
Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

author:Shijiazhuang popularization of law

High-level dynamics

1. Xi Jinping: On the morning of the 16th, a grand ceremony was held in the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People to welcome Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to the mainland. Accompanying Putin on his visit to China were the foreign minister, the first vice premier, and five vice premiers. (CCTV News)

2. Xi Jinping: On the morning of the 16th, he held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two heads of state first held small-scale talks, then presided over large-scale talks, listened to reports by the chairmen of the cooperation committees of the two governments, on cooperation in the fields of investment, energy, economy and trade, Northeast and Far East, people-to-people and cultural relations, and international cooperation, expressed satisfaction with the progress made, and affirmed the suggestions for future cooperation. After the talks, they jointly signed and issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the two countries, and witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of economy and trade, nature protection, inspection and quarantine, and media. (CCTV News)

3. Xi Jinping: He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin after talks on the 16th. Xi Jinping pointed out that together with President Putin, I have designated this year and next year as the "China-Russia Cultural Year", and proposed that the two sides should hold a series of cultural exchange activities that are down-to-earth, people-to-people and warm, and encourage all sectors of society and localities in the two countries to strengthen exchanges and better promote people-to-people mutual understanding and close proximity. (CCTV News)

Political and legal news

1. Wang Xiaohong: On the 16th, he met with Yoon Hee-geun, director of the South Korean National Police Agency, in Beijing. Wang Xiaohong said that China is willing to work with the ROK to uphold the concept of cooperation, innovation, rule of law and win-win results, strengthen the construction of law enforcement and security cooperation mechanisms, strengthen cooperation in combating and controlling cross-border gambling, work together to crack down on outstanding crimes in the fields of telecommunications and network fraud, drugs and finance, deepen cooperation in law enforcement capacity building, improve the level of law enforcement and security cooperation, and effectively safeguard the security and stability of the two countries. (Ministry of Public Security website)

2. Zhang Jun: On the 16th, he delivered a speech at the Party Group Party Discipline Study and Education Reading Class Exchange and the Party Group Theory Study Center Group (Expanded) Collective Learning Seminar held by the Supreme People's Court, and proposed that the key to further carry out party discipline study and education is to enhance the consciousness of party spirit, the key is to strengthen the dedication to duty, the key is to strictly enforce the discipline of handling cases, and the key is to grasp the requirements of the "four keys" such as "nine-point implementation". (SPC website)

3. Ying Yong: On the 16th, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly held a seminar on procuratorial services to ensure the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, pointing out that procuratorial organs must firmly grasp the key to ecological environmental protection and restoration, handle every case with high quality and efficiency, and use the power of the rule of law to promote high-level protection and high-quality development. (Supreme People's Procuratorate website)

4. He Rong: On the 16th, he presided over the collective study of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group of the Ministry of Justice and the study lecture hall of the organs directly under the Ministry of Justice to study the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China". The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to firmly shoulder the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly managing the party and the police, deeply absorb the lessons of typical cases of serious violations of discipline and law that have occurred in the Ministry of Justice for a long time, continue to fight against corruption with a strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere, and forge a loyal, clean and responsible judicial and administrative team. (Ministry of Justice website)

Hard news

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It was announced on May 16 that Wang Yi will attend the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and pay official visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan from May 18 to 21. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

2. Ministry of Education: According to the Ministry of Education on the 16th, as of 2023, the number of kindergartens in the country will reach 274,000, an increase of 76,000 over 2013, an increase of 38.2%. (CCTV News)

3. Five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: It was recently announced that the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside will be launched, and new energy vehicle models suitable for the rural market, good reputation and reliable quality will be selected to carry out centralized exhibitions and other activities. Since 2020, when Continental launched the campaign to bring new energy vehicles to the countryside, it has released a total of seven batches of rural model catalogs, selling more than 7 million vehicles. (CCTV News)

4. The Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China jointly issued the "Key Points of Digital Rural Development in 2024", which clarified that by the end of 2024, the number of rural broadband access users will exceed 200 million, the online retail sales of agricultural product e-commerce will exceed 630 billion yuan, and the informatization rate of agricultural production will be further improved. (CCTV News)

5. Ministry of Commerce: On the 16th, it said that the popularity of China's new energy products is spelled out by enterprises, not by the government. Since more than 20 years ago, Chinese enterprises have continued to invest in R&D and industrial layout in the field of new energy, and through fierce market competition, they have formed their own unique advantages, including technological innovation advantages, production and supply chain advantages, and market ecological advantages. (CCTV)

6. National Health Commission: Up to now, 87,000 pairs of medical and health institutions and elderly care institutions have signed contracts for cooperation across the country, and there are more than 7,800 medical and elderly care institutions with relevant qualifications, with a total of 2 million beds. The integrated health and medical care services for the elderly have provided health management services for 127 million elderly people aged 65 and above. (CCTV)

