiaoya Village has a beautiful environment and rich surrounding tourism resources, and we will build 'Qiaoya Valley' into an Internet celebrity homestay integrating catering, accommodation, leisure, entertainment and health care." The person in charge of Jiangsu Fugu Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. said with confidence. A few days ago, Qiaoya Village signed a five-year lease agreement with the hotel, which will bring stable passenger flow and increase the village-level stable income by 200,000 yuan per year.

By grasping the characteristics of resources, giving full play to the advantages of endowment, with the strong support of the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and with the joint efforts of the cadres stationed in the village and the cadres of the "two committees" of the village, the "sleeping" assets of Qiaoya Village have been "awakened" one after another.

As long as we insist on doing one thing after another, year after year, the blueprint for common prosperity will eventually become a reality. Although the road of rural common prosperity in Qiaoya Village and Qianyuan Village has been successively in time, it has finally given birth to a new development momentum of agriculture and rural areas. In the next step, Wuxi City plans to carry out the action of "100 villages to improve excellence and 100 villages to help" (referred to as "double hundred actions"), organize "100 units to help 100 villages", "100 first secretaries to lead 100 villages" and "100 professionals to help 100 villages", promote professionals to help improve the quality and upgrade of rural industries, and jointly implement a number of industrial projects to drive development. The reporter learned that the Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will send a new batch of cadres on temporary duty to focus on helping Taiping Village, Taihua Town, both "station" and "heart", and train young cadres to take the pulse of rural development, sink down, grasp implementation, and achieve results.

Wuxi City maintains political determination, strengthens the goal of common prosperity, gathers the strength of common prosperity, further deepens the pairing system, explores the pairing assessment mechanism, encourages the pairing departments to strengthen the connection with the paired villages, concentrates the departmental and industry resource advantages on the development of village-level income increase carriers, and provides assistance to relatively weak villages in a variety of ways within the scope permitted by the policy, so as to promote the transformation of weak villages out of difficulties and continuously promote the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas.

(Xinhua Press all-media reporter Zhang Aiqing, Li Jing, Zhang Ziyang)

Xinhua Daily Cultural Industry Weekly || Seeking "new", "quality", "embroidering" and "beauty", and building a rural "revitalization road"

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