
Popularization of social sciences to protect the happiness of the elderly in their old age

Popularization of social sciences to protect the happiness of the elderly in their old age
Popularization of social sciences to protect the happiness of the elderly in their old age

At the 2024 Honghe Prefecture Social Science Popularization and Publicity Week Social Science Academic Club Special Session and Mengzi Social Science Popularization and Publicity Week, the Mengzi Civil Affairs Bureau organized 4 enterprises to carry out relevant knowledge popularization for the elderly who came to participate in the activities. The staff displayed a variety of pension technology products, elderly products, smart pension platforms, and the results of age-appropriate transformation projects, and explained in detail the use of various scientific and technological products by playing promotional videos, distributing promotional materials, and on-site "small classrooms". At the same time, it also publicized the pension service policy, the aging business policy, the "silver economy" policy and other related content.

Li Lingfen, a citizen, said: "I personally feel the benefits of scientific and technological products for the elderly, this popular science knowledge is very meaningful to us, and I have learned a lot about the knowledge and policies of the elderly." ”

Popularization of social sciences to protect the happiness of the elderly in their old age
Popularization of social sciences to protect the happiness of the elderly in their old age

This activity, with the purpose of continuously meeting the needs of the elderly and effectively promoting the effectiveness of science popularization, allows the elderly to more intuitively realize the convenience brought by scientific and technological products for the elderly, and also creates a good social environment for creating a "quarter of an hour" pension service circle.

Chen Guirong, a citizen, said: "Through today's event, I realized that new technology and new products have brought great convenience to our elderly, and we live a healthier and happier life." ”

Popularization of social sciences to protect the happiness of the elderly in their old age

After the event, the Civil Affairs Bureau organized the elderly who came to participate in the activity to eat in the Happy Canteen for the Elderly and the Love Canteen, so as to effectively implement the care for the elderly.

Reporter: Yang Wenxuan

Review: Wang Liping, Li Qing

Editor: Ma Qiuju