Hot news

1. Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes On the afternoon of the 16th, Russian President Putin went to Tiananmen Square to lay a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes. (@央视新闻)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

2. Philippine vessels illegally gathered to pose for photos, and the Chinese coast guard controlled them in accordance with the law On the 16th, a number of Philippine ships illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island to carry out activities unrelated to normal fishery production operations, and the Chinese coast guard strengthened on-site surveillance and evidence collection. Philippine ships posed for photos of each other, displaying "this is ours" flags and concocting so-called "declaration of sovereignty" activities. The Philippine vessel carried a number of media personnel and carried out photo and video activities. The Chinese Coast Guard is conducting on-site control of Philippine vessels illegally intruding into the waters adjacent to China's Scarborough Shoal. (CCTV News)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

3. Lou Wenlong was investigated On the 16th, it was reported that Lou Wenlong, former member of the Party Committee and vice president of the Agricultural Bank of China, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission. (Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

4. On the 15th, the ignition test of the test bench, the largest in Asia and the first in the continent of the engine, was a complete success. The test bench can realize the high-altitude simulation test capability of the engine in a vacuum working environment below the kilopascal level, which fills the gap of the vertical high-altitude simulation test bench of the continental liquid rocket engine, and will provide important support conditions and important technical support for the mainland's major aerospace projects. (People's Daily)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

5. The hospital said that the Slovak Prime Minister was seriously injured but in stable condition According to the Associated Press, the hospital said that on the 16th local time, the condition of Slovak Prime Minister Fizo, who was shot, was stable, but the injuries were still serious. The country's defense minister said Fizo was continuing his treatment at the hospital. On the 15th local time, Fizo was shot and injured, and the Sri Lankan interior minister said that a suspect had been detained, and a preliminary investigation found that there was an "obvious political motive" behind the assassination attempt. (@中国新闻网)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

Embarrassing news

1. The man stole the merit box to play cards and said that the Buddha opened the light bag to win Recently, a man in Yibin, Sichuan Province, because he had no money to play cards, pried open the merit box and took more than 100 yuan in cash when there was no one in the temple. After being arrested by the police, he said: "I originally thought that the money in the merit box was won by the Buddha's open light, and after winning the money, I went to the temple to donate the stolen capital back, but I lost it all." (@中国警方在线)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

2. The man drove without a license and hung an old-age walking license plate Recently, southeast of Guizhou. When the traffic police brigade was on duty, it found a vehicle with a license plate with the words "old scooter", and the traffic police signaled the driver to pull over. Further inspection found that the vehicle belongs to a small passenger car, the driver only holds a D license, can not drive a small car, in order to escape the traffic police inspection, hung up the "old scooter" plate. At present, the driver has been fined 1,770 yuan and 19 points on his driver's license. (@九派新闻)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

Warm news

1. Auxiliary police changed from accounting to criminal investigation experts Shi Qunfeng, the Hong Kong District Bureau of the Jiaxing Public Security Bureau in Zhejiang, became the only auxiliary police officer among the more than 200 members of the ministerial-level expert group in the country. Since the "Cloud Sword 2020" homicide backlog operation, he has compared 80 homicide cases through trace comparison, assisted in the detection of 25 homicide backlogs, and arrested 42 suspects in homicide backlogs. Today, he has been turned into a regular for his excellent work. (@人民日报)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

2. The police guard safety in the knee-high snow in summer Recently, in Diqing, Yunnan, Shangri-La's annual Cordyceps harvesting season kicked off. (@香格里拉警方)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

3. Good luck "Lotus Lotus"! The atmosphere of two-color water lilies is amazing Recently, the photographer photographed the rare two-color water lilies in Xianghu Lake in Hangzhou. Netizen: May good luck accompany you! (@人民日报)

Putin lays a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes [News Fast Food] for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world's affairs

International News

1. A barge hit the bridge in Texas, USA, and the fuel leaked A barge collision accident occurred in Galveston, Texas, USA on the 15th, resulting in the partial collapse of the bridge pillars of the Pelican Island Bridge, an important local transportation hub, and the bridge has been closed. At the same time, there was a leak of fuel on the barge, and the exact extent of the leak is not yet known. According to the local government, the accident barge can carry up to about 114,000 litres of fuel. (CCTV News)

2. The financial situation of American households is continuing to deteriorate On the 14th local time, the latest data released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York showed that in the first quarter of this year, the total household debt of the United States reached 17.69 trillion US dollars (about 128 trillion yuan), a record high. At the same time, credit card arrears and car loans have risen in delinquency rates, meaning that more consumers are not paying their payments on time. Some New York Fed officials said that these data all indicate that the financial situation of more and more American families is deteriorating. (CCTV Finance)

Source: An Jian, head of the Central Political and Legal Commission

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