
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together


From May 15th to May 22nd, Yunnan Province Social Science Popularization and Publicity Week is held

What are the activities of Science Awareness Week?

What content is popular?

What are the ways to popularize it?

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Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together

On May 15, the 2024 Honghe Prefecture Social Science Popularization and Publicity Week Social Science Academic Society Special Session and Mengzi Social Science Popularization and Publicity Week Concentrated Activities were launched in Nanhu Square.

Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together

At the launching ceremony, there were distinctive songs and dance performances. At the same time, it is also interspersed with the interaction of answering questions on the popularization of social science knowledge. Everyone learned social science knowledge and improved their social science literacy in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together

After the launching ceremony, volunteers from all units popularized health and nutrition knowledge, medical security knowledge, and displayed cultural and creative products to the masses through the distribution of popular science brochures and on-site consultation. The Mengzi Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has also developed a background applet for the masses to scan the QR code.

Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together

Jin Yuehong, a citizen, said: "I learned a lot from a walk, and this activity is very meaningful and has helped us a lot." ”

Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together

A total of 23 state and municipal departments participated in the event, distributed more than 6,000 copies of publicity materials, distributed more than 2,000 copies of cloth bags, towels, pumping paper, water cups and other publicity materials, and provided more than 200 consulting services, which effectively promoted the in-depth development of the social science popularization and publicity week activities, promoted the improvement of the scientific literacy and civilization of the masses, and achieved good publicity results.

Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together

It is reported that this year is the fifth social science popularization publicity week after the promulgation and implementation of the "Yunnan Provincial Regulations on the Popularization of Social Sciences", Mengzi City will be linked with the whole province, and the provinces, prefectures, and counties (cities) will be launched simultaneously to bring the masses a "cultural feast" and a "social science feast" with rich content and various forms.

In addition, all localities will also combine regional cultural characteristics and display the charm of China's excellent traditional culture in a way that the masses like to see through cultural exhibitions, literary and artistic performances, etc. The exhibition of popular reading materials for social sciences and the donation of books will also be carried out simultaneously, and social science knowledge will be shared with the public through reading sharing sessions, exchange meetings, author meetings and other forms.

Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together
Initiate! You must not miss this "social science feast" in Mengzi, come and increase your knowledge → together


Mengzi City is strengthening the protection of cultural heritage and

Remarkable results have been achieved in development and utilization

Truly popularize social sciences

Integrate into the lives of the people

Author: Shen Yangyan

Editor: Ma Qiuju