
Suffering from cancer, he jumped to save the woman who fell into the water


"Who can stop him, he doesn't look like a patient at all when he runs a few steps." Speaking of the scene when her husband Li Yajie resolutely dived into the water to save people last year regardless of his own safety, Wang Huixun complained a little, but more of a palpitation: "At that time, he had advanced lung cancer and not long after lobectomy surgery, and his body would be uncomfortable as soon as the cold wind blew, and he would even go into shock when he sneezed, but seeing that he had no hesitation, I could only fully support him." ”

Suffering from cancer, he jumped to save the woman who fell into the water

Li Yajie and Wang Huixun are residents of Nanhu Community, Wenlan Street, Mengzi City. At about 13 o'clock on June 25, 2023, when the couple went for a walk in Nanhu Lake after lunch as usual, they suddenly heard a rush for help. Seeing that the woman was slowly sinking, and the cry for help was getting smaller and smaller, Li Yajie did not hesitate at all, he jumped and swam to the back of the woman who fell into the water.

"Although it was the height of summer, the water in Nanhu was still a little cold, and I didn't care so much at that time, so I just picked her up from behind and swam to the shore." Li Yajie recalled that with all his strength, he dragged the woman out of the water and pulled her to the shore, and worked with his wife to rescue her. Seeing that the rescued woman was fine, but she was depressed and didn't say a word, Li Yajie helped the woman to the sun to warm her body and comforted her softly, "There is only one life, and everything is possible to live." It is precisely because he has experienced life and death, fought against cancer, and knows that his "light of life" is not bright enough, and Li Yajie understands the preciousness of life better. Li Yajie and his wife called the police, and while waiting for the police to come out, he seriously told the woman about his anti-cancer experience, until the police arrived, Li Yajie and his wife handed her over to the police.

Li Yajie took the sick to save people, took care of life with life, and used the "light of life" to illuminate her touching deeds were uploaded to the Internet, winning the unanimous praise of netizens and wide attention from all walks of life, he was also awarded "Mengzi Good Man" and "Red River Good Man", in the face of honor, he said that he just did an ordinary and ordinary little thing, "At that time, we just met, no matter what, there is no reason to stand idly by, if this situation is still encountered, I will still save." Li Yajie said with a smile.

Suffering from cancer, he jumped to save the woman who fell into the water

In fact, Li Yajie is usually a kind and loving person. After being laid off in 2001, he was re-employed at the Tianma Property Company in Mengzi City until he retired from illness, during which he served as four squad leaders in the security team, whether it was the elderly in the neighborhood or the strangers on the street who needed help, he always did not hesitate to lend a hand. In his spare time, he actively participates in community welfare activities, and his spirit of helping others has led more and more residents to participate in volunteer services.

Suffering from cancer, he jumped to save the woman who fell into the water

Today, Li Yajie is still fighting against cancer, and his mentality is as firm and optimistic as ever. "After the illness, I also lost hope for a while, and it was the help of people from all walks of life who helped me tide over the difficulties. Cancer is not so scary, what I am afraid of is that I will give in to the disease first. "There is always a fire burning in his heart, a fire full of love for life and care for others. Li Yajie said that while receiving treatment and exercising well, he will also try his best to repay the society and pass on the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, which is brave and helpful, to more people.

Author: Huang Qiaochu, Miao Cheng

Editor: Ma Qiuju